Chapter 35

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Few hours ago...

" What are you doing here" Ishaan glared at Mishka who was grinning at him. The last thing he wanted was her presence, and by the grace of god she was here to annoy the hell out of him.

“ I came to see you as I was missing you.” She replied with a wink. Ishaan gritted his teeth in annoyance as Mishka was behaving like his girlfriend.

" I am not a fucking museum, that you came here to see me" He said rolling his eyes. He so wanted to punch her for annoying him.

" You look hot rolling your eyes" Mishka commented. She was looking at him with adoration and dreamy eyes.

She was such a pain in the ass. Can't she just shut up and get the fuck out of his office? He was not in a good mood and now Mishka worsened his already worsen mood. He is even ready to give her 1 million dollars if she kindly leaves him.

“ I love you Ishaan” Mishka said suddenly and Ishaan froze on his spot. This was the exact words he wanted to hear, but not from Mishka, but from Saanvi.

" I do, I really do, Ishaan. I have never felt anything like this towards anyone. I have fallen for you. I am feeling a pull towards you from the moment my eyes cast upon you.  " Mishka said, looking at him.

He understood Mishka's feelings at the very first meeting, and he didn't want to give her any hope, but looks like he has to be more cruel and ruthless towards her.

" You don't,  Mishka. You are just attracted to me. It's just a silly crush. " He said without any emotion. His eyes were emotionless and face had a blank look.

“ No Ishaan, I feel for you, and it's not attraction. It's something intense. It's consuming me, Ishaan. " She said, walking towards him.

“ What you feel isn't Love, it's just attraction. Can't you fucking understand? " He snapped, losing his patience.

“ It is love, Ishaan? Why can't you understand my love for you? I love you. I really do," She said again. Desperation was clear in her voice. Her eyes getting blurry due to his rejection.

“ I can't. Okay? I just can't understand your so-called love, and I will never understand it. So, it's better for you to get out from my cabin and life. You should stop wasting your time on me, " He said, snapping at her. His patience was hanging on a thread which will break anytime.

“ Why? Am I not beautiful, Ishaan? Am I not of your standards? “  She asked painfully and sounded like she will cry anytime.

" I am not answerable to you" Ishaan said rudely, hoping she will leave. But we are talking about Mishka, the one who developed a crush on him, seeing his rudeness and ruthlessness.

" Why.? Give me a Reason, Ishaan. I love you and I want to know the reason behind your rejection. I am beautiful, I am a model. My family is rich and tell me what do I lack that you rejected me. " She asked, grabbing his shoulder.

" Why can't you just give me a place in your  your heart? I swear I will stay beside you until my last breath. I will be with you. I don't care whether you love me or not… At least give me a place in your life if not in your heart, "She said looking at his eyes. Ishaan couldn't see her craziness anymore, so he pulled himself out of her hold and shouted.

" I can't give you a place in my heart because my heart is owned by Saanvi. She is my heart. Damn it," Ishaan's loud voice boomed in his cabin.

He realized what he said and looked at Mishka who was sobbing silently. His angry eyes softened a little, seeing her tears. , " Mishka, you don't lack anything. I just... I just don't have it in me to love you. I am in love with my doll . I know what love is and trust me when I say that you don't love, you are just attracted with me, nothing more. Mishka Love is magical. A feeling which keeps you sane and insane at the same time. A feeling which makes you possessive. A feeling which keeps you to dream. And she, is my heart. I love her so much” Ishaan said softly trying to make her understand.

Mishka listened to him carefully. The shine in his eyes when he admitted he loved her was proof of his love. He wasn't lying, he was admitting the truth.

Mishka smiled softly at him and asked, " can I hug you please?"

" Sorry." Ishaan said forwarding his hand for a handshake. He can't hug anyone, not like he wants to hug someone besides his family and his heart, Saanvi.

Mishka smiled at him. He was a gem and she seriously missed him. Saanvi was lucky. After leaving the cabin, she decided to visit Saanvi as Mishka recently got to know about her accident.

Saanvi was sitting lost in her thoughts. Mishka left the room after saying, ' you are lucky to have Ishaan Malhotra's heart' . Her heart thumped loudly, and she sat there like a statue.

Ishaan Is Crazy For You…

Your Best friend Has Feelings For You…

Because you are mine, damn it… My fucking heart...

You are lucky to own Ishaan Malhotra's heart....

Does he really have feelings for her? Saanvi closed her eyes in frustration. She needed answers which could only be given by Ishaan.

So she waited for him patiently and if he didn't come home, then she will go to his office and drag him out.

At night, Ishaan came and was roaming around Saanvi's room. He wants to see her but was afraid of her reaction after their last encounter.

Saanvi felt her heart beats fast, and she felt like Ishaan was close to her.

" Aan..." He was going to his room but heard her sweet voice.

Ishaan stopped on his  and walked back to her room . He just couldn't walk away after hearing her . Seeing him, a big smile formed on her lips. He smiled seeing her reaction.

Suddenly, her smile fell and she became all serious. “ I want to talk to you. NOW” she said to which Ishaan nodded with a thumping heart.

“ I will ask you some questions, and you will answer in yes or no. And you will only say the truth, " She said... Scratch that, ordered him.

Ishaan furrowed his brows and opened his mouth to oppose her, but seeing her glare he shut his mouth. He understood the seriousness and decided to be honest with her.

“ Can you do anything for me? ” She asked with a thumping heart.

“Yes” He replied without thinking for a second. Yes, he can do anything for her.

" Will you ever get tired of me?"

" No" Can anyone get tired of breathing, no, right. And she is as important as breathing for him.

" Do you like Mishka? " Saanvi asked clenching her fist. She is dreading for the answers.

" No" He answered, making her heart jump in happiness.

" Did you ever tried to make me Jealous? "  Saanvi was waiting for his reply.

" Yes" He replied looking at her. He did try to make her jealous at every chance he got.

“ Do you have feelings for me?”  She asked, and tears started to gather in her electrifying blue eyes.

" Yes" He said staring into her eyes. Now, there is no going back. Let her know his feelings. It's the time for the love confession.

" I love you" Ishaan admitted staring into her eyes and the world had stopped revolving around them as he said those magical words.

Hellooo my lovely readers... Hope you are fine and loving the story. The story is coming to the end very soon... Just few chapters are Left. And please guys if you are liking the story do let me know. Please follow me. And don't forget to vote and comment.

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