Chapter 6

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This is a surprising side. For someone who's very quite around his classmates, he really enjoys being surrounded with kids. I was observing them from outside when a kid pulled me inside. The reaction of Kent Suson when he saw me was kinda hilarious but i kept my laugh in.

He probably didn't want someone to know this. I had no choice. A cute kid dragged me in. I can't just shrug her off. I'll stay for a couple minutes only. Enough to keep the kid busy then head back to the arcades.

"Hi Kent." I said calmly.

"Hi" His short response. He put his attention back to the kids.

I assisted the kids as they play balls, slides and seesaws. So as Kent. We actually had small conversations. We laughed when a kid stumbled and both worried when he was about to cry and comforted him.

After a while we were both tired and sat at the side as we watched the kids play. The kids were lively as ever.
"I didn't expect this." I said, still watching the kids.

"Didn't expect what?" Kent asked.
"You. To be so lively with the kids." I answered. He just smiled and look back at the kids.

"Well, I'm mysterious for a reason. Sometimes its better being with kids. They don't judge you. You're just you." He reasoned out.

"That makes sense." I admitted. "Do you always go here?" I asked him.
" A couple of times. I go here usually during Saturdays." He answered.
It was silent for a while when he said something.

"I was supposed to have a baby sister." He suddenly shared "My mother miscarried." He added.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I simply said. He just smiled weakly.

The silence entered again. I didn't notice myself staring at him as he looked at the kids smiling. He can smile too. This is really something.

"That's Sia." Kent said. I looked in front of me and saw the kid who pulled me in here approaching.

"Why are you not happy?" Sia asked with her lips pouting. She looked cute.
We both looked at each other and smile a little.

"We are happy." Kent assured her.

"Yes Sia." I confirmed. She might have seen our faces when we were talking about Kent's unborn sister.

"I don't believe it." Sia said. "You both looked sad." She continued while grabbing each of our hands.

I was so shocked when Sia put my hand and Kent's hand together and interlocked it. His hand is warm. I looked at him and he looked puzzled as well.

"My parents told me that holding hands can make a person feel better." Sia explained.

I think I'm blushing. We couldn't part our hands since Sia kept on looking at it and would smile from time to time. I scanned Kent's face for discomfort. I even tried to remove my hand but Kent grabbed tightly back cos Sia was about to look. Sia smiled looking at us. We smiled back.

It was kept like that for a while.

"Were you here alone?" Kent asked. I quickly stood up and went out of balance. Fortunately, he managed to catch me halfway. I looked right at his eyes and see some kind of worry. It might just be me imagining though.
I quickly stood up and looked at my watch and realized I was here in the nursery for about an hour.

"I have to go. I came with my friends and they are in the arcades." I said while fixing myself.

"Okay. Thank you." He said. "For spending time with these kids." He continued. I should atleast invite him to join, right?

"Thank you too. You're welcome to join us if you want?." I offered. I believe he will be a good player in arcades.

"No thanks." He smiled. "You know me". He continued. I'm not sure about that. Though I wanna know more about him. I'm curious. He's an open book.

I bid farewell to Sia and the other kids before finally going. Sia tried to keep me by acting cute. She is cute and adorable but I really have to go back to the arcades. My friends are probably wondering where I am now.
On my way out, I accidentally bump a person holding a camera. It almost fell to the ground. It looked expensive. I quickly said sorry. She accepted my apology so I then rush my way to the arcades.


AN: Keep your votes and comments coming 🥺😇🙏🥰🥰
It inspires me to continue writing. 😇
Tell me what do you think of the characters. 😅😇😇

My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now