Chapter 9

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Ishaan peeked in Saanvi's room. She was lying in the bed and her face was buried under a pillow. Ishaan could hear her soft hiccups. He cursed himself for raising his voice. Such an idiot he was, how could he raise his voice. How could he be so insensitive, knowing that his behavior affect Saanvi a lot.

Saanvi raised her head a little when she felt a presence in her room. She knew who it was. Saanvi was hurt deeply by his behavior. He was hurt, and that fool refused to do his first aid.  He never raised his voice against her until today. He was a big softie when it comes to her.  For her, Ishaan means the world. Her savior, Her Partner, Her Secret Keeper, Her Best Friend. Over the time, her trust in him had intensified.

"Doll... I am.." Ishaan said in a soft voice only to be interrupted by a pillow which came flying to his face. He sighed, it was expected. Soon he faced another pillow . "Doll, please listen to me naa" Ishaan again tried to say dodging the pillows which were coming in his direction..

"I don't want to listen to anything. You are bad, so bad" She sounded angry and hurt. She kept throwing pillows in his direction. Saanvi calmed after throwing every pillows on the poor Ishaan. Ishaan sighed in relief. Saanvi sat there with her eyes filled with tears and red nose. Although she looked cute with her red nose, but the tears in her beautiful eyes made his heart churn in distress.

"Doll... Please na just listen to me for once. Please I am sorry. I know I shouldn't have raised my voice on you... " He was trying to justify the situation, but Saanvi got more angry and shouted at him.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have raised your voice on me. Idiot Aan. You got hurt, and you wanted to warn that dean instead of coming with me to the hospital. Why would you even listen to me Aan? Of course why would the Mighty Ishaan Malhotra will listen to me. You know what!! Go and fight with everyone. Get hurt and then go to threat someone. " Saanvi was beyond angry. How can this man be so irresponsible of him.

Ishaan's was looking at her angry form. Even in her anger, she was concerned for Ishaan. He felt guilt rushing through his veins. She was just concerned about him and what did he do. Being a jerk, shouted at her.

" I am sorry." Ishaan whispered, showing her a puppy face . Saanvi's anger rushed out of the window, seeing his puppy face.

“Its not fair. You always do like this. " Saanvi whined, She turned her face and said" no you can't do this... Noo... Noo I don't want to see your puppy face. It makes me forget my anger. "

"Pleeeechhh"  How can Saanvi be angry with him when he was being all cute. "Aaaggghh" She groaned.

" Stop being so cute... Otherwise, I will eat you raw” She said and pinched his cheeks which made him smile.

She suddenly pulled her hands back and frowned. “This is injustice. You can't do this. Ugh how can I forget what you did."?  She groaned and looked away.

Ishaan chuckled and said, “sorry doll. You know right, I can't withstand with anything that hurts you. That jerk was about to hit you, tell me how could I control my anger then? I had already warned that dean, but that man didn't take it seriously. I would have ripped those boy's head. How dare them to hit you" Ishaan was feeling so angry. He clenched his jaws and gritted his teeth.

Saanvi sighed. She knew he was protective of her. Did she overreact? She doubted.

"Sorry... Pleeeechhh forgive your Aan this time... Pleeeechhh."  He said cupping her face and again made a puppy face. He was looking so cute enough to distract someone. Saanvi for a minute stared at him and smiled softly, making Ishaan's heart beat's fast.

“Fine..." She said and checked his elbow and saw his had swelling. She glared him hard and took a first aid box and applied an ointment on his elbow.

“Sorry” he said in between noticing her tears. She looked at him and ordered him, “Mr. Ishaan Malhotra stay here. “ Ishaan nodded like an obedient boy.

Saanvi went downstairs and yelled "mummaa... Mummaaa" Hearing her yelling Ishita came from kitchen and asked her "what happened princess why are you yelling? Are you okay?" She asked in a concerned voice seeing her tear stricken face

"Mummaa Aan is not fine... He got hurt and that fool doesn't care about it Mumma please call doctor uncle. Aan must be in pain" She said and a drop of tear fell from her eyes. Mrs Malhotra ran towards her room and saw Ishaan sitting there silently.

"Ishaan what happened son" Ishita asked her son.

Ishaan sighed and said "mom don't worry its just a little swelling " Mrs Malhotra scolded him and called a doctor.

"Don't worry . Its just swelling. I had prescribed painkillers and an ointment. " Doctor informed Ishita and Saanvi. They took a breath of relief.

"Happy now. I had told you already I was fine but no you guys didn't believe me" Ishaan said and rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes, young man" Saanvi said sternly.

“Fine woman” ishaan controlled his urge to roll his eyes.

"Stay here, I will bring soup for you... " saying this Ishita went out without hearing Ishaan.

"Moomm...noo" Ishaan wanted to yell but stopped himself seeing Saanvi's face which was like ' dare you deny'. He sighed and mumbled fine.

After feeding Ishaan soup and giving him painkillers, Saanvi hugged his hand and said. "I was scared. I am afraid Aan. I didn't want to lose you ever. "

Ishaan's heart jumped in excitement hearing her. He was happy to know that she also didn't want to lose him. May be just maybe she had also started falling for him.

“You won't lose me. I will be yours forever” He assured her and said the last line in his mind. He looked her, who was looking at him with her eyes filled with tears.

Over years, she had become more beautiful with her beautiful blue eyes which reflected her innocence with her small bulbous nose and pink pouty lips. Her one smile can make Ishaan's day the best. A drop of tear from her eyes makes his heart bleed. Her voice is like his heartbeat. She was the only thing which made Ishaan Malhotra vulnerable and strong.

When he realized his feelings for her, he wanted to confess that he love her. But she was too young to understand all these. So he waited. Over time, he became more possessive for her. He used to threaten the boys who dared to propose her. He became rude so that no one can mess with her. She was his sanity. Her smile was his medicine. She was his… Only his. No one can snatch her away from him. He will fight with the whole world for her. His love was limitless.

Call it possessiveness or obsession. He don't care. The only thing that matters is Saanvi. She was, is, and will be his forever. No one can separate them, even death. If there is no Saanvi, there is no Ishaan. Because a person can't live without heart, and Saanvi Was Ishaan's Heart.

Sorry for late update. Hope you liked this chapter. Follow me on instagram @crazydreamer45. And wattapad @silent_eyes45 . I will upload the characters pictures in instagram

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