XVI "Funeral"

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Wilbur had always hated funerals.

It just happened to be that he hated this one the most. As everyone spoke kind words to others and praise for the dead, he plastered a fake smile on his face.

"She was a kind soul, dedicated to her work of helping-" bullshit. "-and serving. She was good hearted-" bullshit. "-and shall remain in our hearts for as long as we live-" yeah, like a stab wound. "May she rest peacefully." Wilbur hated this. He'd burn the funeral home to the ground if it mean he could glimpse the hell the chief would be in.

Techno, who had sat beside Wilbur silently since they had arrived, bumped their shoulders together. He nodded towards the person who had been speaking, who was now looking directly at Wilbur.

"Would you like to say a few words, Soot?" she asked. Wilbur felt eyes burn into him. He nodded slowly, standing up. The fabric of his suit pulled at his skin uncomfortably.

"I, uh," Wilbur said, looking out to the crowd of people. "Sarah always told us to call her Chief. Said she earned the title and she was gonna damn well use it. It became her name after a while, so much so that she began to introduce herself as Chief."

Wilbur swallowed dryly, hoping to disguise it as sadness rather than disgust. "She was... hardheaded, to say the least. She always pushed us to do better. An, in her wake, I think the best thing to do is to keep pushing ourselves to be better than she could have ever imagined."

A clattered reaction of weeps, claps, and amens made their way through the crowd. Wilbur bowed his head to hide his distaste. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye, glancing towards it. To his confusion, a Quackity clad in black entered made his way to the back of the room, sitting down in a free chair. He glanced up, meeting Wilbur's gaze for a second. Something in his eyes looked almost broken.

As the people in the room began to stand, Wilbur wandered around towards Quackity. They met in the far corner of the room, exchanging a brief handshake.

"I'm sorry for you loss," Quackity said, though the tone of his hushed voice was robotic. He smirked slightly. "I thought you didn't have a normal suit?"

"I didn't," Wilbur said simply. "Now I do."

Quackity moved to lean on the wall, nodding towards an approaching Techno.

"I didn't expect to see you here," Techno said, sounding a bit too formal.

"I thought it was important," Quackity said simply. He looked over to Wilbur. "You look like shit."

Wilbur laughed dryly, catching Techno's amused glance. "I've had to deal with this all day."

"Yeah, the bitch's cultish worshippers don't seem like a fun group," Quackitysaid quietly. "They fucking interrogated me out front."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow. "Really? Why?"

"Said it was only for cops and their family," Quackity said. "You friend- the guy with the sign language. What was his name? -anyways, he cleared me to come in."

"I'll have to remember to thank him, then," Wilbur said, again a bit too formal.

"Well, you two seem to be having a good conversation," Techno said. "So I'll leave you to it."

As Techno walked away, Quackity visibly relaxed.

"Thank god," he muttered. "We need to talk. I found something."

Wilbur perked up a bit. "Oh? Pray tell, darling."

"Don't call me that," Quackity snapped. Wilbur smirked. "It's about her death."

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