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Tw: lots of knives and other blades, gore, blood/death,
Channeling the inner horror movie for this one >:D

The note was an address, and nobody knew where it lead to. They had all climbed into Quackity's car, Techno mumbling something about never going back to that club.

A tense air hung over all of them. Wilbur felt like he was suffocating.

"Well," Techno said. "I'm never going back there."

Wilbur chuckled dryly. "They won't miss you."

The tense air was back. Wilbur felt it press against his lungs. Where were they being led, to their demise? Was this all a trap?

Probably. Wilbur pursed his lips. "Still no idea where we're going?"

Quackity shook his head, staring out at the dark road. "Its on the outskirts of the city. Like, far out there."

"Don't you literally control the city?" Techno asked, his tone even.

Quackity scoffed. "I run the casinos, man, not the fucking farms and shit at the edge of town."

Wilbur saw Techno put his hands up in mock surrender from the corner of his eye. "So we're going in blind, then."

Quackity hummed. "Pretty much."

The car lurched as it turned onto a bumpier rode that was nestled away from he neon lights. The lights got progressively more and more dim the further they got from the city. Silence followed the darkness, and Wilbur could soon only hear the low hum of the car's engine and wheels against the road.

The car turned onto an even bumpier road, it's headlights the only bright thing in sight. They reflected off of the dirt road as Quackity slowly drove towards a building in the near distance.

The building stood dilapidated. In the darkness, it's shaky outline could barely be scene. Wilbur kept his eyes on it, as if something would emerge.

"The fuck is this place?" Wilbur asked, not making a move to get out of the car. Quackity grabbed his phone from where it sat in the cupholder next to his seat.

"Let's find out," he said. He turned the flashlight on. He got out of the car, Wilbur and Techno quickly following.

He shined the light forward, it catching on an old wooden fence. On the fence was a large wooden rectangle. Quackity shined his light closer.

"Nevadas Farms," Techno read. "A farmhouse? I prefer this place."

"Don't be so quick, Tech," Wilbur said. He pulled his own phone out of his pocket, flipping the flashlight on and shining it towards the metal gate. "Everyone ready?"

Quackity hummed, and that was it. Wilbur stepped forward, pushing the metal gate. It opened with a sickening creak as the rust scraped again this hand. He paused, looking around. So far, every time he had felt watched, he was right.

Now, he didn't think he could see anyone in the darkness even if he tried.

Wilbur stepped forward past the gate, the others following silently behind him. They crept up to the building. It was fairly small, but still much bigger than a shed. It probably had teo, maybe three rooms. The roof looked like it would fly off at the next gust of wind, leaving the walls to topple where they could barely stand on their own.

They stopped a little ways away from the building, just watching it.

"Do we have a plan?" Techno asked. "Please tell me you're not just going in blind."

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