Chapter 18

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It was a quiet ride. He drove slower than usual. I noticed it wasn't the rode we usually take. I didn't say anything.
I looked around when the motorbike stopped. It was a park. It's already night time and the lights covering the park gave some kind of peaceful/romantic feeling. Why did Kent brought me here?

We took off from the bike and put the helmet on top of it.

I followed Kent as he entered the park. There were some few people, mostly couples. I wondered more why Kent brought me here.

"I usually go here when I want to think." He finally said something. Okay.

"But why did you brought me here?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"I want to give you a response before we part ways tonight." He answered. "Do you want some ice cream??" He diverted.

Before I could say anything, he's already in front of the cart. He asked me what flavor I wanted so I said strawberry. It was something I always craved.

He gave me my ice cream. The flavor of his ice cream seems to be dark choco or could be mocha. Something black again. His favorite color.

We walked around the park silently for a while.

"How much thinking do you need?" Me breaking the silence. He looked at me. "Surely, this isn't the first time someone confessed to you?" I had to say something.

"It isn't." He paused as he sat at one of the bench. I sat beside him. "But I would always asked them why. And it would always because 'everyone knows me at school' and I'm 'handsome'. They never really know me. Even a little." He continued.

"I don't know you that much." I tell him honestly.

"But you answered differently." He said looking at me. It was dark but I could still clearly see his face. It was luminating.

Silence entered again. We just kinda observed people doing their own things. There was a couple with their kid in the middle. It was a while before I looked at the time and it was past 8:00pm.

"We should go home." I said as I stood up and walked away.

"Let's give it a shot." He said as he grabbed my hand. I looked at him with puzzled look. "I don't know much about dating but I know I want to try it with you." He continued.

No words came out of my mouth. I'm lost for words. I didn't actually expect he would react this way. I continued being speechless.

"Just like you want to know me more, I want to know you more too." Kent added, filling the silence.

He dragged me to his motorbike and put the helmet on me. I'm still froze. I still can't believe what is happening.

"Then,.. Are we dating?" I finally said something. I need clarifications.

"Yeah,. You could say that." He answered.

He drove me home and I went in without saying anything other than thanking him for the ride.

When I was finally on my bed, I was rolling endlessly.


AN: Waaahhh 🥰🥰 I'm blushing. 🥰😇
Readers, give me your feedback🙏😇😇
Mocha. Anything comes to mind?? Hahaha

Btw, congrats to the boys for having a successful concert in Dubai. There were some technical difficulties but they still pulled it off. 😇🥰😍💯💪

Please don't forget to vote and comment to show your support. 😇😇
As always, thank you for reading my book. 🥰😍
Lovelots 💞💞

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