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Tw- panic attack

"What the fuck does that mean?" Wilbur said, his voice shaking with how much he was holding back. Callahan didn't deserve that.

"It means," Callahan said. He signed slowly and deliberately, a calculated look on his face. "That you cannot work on this case anymore. You're too invested, and someone got hurt."

"Of course im fucking invested," Wilbur said, his fingernails digging into his palms. "Its Tommy."

"You put yourself and other people in danger, Wilbur," Callahan said. Wilbur watched him coldly. "You're a liability."

Wilbur clenched his jaw. "The others were invested."

Callahan nodded, pinching the bridge of his nose. He paused for a second before his hands snapped back down. "Which is exactly why im placing all of you on house arrest."

Wilbur gaped. He hesitated for a moment. "I must have misunderstood."

Callahan repeated himself, spelling out the words slowly and clearly. There was no mistaking it. "I know what I mean."

Wilbur threw his hands to his sides, gesturing widely at nothing. Callahan looked at him without emotion. "You can't do that- Callahan, I am the only fucking person who has a chance of solving this. They're after me."


Wilbur shut his mouth. "I can't."

Callahan pursed his lips. "Then you leave me no choice. Go home, or I'll have someone escort you."

Wilbur crossed his arms, the tense air of defeat pressing in on him. He sighed. "Where?"

"I don't care where you stay," Callahan said. "The four of you- thats you, Quackity, Phil, and Techno. I'm not offering loopholes- need to stay in the same place."

"So we're all liabilities?" Wilbur said. He knew the answer, but Callahan needed to say it.

"You said it yourself, you're all invested," Callahan said. He looked directly at Wilbur, signing curtly. "Go home."

Wilbur watched him for a second, almost a challenge. He crossed his arms, walking out dejectedly. There was no changing Callahan's mind, and Wilbur knew that very well. Maybe it was best to walk away with his dignity intact.

And maybe it was better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

"How'd it go?"

Quackity leaned against the wall, clearly favoring one of his legs. Wilbur closed the door behind him, effectively sealing their conversation out of the police station. "Like shit. We're all under house arrest now."

Quackity tilted his head, opening his mouth like he was going to say something before looking above Wilbur's head. "We'd better go, then. Or Callahan will be pissed."

Wilbur watched him try not to limp for a moment before following. He glanced behind them, catching the outline of a camera cut off by the overhand. Something was going on, and he couldn't put his finger on what Quackity was hiding.

He caught up and walked beside where Quackity was, still favoring one leg. He held out an arm wordlessly, but Quackity shooed it away.

"I'm fine," he said, almost as if he was telling himself. "I can walk on my own."

"You shouldn't," Wilbur said. Quackity was walking slowly, and he slowed his own stride to match. "You'll end up hurting it more." Quackity was silent for a moment.

"I'll be fine," he said eventually. Wilbur sighed, looking at him for a moment.

"Fine," he said. "But I'm driving."

In Cold Blood (A Tntduo Fic) Where stories live. Discover now