Bonus Chapter 2

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The night was dark, and the silver white moon hung in the dark sky. The wind icy and withering flew across and leaves danced with joy.

With his coat hanging over his left hand, Ishaan opened the door of his room slowly and smile seeing his wife sleeping in his side hugging his shirt. He slowly went towards her carefully as he didn't want to wake her up. For a second, he stared at her beautiful face. Her long eyelashes were touching her cheek bones and her hair was splayed across the pillow. She had a pout on her lips and Ishaan eyes filled with adoration for the creature laying before him.

After taking his time by admiring her, he went to freshen up. He was back from a business trip in London. Saanvi wasn't ready to let him go, but she can't be behaving like a kid always, so she allowed him to go, but both missed each other a lot.

Ishaan came back after sometimes and get in the and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, making her stir in her sleep. Ishaan slowly replaced himself in place of his shirt, hugging her close to his heart.

Saanvi felt his touch in her sleep. It's been two days, she had felt his presence, but now she feels like he was beside her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw herself caged in his arms.

She smiled like a fool seeing him and cupped his face placing a kiss on his forehead screaming " Aan "

Ishaan just slept, but the excited screaming of his doll made him awake. He looked here and frantically before asking her" Geez woman Why are you screaming ?"

" Aan, you are back . Oh my god. My Aan is back. You know how much I missed you," She said, showering his face with kisses.

" I love you" She said, kissing his forehead.

" I love you so damn much, " she said, kissing his cheeks.

" Doll... Don't tease me, " He said with a hint of warning in his voice.

Saanvi grinned mischievously at him before placing a sensuous kiss on his chin, making him tighten his grip around her waist.

Within seconds, she was under him and his lips came crashing down on her. Stealing her breath, he kissed her like a man starving for food. He kissed her passionately and nibbled on her lips. He pinched her waist, making her gasp and taking the chance he kissed her more passionately.

Saanvi pulled him closer and kissed back passionately, but she couldn't match his pace. He growled, pressing himself against her gently. Saanvi moaned at the sensation.

" I told you not to tease me and now bear the consequences " Ishaan growled lowly and kissed her again.

" Ishaann... " Saanvi moaned when Ishaan bit her on her collar bone. He licked the place sensuously, making her wiggle. He started to kiss her neck while his naughty hands traces her body curves. Saanvi moaned crazily under him, and her moans only fueled his desires.

Ishaan was about to remove the strap of her night gown, but was interrupted by the loud barging on the door.

Ishaan and Saanvi panted before looking at the time. Ishaan sighed at the interruption. He stood up and asked her to check her appearance and opened the door only to get hugged by two little humans.

They had the idea that only their kids will barge in the middle of the night, and it was Ansh and Anvi, who couldn't sleep after watching a horror movie in the evening.

They were surprised to see their father and jumped into his arms. Ishaan twirled them with a smile.

" Daddaa " Ansh and Anvi screamed kissing his face. They are so happy seeing their Dada. Ishaan was a great father to them.

Anvi is the carbon copy of Ishaan. She had inherited dark brown eyes from her father, and she is just like her father. Stubborn and naughty.

While Ansh is the calmest. He had inherited his features from his mother and is intelligent for his age.

But Ansh can get naughty when he is around his sister, and at that time it's impossible to stop the stubborn twins. If they want something, they would get it either by their stubbornness or by blackmailing their parents. They both are five years old.

" I missed you Dadda " Ansh said hiding his head in the crook of Ishaan's neck.

" Mee too " Anvi said hugging him more tightly while Saanvi smiled at her adorable bunnies.

" And I missed you a lot my hunny bunnies " Ishaan said childishly placing kisses on their hair making them giggle.

Ishaan closed the door and went towards the bed with his kids clinging on him like cute Koala bears.

" I told you not to watch it right. Now what happened? Couldn't sleep alone," Saanvi asked strictly. Among Ishaan and Saanvi, she was the strictest. While Ishaan was the most lenient.

" Sorry mommy..." They pouted at her, making her sigh.

" Now sleep" Ishaan placed his kids in the bed and turned but was stopped by his princess .

" Where are you going Dadda " She asked him cutely with a yawn. Ansh hugged his mother and looked at his father for the response.

" Dadda wants to use washroom... I will come soon, okay. You sleep" Kissing her and Ansh's forehead, he went towards Saanvi to place a kiss on her forehead.

" Don't think that you will be spared for teasing me. I am taking a leave tomorrow. " He whispered in her ears and smirked seeing her red cheeks and went inside the washroom.

" Mamma why are you red?" Ansh asked curiously.

" Nothing baby. You sleep, " She cooed him and tried to ignore her racing heart.

Ishaan entered the washroom and removed his t shirt to take a cold shower. A special thanks to his wife for making him take a cold shower in the middle of the night.

Ishaan took a fresh towel and was about to remove his sweatpants, but he turned, feeling a presence behind him.

He turned around and saw his wife standing there with an awkward smile on her face. He smirked, seeing her there.

" What are you doing here, darling? Came to help me? " He asked shamelessly.

" Shut up Aan" She said with wide eyes.

" I.. I came... Umm... " she stuttered badly and covered her face, getting embarrassed.

She turned to go, but Ishaan held her hands " How can you go like that.? Just tell me that you want me to make love to you. " He said with a smirk.

" Aan... I... " She stuttered like a newly wedded bride, making him chuckle at her adorableness.

Without wasting a second, he hoisted her up and kissed her. She gasped but kissed him back and roamed her hands on his muscular body, making him groan.

He pulled out from the kiss and entered the shower room with Saanvi who was breathing heavily. He removed the straps of her gown from her shoulders and placed a few kisses, making her moan.

" Even though I love your moans. Try to keep your voice low, we don't want our kids to get disturbed. Right. ?" Ishaan said in a husky low voice and Saanvi nodded breathlessly.

They again sealed their lips with an earth-shattering kiss. As promised by Ishaan, she had to bear the consequences for teasing him. Her tears mixed with pain and pleasure rolled down her cheeks, and Ishaan kissed away her tears.

The water continuously fell from the shower as Ishaan kept showing her his love. Passionate and Crazy love.

Making the official ending of His Heart. Thank you for joining with me in the journey of Ishaan and Saanvi.

Hope you loved the story. Please comment, vote, share and follow. Do share the story if you guys like it. Thank you once again.

If time permits, check out my short story " THE MISTAKE THAT COST MY LIFE " ( completed) and BURNING HEARTS ( ongoing ) . Hope you will support me in my new stories.

Love you guys.
Stay safe and happy.

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