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"Wilbur. I said no."

Callahan was furious.

"No, wait," Wilbur said. He moved, wincing as he did. "You can't just cut me from the investigation. I've been doing most of the investigating."

Callahan sighed, shaking his head. He signed slowly. "You can barely move right now."

"But I'll heal," Wilbur said. He brushed his hair out of his face, the bright lights of the room catching on stay strands. "I already have healed a lot."

"You haven't healed enough." Callahan said. "You've been in here, what, three months?"

"The doctors said I could probably go home soon," Wilbur said. He ignored the pain in his side. At least there wasn't an open wound on his back anymore, rubbing and shooting pain throughout him every time he moved.

"And still heal," Callahan said. His hands moved sharply. "It's final. You're off the investigation."

Wilbur sat back, resigned. He was on his own now.

Four months. Four months and Wilbur was finally able to change out of the hospital gown. Finally able to leave.

He stood for what felt like the first time in years. Physical therapy had him standing every day, and yet this one was different. This time, he could do it on his own volition. It hurt like hell, of course, but he stood anyway, leaning his weight onto the bed.

Techno and Phil walked into the room, smiling as a nurse wheeled in a wheelchair.

"Alright," Eret said. "Don't overdo it, but stay a bit active. No heavy lifting-"

"No driving, no rough exercise. I know," Wilbur said. Eret huffed.

"Well then," they said. "You're free to go. If you have a cane of a walker, use it."

Wilbur nodded as they moved the wheelchair for him to sit, holding out their arm as support. Wilbur took it, shakily sitting down.

"I'll go get the car," Phil said. "Tech, you good to bring him out?"

"Hey!" Wilbur said a bit too loud. "No, he'll crash on purpose. At least with Tommy it would be an accident."

Techno huffed. "I will not crash you."

"You better not," Wilbur said. "I can call Tubbo and Ranboo and say you want to babysit."

Techno lightly hit the back of Wilbur head, starting to push him out the door. Phil jumped ahead, walking quickly. He disappeared down the hall in moments.

Techno pushed Wilbur through the halls and out the double doors of the entrance of the hospital. Wilbur breathed in fresh air for the first time in four months. He leaned back as far as the wheelchair would allow. "Tech, stop."

Techno slowed to a stop. "What happened?" Worry laced his voice, no matter how hard he was obviously trying to stop it.

"Sorry," Wilbur said. "I want to stand."

Techno nodded, locking the wheels and walking around to offer his arm. Wilbur took it, slowly pulling himself up and out of the chair. He stood, only a bit wobbly for a moment before he leveled out. Techno moved in front of him to help balance him. Without warning, Wilbur pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you," Wilbur said, pulling back. Techno hummed, tilting his head and looking at him, confused.

"What for?" Techno said. Wilbur bit the inside of his cheek.

"I dunno," he said. "Everything? Nothing in particular? I- I don't really know."

Techno huffed, reaching out and ruffling Wilbur's hair. "Getting stabbed changed you. You're too sentimental now."

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