Chapter 17

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                    You Can't Follow Your Heart.                                          When It Is More Confused Than Your Head

Author's POV

"How was the meet?” She asked hesitantly. She wasn't excited, but was curious to know how the meeting went. Her hesitant voice was a surprise for Ishaan.

Does that mean she isn't happy with the meet? Is she jealous? A through crossed his mind. What should he tell. Should he tell how rude was he, or should he praise her? He smirked in his mind.

She pulled away from the hug and looked at him, who had a smile on his face. Saanvi frowned. He is smiling and that only means one thing, he liked the girl. The girl must be gorgeous and special, that even her thought made him smile. For the first time, Saanvi felt envy of an unknown girl. Envy of a Nobody.

Ishaan was dancing in his mind. But he wanted to conform it. So, he said, " Yeah, she is really stunning. An interesting character" He said, only to see her reaction. Her reaction was what he awaited for. She adorably scrunched her nose and she was jealous.

“More than me? “ She asked childishly. Ishaan wanted to hug her and say ' No she is nothing in front of you. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. '

But he said wickedly" ummm... Maybe a little" And Saanvi was all sad now. She didn't understand why she is sad and hurt. She should be happy, right. She should be happy for her Aan. Her Aan deserves the best and most beautiful girl, right? But why is she feeling a pang of hurt. Moreover, why is she angry with a girl whom she hadn't met yet.

Ishaan noticed his doll and her silence. He was confirmed she is jealous. A wicked plan crossed through his mind.

' Should I make her feel more jealous of this Mishh... Umm Mishka. Whatever her name is I don't care. But I would like to play a little and if my plan succeeds then Saanvi will be mine. I have to make her realize her feelings for me ( if she has any). Otherwise I will sow the feeling of love in her heart for me. I will make you mine, Saanvi, by hook or crook. I don't care about my ways unless it leads me to you. My home. My peace. My Heart. You are mine Doll.... Scratch that, You are born for me, and I am for you. ' He decided to go with the plan of making her jealous. As Jealousy is the 1st sign of Love.

"Oh... My.. God. Am I hearing right. My son liked a girl. I can happily die now" Ishita said while wiping her fake tears while Raghubir smile at his wife's drama. Ishaan and Saanvi looked at them confused.

"I am so happy. Finally. Brother, you finally found a girl. I will get a sister-in-law now. You know how happy I am, I actually thought you aren't interested in girls” Rayaan said in his overexcited voice.

" I never thought you as a person who will propose a girl on the first meeting." Raghubir said with a teasing smile.

Saanvi's eyes widened. What. Did... Did he really propose that girl. Did he really liked that girl so much that he proposed her without even informing his doll. She was hurt, restless and confused. She didn't have any idea what she is feeling.

“What” Ishaan asked bewildered. When did he propose Mishka. Did they saw any nightmare. Yeah nightmare. Because proposing Saanvi uniquely is his dream, and Mishka? Proposing her will be like living a nightmare .

"Can you guys tell me what exactly you wanted to say. And who told you that I proposed Mishka?" Ishaan asked calmly.

" Ohiooo... So proposed" Rayaan teased but was shut of by Ishaan's death glare. Rayaan gulped hard.

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