Chapter 24

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Author's POV

“ I should inform Aan that I am visiting my classmate." She took her phone and was about to dial him, but she remembered his important meeting," he must be in the meeting. I will just message him” She sent a message and booked a taxi.

Saanvi reached the hospital and asked the receptionist" Excuse me, patient named Aarav, in which floor is he? “ Saanvi asked politely.

" You mean, Aarav Goenka, he is in 3rd floor. Room number 301 " The receptionist replied with a polite smile.

Saanvi stood in front of the ward number 301 and knocked it. A middle-aged woman opened the door and smiled politely.

Saanvi greeted the woman and asked," Aarav? “

Oh, you are his friend. Come inside dear. What's your name?” The woman asked enthusiastically.

“ Saanvi. " She replied with a smile.

" Aarav, your friend is here to meet you. You guys talk. I will get something from canteen" The lady said before leaving the room.

"Oh my… Am I dreaming? You are really here” Aarav asked dramatically with a gasp. He hasn't expected to see Saanvi here.

Aarav had several marks on his faces and his right hand was bandaged and had several injures with a broken hand. " How are you?" Saanvi asked, ignoring his drama.

“ Well, you can see that how fine I am. “ He said, rolling his eyes. “ That's was the dumbest question to ask someone who is hospitalized. “

“ I am not dumb. You are” Saanvi argued.

"When did I call you dumb” Aarav asked amused.

“Oh please… You are the one who said that I asked the dumbest question and by the way asking someone whether he is fine or not is not dumb, it's called manners which you lack. " Saanvi rolled her eyes.

“What did I do?” He asked, genuinely confused.

“ I came here to visit you, and you didn't even offer me a seat. That's mannerless, you should ask your guest to take a seat” Saanvi said scowling.

" Are you serious? I mean, if you want to sit, you can sit and is hospital a place for guests?” He snickered.

“ By the way you can sit” Aarav said

“ I don't want your permission" Saanvi said taking a seat beside his bed while Aarav looked her in amusement. She is something else.

He noticed her gloomy eyes, and she looked different from yesterday. “ What happened?” Aarav asked.

"I should be the one asking you that. How did you get into an accident or did someone beat you” Saanvi asked.

" That's not the answer to my question " Aarav said looking away.

" Are you my professor" Saanvi asked to which Aarav nodded in no " then how can you except me to answer" she shrugged making him sigh.

" You didn't answer" She said to which Aarav smiled cheekily.

" Are you my professor. " He asked with a smirk.

“ I am. Now tell me what happened" Saanvi raised her brow and glared him.

" Stop killing me with your glare woman" Aarav whined

" I got into an accident in the morning..." Aarav was interrupted by Saanvi.

" Truth. I want to hear truth. " She said, making him sigh. " Now, don't tell that you aren't lying"

" I was going to gym, somebody blocked my path and beat me. I tried to defend myself, but I think that man was a hulk. “ He said the last part with a huff.

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