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Tw: death, panic attacks

"Techno, there is no way in hell I'm wearing this." Wilbur held the garment in front of him, glancing at it and to Techno.

"Well, it's either that or your normal clothes," Techno said, fixing his collar in the mirror.

"Tech," Wilbur said, pleading. "It's a fucking corset. And it'll be way too tight."

"Correction, it's a corset vest. It's supposed to be tight," Techno said. Wilbur mumbled back mockingly. "Take it or leave it."

"Fine," Wilbur grumbled. He slung the vest over his arm, along with the rest of the suit.

"Not my fault you waited until the very last second to get a suit," Techno said as Wilbur walked out of the room. Wilbur decided to ignore him.

Walking to his room, Wilbur shot Tommy a glance. The kid was dressed in the most normal suit out of all of them, just a simple black and white one. Wilbur, on the other hand, was stuck with whatever Techno's closet had to offer him. Considering his brother's style and of what he had seen, Wilbur doubted he would like it.

He soon found himself to be mistaken. The cream colored corset vest fit him well enough considering it wasn't made for him. The boning straightened his posture and pulled his waist in slightly when it was tightened. Floral embroidery climbed up the sides. Paired with the white shirt underneath (with flared bishop sleeves, curtesy of Techno's signature style) and the same color of cream pants. Wilbur found himself actually liking the reflection in the mirror.

He combed his hair in the mirror for a second before stopping and exiting his room. Techno stood next to Tommy, who's normal suit paled in comparison to Techno's. Elaborate embroidery decorated his own corset. His collar was high enough kept his head held up. Chains and jewelry hung from anywhere it could

"You're going to stick out like a sore thumb," Wilbur said. Tommy nodded, shooting a glance at Techno.

"So comes the price of actually having a sense of style," Techno said. "We goin' yet?"

"Yeah, when are we leaving?" Tommy asked. He glanced at his phone. "Doesn't it start in like three hours?"

Wilbur glanced at his phone. "Shit, you're right. We gotta go. Like now."

Ignoring the complaints of Tommy and grabbing his coat, Wilbur led the way out of the door.

"Wilbur, please tell me you're not going to wear that thing," Techno said.

"I'll leave it somewhere," Wilbur said. "I'm sure they've got a coat rack there or something."

Tommy trailed behind them. "If this party shit is in three hours, why are we leaving now?"

"The drive is already an hour and a half," Wilbur said. "Plus the time it take to meet up, and account for traffic."

"Ohh," Tommy said. "So your... work partner is driving?"

Techno smirked. Wilbur glared at him. "Yes, Quackity will be driving."

Techno hummed. "How many people are going?"

"Six total."

"And how many seats does Quackity's car have?"

"... five." Wilbur groaned. "Shit."

"It's fine," Tommy jumped in. "I'm sure everything will work out. We'll just have to see how when we get there."

Tommy, upon seeing another person who looked vaguely his age, began waving like a madman in the back lot of the casino. Wilbur pushed his arms down, sending him a glare.

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