Chapter 26

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A loud knocking woke Saanvi up from her deep dreamless sleep. She blinked a few times as her eyes tried to adjust to the bright morning light. She pushed her lethargic body into a sitting position.  Saanvi blinked her eyes and slowly yesterday's events came in front of her eyes. How she avoided her Aan, how much he was Angry, how he hurt himself in rage.

Again a knocking sound and Saanvi grinned, expecting it to be Ishaan. She ran towards the door and opened it with a wide smile, mumbling “Aan”.

But she was met with disappointment when she Spot Rayaan. Her wide smile slowly faded, and she stood there and looked towards Ishaan's room, which is closed.

Rayaan saw her looking at Ishaan's room, and he knew she was expecting Ishaan as usual. “ Good morning, sleepy head. You should take part in a sleeping competition, and I am a hundred percent sure that the winner will be you. God, I was knocking for hours and still, you were sleeping.” Rayyan teased and groaned at the last part.

" What I am telling the truth. Now go and get ready. We are waiting” Saanvi was about to ask about Ishaan but Rayyan changed the topic, pushing her towards washroom.

'Maybe, he is in hall and sent Bhai ( brother) to wake me up' Saanvi, thought. She did her morning routines and went towards her closet with a towel wrapped around her petite figure. Water droplets were dripping from her hairs and disappeared in to the towel.

She missed her Aan selecting her clothes. She missed him waking her up. She missed seeing him, his gorgeous face was the first thing Saanvi used to see every day.

A tear rolled from her eyes and she wiped it quickly. She cursed herself for her stupid plan to maintain a little distance between her and Ishaan.

Idiot, Fool, dump, donkey, monkey, buffalo, dimwit. Saanvi cursed herself.

" I am sorry, Aan. I shouldn't have hurt you. Please forgive your doll. I am ready to get my heart broken. I am ready to see you with Mishka. But I can't distance myself away from you. Distancing myself from you is like distancing myself from my heartbeat. I can't do this anymore. I know what I feel for you is not a mere crush or fondness, and I love what I feel for you. I love how you make feel things I have never experienced. I am loving these feelings. Call me selfish, but I want you all to myself. I promise Aan, I won't be a hurdle in your life. I will be happy seeing you smile. Because we can fulfill obstinacy forcefully, but not love"

She went downstairs and saw everyone with a sad face. All were present in the hall except for the one who she wanted to see badly.

Her heart clenched painfully when she realized he had left for office without seeing her. She blinked her eyes to erase the burning sensation.

Ishita forcefully made her eat, but Saanvi wasn't hungry, so she only took a few spoons and Raghubir dropped her. All the while Raghubir tried to cheer her up, but he couldn't even bring a small smile to her gloomy face.

" SHUT UP, YOU FUCKING MORON. I Pay YOU FOR THE WORK, NOT FOR GOSSIPING. I WANT THIS FILE COMPLETE IN ONE HOUR. GET OUT" Ishaan's loud and angry voice boomed in the floor and the employee just ran away to save his life from the angry beast.

Ishaan was a ticking bomb ready to burst anytime. The reason of his rage was his insecurities and Aarav. But the poor employees became the victim of his anger.

" Fucking idiot...  I have hired a bunch of fools" Ishaan gritted. His hands were bandaged. He  had dark circles under his beautiful chocolate brown orbs because of the sleepless night. He looked tired.

Ishaan had left early in the morning without seeing Saanvi. He ignored her not because he was angry, but because he was still furious and didn't want to say anything or hurt her. Her teary eyes still affected him like trillions of knifes piercing his heart.

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