Chapter 2

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Author's POV

Ishaan was continuously making fuss. He wanted to meet his doll. His parents broked their promise and did't took him to meet his doll. He cried and plead. He didn't even eat anything until his father took him to meet Saanvi.

" Sorry dude, he was making a fuss over there and didn't eat anything from the evening that I have to take him here." Mr Malhotra said apologizing.

"Stop making us feel like strangers... We are best friends man. And Ishaan is like our son. Understood" Mr Khurana said.

"Yeah, And like you two our children will be best friends." Mrs Khurana said smilingly and looked at Saanvi and Ishaan.

"I am amazed dude... Look at Ishaan. Some minutes ago he was crying like he lost his favourite toy and now smiling like an idiot who got a message from his crush" Mr Malhotra said amazed at his son's behaviour. Little Ishaan was making faces infront of his doll and was giggling. Mr and Mrs Khurana laughed at Mr Malhotra's comment.

" Doll, you should have Complan so that you can grow up fast. Then we can go to school together. I will ask aunty to give you Complan. Okay " Ishaan said innocently making Saanvi giggle.

Saanvi held her hands up asking him to pick her up. Ishaan's eyes lit up with happiness as he understand that his doll asked him to hold her. But he was afraid. She is so small and soft. Would it hurt if he hold her.?

Ishaan was confused. So he asked Mrs Khurana. " Can I pick her" Mrs Khurana looked at Ishaan and said sweetly with an apologizing smile . "No baby. You are a kid. You can pick her up when you grow.".

Ishaan was hurt. He couldn't oblige his doll's wish. Seeing Ishaan's sad face, Mrs Khurana picked Saanvi from the crib and made Ishaan sit on the sofa. Then she carefully placed Saanvi on his lap. Ishaan's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he grinned like a cherished cat. Seeing him smile Mrs Khurana felt contented. She didn't liked to make anyone unhappy.

"My doll... Don't worry. From today I will drink milk and I will grow up fast like mummy says. Then I will be able to pick you. " Ishaan said to Saanvi. He spent most of the hour with Saanvi and made her sleep after having his dinner

"Its late... Ishaan lets go. We will come tomorrow." Mr Malhotra said to Ishaan.

"No... You will not take me to my doll. Yesterday you promised and today you denied. I won't believe you" Ishaan said innocently making Mr Malhotra sigh. Mr Malhotra looked at his friend who was smiling at Ishaan. Mr Khurrana looked towards Mr Malhotra and smirked. Mr Malhotra raised his brows when he understood the meaning of his best friend's smirk.

"Dude... I can handle him. If you want I can give you some ideas on how to handle kids. Watch me" Mr Malhotra said to his smirking friend

"Ishaan... Won't you come home with papa. Don't you want to see mumma and Rayaan. " Mr Malhotra asked Ishaan emotionally. Mr Khurana looked at his friend and mocked "best idea". 

"I know....after all I am the best." Mr Malhotra said with a proud smile earning a scowl from his friend who said " Self obsessed man"

Ishaan thought for a second and said "no... I will meet them tomorrow". Mr Khurana laughed and Mr Malhotra looked like he lost a world war. 

"What happened to the best man? Did his idea just got failed." Mr Khurana asked laughingly. 

" Let him stay here bhai (brother)" Mrs Khurana said to Mr Malhotra.

"Some other time. " Mr Malhotra said and looked at Ishaan. " Best your best friend" Mr Khurana said and moved towards Ishaan.

"Ishaan... You mum will be sad if you don't go back. Do you want that" Mr Khurrana asked Ishaan calmly. Ishaan shook his head and said "No, but I will miss My doll. I won't leave her. "

"Ishaan you are not leaving her forever. I promise you that I will take Saanvi to your house tomorrow.Don't you trust your uncle" Mr Khurana asked Ishaan.

"I trust you, that's why I left my doll yesterday" Ishaan said like he has known Saanvi for years.

Hearing his reply Mr Khurana was surprised. He thought 'how fast this boy got attached to my  princess'. Mr Malhotra shook his head and Mrs Khurana smiled.

"I promise you Ishaan. You will spend your evening with Saanvi tomorrow. " Mr Khurana assured Ishaan. Ishaan thought for a second and agreed to go back reluctantly. 

"Doll... We will play a lot tomorrow. I will introduce you to my best friend's. Till then take care. Ishaan loves you doll" Ishaan said to A sleeping Saanvi. He kissed her hands and left to his home

Next evening, Ishaan was pacing here and there. He wanted to see his doll. He was concerned 'did she cry after i left'. 'did she ate anything' 'is she fine' numerous questions arised in his innocent mind making his innocent heart restless.

"Why didn't uncle come"? He asked to himself. A thought arised in his mind 'was uncle lying' He began to doubt. He felt sad. His uncle cheated him. His eyes welled up with tears. He ran towards his room and thrown away his toys, books and bag. He began to weep  

"Why did you lie, uncle? I want to meet my doll " His innocent heart cried for the baby girl whom he met 2 days ago. He stopped crying when he heard a giggle. It sounded like his doll. Saanvi?

He ran towards the source of giggle. His lips automatically curled up seeing his doll. But it disappeared the next second he saw Rayaan telling something to his doll

He was angry. Ishaan had previously said Rayaan not to play with his doll. He ran towards his brother and pushed him lightly making Rayaan stumble. Ishaan then said with his puffed cheeks "Don't play with my doll" He said possessively. His possessiveness was surprising Mrs Malhotra. Ishaan always liked to share things with Rayaan. But he changed for Saanvi. 

He then looked at Saanvi who was clinging onto his mother. On seeing Ishaan Saanvi grinned making Ishaan happy.  Mrs Malhotra and Mr & Mrs Khurana frowned seeing Ishaan's red eyes. "Ishaan what happened?"Mrs Khurana asked concerned 

"Did you cried Ishaan" Mr Khurana asked. Ishaan nodded his head and said "I thought you lied" 

"I am sorry baby. We got late." Mrs Khurana apologized. Ishaan nodded his head looked towards Saanvi.

"Ohk so bhabhi (sister in law) we are leaving. Take care of Saanvi and you guys too. If she cries give her the milk, i had packed it. Its in the bag, and some dresses too" Mrs Khurana said to Mrs Malhotra.

"Don't worry. I will take care of our princess. And enjoy your date"Mrs Malhotra said with a wink making Mr and Mrs Khurana chuckle. Mr and Mrs Khurana were going on a date. So they decided to leave Saanvi at Malhotra Mansion.

"Ishaan. I know I don't have to say this but, still Take care of my Saanvi. "Saying this he kissed Ishaan's forehead and took Saanvi in his arms. "Papa loves you princess. I will miss youuuuu. " Mrs Khurana kissed her cheeks followed by Mr Khurrana.

"Mumma loves you a lot.... Mumma ki jaan (mumma's life". Mrs Khurana said and bided bye 

Ishaan asked his mother to take Saanvi to his room. His mother obliged his innocent request but only after asking him to say sorry to Rayaan. 

Hope you liked this chapter. Hope you are loving this story. I hope I didn't bored you with this chapter.

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