XLVII "Vivisection"

966 46 177

Tw: panic attacks, death, blood, slight gore, death

Wilbur felt himself pulled in every direction. "We have to go. Now."

Tommy was alive. Tommy was alive and he needed help and Wilbur knew where he was and he-

"Wilbur," Quackity's voice said. He sounded distant. "Breathe. We still need a plan, and we need to get out of here first."

"No, no, there's no time. We have to go- Tommy's-"

Wilbur gasped in a painful breath. His lungs convulsed and spat out any air he breathed as if it was poison. He shook and he couldn't force himself to move or breathe or fucking do anything-

Quackity grasped his hands, and Wilbur immediately pressed his thumb to the pulse in Quackity's wrist. He spoke, calm and grounding. "Good. Hey, Wil, we can't go until you can actually breathe, okay?"

Wilbur hummed, closing his eyes and tipping his head slightly back. "Keep talking."

"Okay," Quackity said, breathing clearly. Wilbur tried to match it. "Okay, we need to call Techno and Phil too and let them know what's happening. Once we do that, we can come up with a plan to get Tommy out of there. Sound good?"

Wilbur nodded, still breathing shakily. But it didn't matter because that still meant there was air in his lungs and blood in his heart. "Okay," he said, feeling numb.

The elevator pinged, the sound faint as it echoed out to where Wilbur stood. He craned his neck, though he knew he wouldn't be able to see who came through the doors. He hesitantly walked back inside, sparing a glance at Quackity before he followed. 

He rounded the corner, and Phil and Techno stood there looking confused.

"Wilbur, what-" Phil said quickly, looking around. "Why are there fucking police guards guarding every door of this building. What's happening?"

"There's already guards?" Wilbur asked. "Dammit Callahan. "Fuck, okay. Tommy's in the morgue of that hospital and Callahan has placed us all on house arrest."

"Tommy's is a morgue?" Techno said, seething. Phil looked like he was at a loss for words.

"Yeah," Wilbur said grimly. "We need to distract them so we can get out."

"Wilbur, slow down, what?" Phil said. He gestured to Techno, who crossed his arms with a frown.

Wilbur paused, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck, okay. Tommy's being kept in the morgue of that hospital. Callahan put us all on house arrest because we're liabilities, but Tommy just called and we figured out where he is and we need to go now before-"

Wilbur didn't finish the sentence. He couldn't.

Quackity stepped close enough to run his hand down Wilbur's forearm to his wrist. Techno and Phil looked at him, in shock.

"How do we get out?" Phil asked. It was a reasonable question. Wilbur's hadn't thought of it.

"That's actually why I wanted us all here," Quackity said, walking towards a closet door. "I know the place. There's some back hallways the police don't know about. But someone will need to stay behind to make sure the alarm doesn't sound." He paused for a second. "And someone will need to distract anyone that may see us."

"I'll do it," Techno said. He shrugged when everyone turned to look at him. "What? I've been avoiding the police for years."

Wilbur nodded. Maybe this could happen. Maybe it would work. "Who's staying behind?"

"I'm going," Quackity said. "I'm the only one who knows my way through those fucking hallways."

Wilbur scoffed. "You're ankle's still sprained-"

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