Chapter 23

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It's now Saturday and it's Sia's father's funeral. We already promised Sandra we'll come and we will.

Kent texted me last night that he'll bring his motorbike and offered me a ride. Who am I to decline? So now, I'm waiting for him to arrive.

I'll admit I may have dressed up way too early and now I'm waiting for him felt like forever. I walked down the building and went outside.

Nada and I were supposed to meet this weekend. I already postponed it last week so it's too much to postpone it for another week. I told her we'll hangout this sunday afternoon and she agreed.

I hear a sound of distinct engine. It was Kent's motorbike. Moments later, I saw him driving to my way.

I rode his motor after greeting each other and drove off. It was around half-hour before we reached the cemetery.

There's a lot of people attending. Clearly, he was loved. We looked for Sia and Sandra.

"Boys!" Sandra shouted as she found us first. We greeted by hugging her. Sia showed up and hugged us both, or our legs. We lowered to hug her back.
"I missed you." I said as we let go of the hug.

Our conversation was cut off when everyone was called to gather.

The funeral started and Sandra was called in front to say something.
Sandra was actually very composed but I know she's just keeping her emotions in. At the end of her speech, I saw a tear flowing down from her eyes. Sia hugged her as soon as she reached her seat even though Sia is crying herself.

There was a part where they let people speak and somehow I ended up on the pod. I didn't really know what to say. I never knew Sia's father personally.

"Uh-mm" I stuttered. "L-losing someone very important is difficult. I know that feeling all too well. It's terrifying that people you're used to spend time with, do simple things yet memorable could be gone without even having the chance to say goodbye. One thing I know of is that they wouldn't want us to be stuck. The past? It would forever be in you but we shouldn't forget to live in the present and for the future. That's probably what they want." I shared.
I saw Sandra and Sia weakly smiled to me. When I sat down, Kent gently tapped my head and then held my hand. I was shocked by the gesture but I wouldn't complain.

After the funeral, we actually had dinner together with Sia and Sandra. It was a nice dinner.

We got home pretty late as we still have to travel. Sandra offered us to stay but I politely declined.

Kent said his goodbye, tapping my head and went on his way. I walked in thinking tapping my head is becoming Kent's habit and I'm not even complaining.


AN: Small gestures can be a habit. 😍🥰😍 Upcoming chaps will be more interesting so I hope you're updated. 😇

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