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Tw: death, wounds and blood, slight panic attack,

Dream's empty eyes stared into the ceiling as George pulled off the mask. Wilbur had seen dead people before. Something about that stare burrowed into him mind enough for him to never forget, even when he tried to.

Tommy didn't look. He kept his gaze firmly away from everything. Wilbur didn't blame him, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the pool of blood that had formed under George's knees.

"Just go."

Wilbur looked at George, who ran his blood stained fingers gently down Dream's cheek. He could almost feel bad for him.


He pulled Tommy close to him, shuffling them both out the door. He didn't look behind him, almost scared to. The image of bloody footprints training behind him was chill in his mind.

Tommy was pale and shaky, clinging close to Wilbur's side as they floated through the hospital. Wilbur stared straight ahead, eyes unfocused. Tommy's grip on the side of his shirt kept him tethered as they wordlessly stumbled forward.

The sun was glaring and bright, beating down on Wilbur as he stepped out of the hospital. Police cars surrounded the building, their lights blinking rhythmically. Constant.

There was shouting, and Wilbur turned in time to see Quackity hopping out the open doors of an ambulance he sat on. He rushed over, obviously ignoring the shouting medics calling for him.

"Thank fuck," he said, breathless as he pulled Wilbur and Tommy into a hug. He repeated himself before pulling back. "You're- who's blood is that?"

"Dream." It was Tommy who spoke, shakily and hushed. He backed away, looking horrified. He held his bloody hands in front of him, staring at them. "I- he was gonna- he's-"

"He's dead," Wilbur said. Quackity gaped at him, looking between him and Tommy rapidly. Tommy breathed shakily.

"He's actually-" Quackity cut himself off, glancing to Tommy. "Are you okay?"

Tommy gulped, desperately wiping his hands onto his tattered, already bloodstained clothes. "I- fuck- I think I need to sit down."

Wilbur nodded, pulling Tommy to a nearby ambulance. Quackity glanced at them before pulling the medics to the side, talking quietly as Wilbur sat next to Tommy.

Tommy pulled his knees to his chest, burying his face. Wilbur shifted closer to him, laying a hand on his shoulder.

Tommy flinched, and it broke Wilbur's heart.

"He told me-" Tommy said, gasping for breath between sobs. "He told me I could never kill him. That I wasn't a monster- like him." Tommy breathed quickly, panicking. Wilbur pulled him closer.

They stayed like that for an eternity, and suddenly Wilbur was back to when Tommy was young and scraped his knee. Tommy pulled back, looking at Wilbur with teary eyes.

"Will?" He asked softly, hesitantly, broken. "Am I a monster?"

Wilbur didn't have the words to respond. He just pulled Tommy closer again as he sobbed.

It wasn't fair. How could it be? Tommy was an innocent person caught in the crossfires of something he had never wanted. Dream had lured him into something to serve himself, and Wilbur had foolishly let him tangle everyone he loved into his fucking web.

But Dream was dead now. And none of that mattered anymore.

"Tommy, no-" Wilbur's voice caught in his throat. "He gave you no choice."

In Cold Blood (A Tntduo Fic) Where stories live. Discover now