Chapter 27

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" Don't” Ishaan's voice boomed in the conference hall, making the people look at him weirdly. Some were afraid, thinking that Ishaan had rejected their project.

“ What happened, Mr. Malhotra?” Mr. Ahuja asked Ishaan who was looking concerned.

" Nothing…. Continue” Ishaan commented maintaining his expressionless face. He doesn't understand why he screamed suddenly, but he is restless. He feels like something bad is going to happen or is happening. But he ignored his gut feeling.

“ Is it okay, Mr. Malhotra?” Mr. Ahuja asked politely, making Ishaan snap from his thoughts.

Ishaan didn't even listen to the half as he was lost in his thoughts. Maintaining a neutral face, Ishaan said, " I will let you know my decision" Mr. Ahuja sighed.

"Ok. It was a pleasure meeting you gentlemen” Mr. Ahuja said to which Ishaan nodded mindlessly.

' Why am I feeling like this? Is something bad going to happen or is it just my… Never mind' Ishaan muttered trying to concentrate on the file.

It was evening and Ishaan was attending a video conference with some foreign clients. His cell was continuously buzzing, so he switched off it and concentrated on the meeting.

But Saanvi hadn't left his mind. He wondered, 'did she reached home? Did she eat anything?' . He wanted to pick her up from the college, but his anger towards Aarav opposed the thought.

Suddenly, His PA came inside the cabin and Ishaan glared at him," What The Heck Are You Doing Here? Don't You…” Ishaan was interrupted by his PA, in a trembling voice.

“Sir… Emergency”Ishaan became alerted. He informed the clients that he have some emergency and turned to see his PA wiping his sweat off from his forehead.

“ It better be important. Otherwise, you know me” Ishaan's voice was cold and had a tint of warning in it.

“ Sirr... Mmmm... Maam" His PA stuttered badly.

“What” Ishaan yelled, and his heart was thumping loudly.

“ Sir… Raghubir sir informed…. Sir, please call Raghubir sir” His PA Said the last line in one breath. He was petrified of Ishaan and didn't want to lose his job.

“ Get. Out” Ishaan gritted out loudly and his PA ran literally ran away. With a thumping heart, he dialed his father's cell.

“ Dad, what happened?? Is everything..." Before Ishaan could complete his sentence, he heard Raghubir muffled voice.

" Come To city Hospital" Ishaan breathed heavily and stormed out with various thoughts. Is dad fine? What is he doing in the hospital?

Ishaan reached the hospital within minutes and Saw his dad pacing in front of the ICU with a worried expression. He went towards his dad and asked" What happened dad?” The concern was visible in his voice as well as face.

He looked around and saw his mother weeping and Rayyan consoling his mother with a clenched fist. He frowned when he couldn't spot Saanvi anywhere.

" Where is Saanvi” Ishaan asked looking at his dad. Fear crept through his heart when he was unable to spot her. Where is she? She should have been with Ishita.

Raghubir's reply made Ishaan froze for a second. His breath hitched and heart thumped loudly as if it were running a bloody marathon. “ She is in the ICU”

“Are you fucking joking” Ishaan asked. The fear was evident in his voice. Raghuir nodded his head negatively trying to hold Ishaan, but he jerked away.

" What the heck are you saying, dad? Is this any kind of prank? I am sure Saanvi must have told you to prank me. Now tell me, dad. What will she do in a hospital? She is not a doctor, and you know right Saanvi doesn't like to spend time in hospital still You want me to believe that ICU Bullshit” Ishaan rambled. The thought itself was scaring the shit out of him.

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