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Wilbur awoke to screaming. Not terror filled or scared screams, however. Instead, they were exited.

"Wilbur!" Tommy's voice rang out across the entire building. "Wake the fuck up! We gotta go soon!"

Bleary and blurry eyed, Wilbur slowly sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. Quick footsteps led up to his door, and it was soon pushed open.

"Tommy, it is-" Wilbur paused to look at the clock next to his bed. "Six thirty in the fucking morning."

"Well yeah, that's his time works, Will," Tommy said. He was practically vibrating with how much energy he had. Wilbur groaned, tempted to pull the covers over his head and go back to sleep. Fate however, or perhaps just Tommy, wouldn't allow it.

"Wilbur, you better wake up before I get ice water," Tommy said, hovering over his brother. Wilbur groaned again, sitting up this time.


Tommy gave him the middle finger.

Wilbur sighed and shook his head, finally standing up. "Your little adventure thing doesn't even open until, what? Like ten thirty?"

Tommy scoffed. "Well yeah, but the cafe opens much sooner than that. We haven't been there in ages! So go get ready already!"

With that, he practically bounced off the walls as he left Wilbur to his own devises. Tommy was right. They hadn't been to the cafe in a while. Wilbur smiled to himself, remembering. He grabbed his clothes for the day, pulling on his mustard colored turtleneck with a silent thank you to the weather.

"Will!" Tommy call out loudly. "You know I don't care if you do your makeup, but hurry the fuck up!"

Wilbur chuckled. "I'll be out soon."

Wilbur walked into the kitchen to see Tommy smiling brightly and talking quickly to a Techno who was hunched over a cup of coffee, staring into it as if it would tell him the future.

"Wilbur, get the raccoon off of me," Techno said, voice deep from sleep. His hair was tied up in a bun, stay strands falling out everywhere. It looked to be a miracle the bun was holding itself together.

"God, how long have you been awake? You look miserable," Wilbur said.

"Two hours."

"Ah." Wilbur pulled Tommy away, heading toward the door. "Well, I'll text you in a bit. Wake up."

Techno grunted in response, taking a gulp of his coffee.

With that, Tommy pulled Wilbur out the door, who hurriedly grabbed his coat on the way out.

"Finally! Let's go already," Tommy said impatiently. Wilbur scoffed.

"The cafe isn't going anywhere."

"Yeah, but the early morning freshly baked shit is," Tommy said, speeding up.

"Fair," Wilbur said, matching his pace.

Soon they arrived to a quaint little cafe, the smell of freshly baked goods surrounding them as they got closer. The scent only or stinger when they went inside.

"Tommy!" Someone called from across the room. Tommy's eyes lit up as he ran over.

"Tubbo! Hi!" Tommy said, hugging the other. He nodded to Ranboo, who sat opposite to Tubbo.

"Hi Wilbur," Tubbo said, waving to where Wilbur was. Wilbur waved back, walking over when Tubbo beckoned him to do so. "You can sit with us if you'd want to."

Tommy nodded, sitting down next to Tubbo, Wilbur taking the seat next to Ranboo, who nodded towards him.

"Where've you been?" Ranboo asked, looking towards Tommy. "We haven't seen you in a while. A long while."

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