Chapter 14

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Author's POV

The day dawned crisp and clear. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky.  The just risen sun shore softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early morning activity. The melodious chirping of birds could be heard.

The light of dawn seeped into a man's room. The opened his beautiful hazel orbs. He rubbed his bleary eyes and walked up to the window. For a minute, he stood there silently gazing the morning sky with closed eyes.

After sometimes, he walked up to a room beside his and carefully opened the door without making any noise. There he saw a girl sleeping on her stomach. Her silky locks had covered her face, preventing the man from seeing her. The man slowly walked up to her and removed her silky hairs from her face. His heart rose at the sight of her. She was sleeping without any care in the world.

Her face looked serene. Her long lashes touched her cheekbones, The man couldn't help but to stare at the innocent beauty sleeping like a doll. His doll. His Saanvi. His love. And he was her Aan. Her Ishaan . Her everything.

She looked divine. For him, she was the most beautiful girl. The best thing that ever happened to him. She was the best gift from god. He swore to protect her from the day he had seen her looking at him with her beautiful eyes. He was madly, irrevocably and additively in love with her.

He bent a little and pecked her forehead softly. She smiled in her sleep, feeling him and snuggled more into her comfy bed. Without making any sound, he stepped out and went to his room.

After doing his workouts in the gym room, he again went to her room and saw his doll was still sleeping. He sat beside her and called her softly. She stirred in her sleep. He again called her “doll, wake up na"

Hearing his soft voice, she had opened her eyes with great difficulty. She blinked several time before closing it again. Ishaan walked into her closet to pick an outfit for her. He watched her as she snuggled into her pillow. “Wake. Up. Right. Now” He said in a stern voice, but it had no effect on her.

He sighed and said loudly enough for her to listen “Fine…  Don't get up, I am calling the tickle monster" Hearing him Saanvi woke up with a squeal.

"Huhh... I am sleepy" Saanvi mumbled. Ishaan walked up to her and said threatening "Yes you can sleep, and I am ready here to tickle you”

“Ugh fine…” She groaned and said”I am not sleeping. “

“Good for you” he said, slapping her head softly. “How are you feeling now?” He asked concerned.

“Better” She shot him a smile and raised her hands. Ishaan narrowed his brows before smiling and obliging her demand to pick her. But before he could pick her, she pointed towards his back and blinked cutely at him, “On your back”

“Seriously… I can carry you on my arms” He suggested.

“No… Carry me on your back; otherwise I won't even move from here” She stubbornly said

“Stubborn doll” He mumbled and kneeled in front of her, making it possible for her to get on his back. He carried her towards his room and walked into his closet with her on his back. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and legs around his muscular torso.

“Uhmmm...." She made noises while choosing his outfit. Finally, she took out an outfit for him.

"Aan... Now leave me" She said softly.

"Why?" He asked confused. She wanted him to carry her, and now she wanted to hop down from his back.

"Ohiooo Aan... You know I can walk" She said nonchalantly.

"Ohiooo doll... And you know I can carry you back" He said in the same tone.

"But. You go and freshen up"

"I can do that after dropping you, though”

"No Aan... You will get late na"

"I won't, and I am the boss…" He said with a proud smirk.

“Employees should follow the path of their boss's and if you can't be punctual, you can't blame or advise them to be punctual” She argued.

“ I am the boss… It's my rule and I don't give advices”

“ Oh yeah… You don't give advices. Tum toh dhamki dete ho " (you only threatens)

"Kisne kaha" (who said that) He asked with a slight frown.

" Maine kaha " She said and playfully slapped the back of his head, mumbling'idiot'. ( I told you)

" Not that... Who told you that I threatens my employees?”

“ Huh......I Won't tell you unless you let me hop down "

"Fine... Stay here. I don't have any problem" He stubbornly said making her sigh. She tried to wiggle but his hold on her was strong enough to keep her in place. She knows that he is too much stubborn for his own good. So, it's better to talk otherwise his legs will start paining due to standing.

"I heard someone talking that you threaten to fire him if he fails to submit the file within time" She said with a sigh. " Sach me dhamki di?" She asked him. (did you really threaten him?")

" Its necessary, doll.  As a CEO, I can't be lenient. I have to be a little strict with them. If I give them a little freedom they will become careless towards work and I can't let that happen. Dadaji ( grandfather) and dad had worked hard for the company and now it's mine responsibility as Rayaan is still in college.  " He explained.

"I am proud of you Aan. In fact every one is. You achieved so much in such a young age” She said with a proud smile. But that doesn't mean you can scare your employees. Aan they are afraid of you just like the students afraid of exams and strict teacher."

He laughed before sternly saying" they should be"

" Hawww.... Scaring Aan" She said dramatically with a growl.

" Shut up Doll" He said between his laugh

"I will but only if you let me hop down" She said.

" Fine... Keep talking, screaming or shouting. But I am going to carry you back to your room" He said with a finality in his voice and started walking with her on his back.

“ And you call me stubborn, "She mumbled.

“I can hear that” He said in a stern voice.

“ Sunne keliye hi bola hai"    She said rolling her eyes. ( I spoke so that you could hear).

"Yeah yeah... Whatever" He mumbled and dropped her in front of her bedroom.

"Happy now?" She asked sarcastically.

“Very much” he answered making her shook her head, Both then went inside their room to freshen up.

Ishaan selected a baby pink plain top with a long while floral printed skirt for Saanvi. She looked like a barbie. Saanvi selected a gray black buttoned shirt with black blazer and black pants . He looked hot.

My mind is not working these days. Sorry for the crap. Tell me in comments are you liking this story

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