Chapter 4

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It's been 6 months since Vihaan and Saarya's demise. Malhotra's adopted Saanvi. Ishita and Raghubir loved her like their own daughter. Rayaan accepted Saanvi as his little sister. As for Ishaan, he became more protective over the time. Rayaan have to take the permission if he wants to play with Saanvi.

Today is Ishaan's 6th birthday. A big day for Malhotra's. They were excited about his birthday, except for Ishaan. Ishaan was least interested in parties, so he told his father. “Dad, I don't want any parties. I am not interested in it. It would be great if we all spend time together instead of partying” His parents agreed to his wish and also decided to have a small function at their home.

Saanvi was sitting in Ishaan's lap and Ishaan was feeding her. Ishita and Raghubir were discussing the evening party. Ishaan was least interested in it. His full attention was towards Saanvi who was munching slowly and was holding Ishaan's left hand.

"So Ishaan. Are you okay with it"Ishita asked her son. Ishaan was clueless. He didn't pay attention to a single word they discussed. At that Ishaan could only do one thing that is nodded his head.

Ishaan parents smiled at him. After breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra with Ishaan and Saanvi sat in the hall while Rayaan went out to play. They decided that Mr. Malhotra and children will take care of decoration, while Mrs. Malhotra will make Ishaan's favorite cake.

“Doll don't you want to wish your Ishaan. ?" Ishaan asked Saanvi. Saanvi looked at him.

"Ishaan she is a kid Na. How will she wish you beta (son)” Mrs. Malhotra said and chuckled at her son.

"Ohio" Ishaan said and slapped his left hand on his forehead.

"Ohooo" Saanvi made noise surprising them all put her hand on forehead like Ishaan. Mr and Mrs Malhotra laughed and Ishaan smiled at his doll, who hid her face on Ishaan's chest.

"Aww... My princess/My baby" Mr and Mrs Malhotra cooed at her.

"My copy cat. Why are you choo (so) cute? " Ishaan asked Saanvi who giggled.

"Indeed a copycat of Ishaan" Ishita said and tried to pick her up from Ishaan's lap. But Ishaan stopped her and said" mom you can pick her up when I will be in school. Also, Saanvi wants to spend time with me" He said the last line looking at Saanvi who was clinging to him.

Ishita sighed at her son. Ishita can only take care of Saanvi when Ishaan is not around. Otherwise Ishaan won't allow her or his dad to play or hold Saanvi. They tried a lot to make him understand that Saanvi is a kid and need adult supervision, and Ishaan allowed them to take care of her in the initial days. When Mrs Malhotra took care of Saanvi, Ishaan used to observe how to feed Saanvi, how to pick her up carefully, what can she eat and what cannot. Mrs Malhotra can only give her a bath and change her diapers.

According to Mr Malhotra Ishaan became a mother for Saanvi. They used to tease him, calling him as Saanvi's mother. But Ishaan didn't mind it at all.

"My doll. Ishaan loves you. Ishaan is so happy to celebrate his birthday with you " Ishaan said to Saanvi and kissed her soft hands and asked "mom when will she speak "

"It will take some time, Ishaan. Our Saanvi makes noises now. And soon she will call me mom" Ishita said getting excited like a kid for Christmas.

"She will call me dad" Raghubir said with a smile, imagining a little Saanvi calling him dad.

"She will... But she will learn my name first, isn't Saanvi?" Mrs Malhotra cooed at her.

"Oh hello... She will learn my name first" Mr Malhotra said

"Stop dreaming Mr Malhotra. She is just 10 months. And dad is a big word for her. Its easy to call maa (mom)" Mrs Malhotra argued back.

"Shut up. It's not that difficult. She can call me da" Mr Malhotra said

"Don't you remember Ishaan and Rayaan's first word was ma (mom) not da (dad)"Mrs Malhotra said with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah whatever. These two are typical momma's boys, but she is daddy's princess. "Mr Malhotra said and rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean by typical. For your kind information you were also mumma's boy" Mrs Malhotra argued back.

"Stop fighting. Saanvi is here "Ishaan said getting frustrated of their silly fights.

"Ishaan stop ordering us" Mrs Malhotra said in a strict tone making Ishaan Roll his eyes.

"Did you just rolled your eyes at us. Ishita you are spoiling this boy" Mr Malhotra said.

"God... Just stop it. I wasn't ordering you. I was just remembering you that we have a kid over here. And yeah, my doll will learn my name first." Saying this, he picked up Saanvi and left to his room.

Ishaan entered the room and placed Saanvi carefully on his bed. "Doll you will learn my name first. Okay." Ishaan was about to sit with her, but his mother called him.

"Doll mom is calling, you play with these. I will be back soon ok" Saying this he put pillows and her soft toys around her.

"Aaaannnn" He froze on his spot when he heard Saanvi telling something.

"What? Doll what are you saying? You want another toy or want to come with me. " Ishaan asked, getting confused.

Saanvi looked at him and smiled. "Doll, your Ishaan is an idiot. He can't even understand what you were saying." He said to her with a frown.

"Aaannn" Saanvi again said. Ishaan sat there and think what she was trying to say. He was thinking when his mom called him in a loud voice. "Ishaan come here. Otherwise, I will come there and twist your ear. Ishaan” She scolded him in a loud voice.

He looked towards the door and then Saanvi. "Ishaan". He whispered to himself. "Ish Aan" Suddenly he smiled, and his eyes shone brightly with happiness.

"Did you just call me doll"He asked Saanvi.

"Aaann" she again said making him dance in his mind.

"You called me doll. You called me Aan. I am so happy, doll. Is it my birthday day gift from you? This is the best gift doll. I loved it a lot. Thank you, my doll. Thank you, " he said and kissed her cheeks and ran away to hall.

"Mom, dad, Rayaan. " He called them loudly. They came towards him and looked at each other. Why was he so happy and dancing like a monkey?

"Mom... Doll called me. " Saying this, he hugged Raghubir.

"What"Ishita asked.

"Yeah. She said my name" Ishaan said and hugged his mother. He was so happy.

"Ishaan stop joking. She is a kid. She can't even pronounce your name now" Mr Malhotra said and shook his head.

"Dad I am not joking. She called me Aan. " Ishaan said to his dad, still dancing and running around happily.

"What Aan" Mrs Malhotra asked confused.

"Yeah Aan. My name is so big. How can she say it now. So, she called me Aaan " Ishaan said and jumped. Mr and Mrs Malhotra smiled at their son. He was behaving as if he achieved something big.

"What… it's not fair” Mr. Malhotra said and Ishaan laughed at his dad and said “it's fair dad. I had said na my doll will learn my name first ," saying this he again ran to his room.

In Evening The hall was decorated with balloons and flowers. Saanvi was ready in her baby pink frock and looked like a princess. All wished Ishaan and gave him gifts. He was happy. He cut the cake and gave a small part of it to Saanvi who was in his Father's arms.

“Thank you doll for making this day special” He said and kissed her chubby cheeks.

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