Chapter 31

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She froze, hearing his words. Is he serious? Does Ishaan have feelings for her? A hope started to grow in her heart, making her heart beats rose. She stared dead at Aarav.

“ What… I am stating the truth. You should have seen him. He went crazy when your dad told him about your condition. It was a sight to seen, A grown-ass man was crying like a child. He was screaming, looking here and there for you. Continuously saying you were Pranking, you were okay… His eyes looked almost dead. He was acting as if he has lost his mind, "Aarav sighed with a smile.

Saanvi pictured her Aan crying, and her heart clenched painfully as tears rolled down her cheeks. " He was crying for me"

" Yeah, for you. Now don't tell that's because you are his best friend crap. The way he behaved yesterday wasn't the way a friend behave. He was behaving like a lover afraid of losing his love" Saanvi's breathing started to get heavy as her mind registered the new-found information.

Her heart was pounding loud and fast. She felt something in her heart, A Weird satisfaction. A Weird Fluttering.

" But he said he likes Mishka" Saanvi's heart pained saying it. But it's the truth, right. He likes her. He himself told that.

“ Do you really think that he likes someone else. Isn't it crystal clear that he likes you, or maybe more than liking. I think he was making you Jealous. And he was Jealous of me too that's why he sent me his murdering glare. I am sure he must have killed me in his mind a hundred times” Aarav said rolling his eyes. Is it difficult to believe that Ishaan have a' thing' for Saanvi.?

Realization dawned upon her. Yeah, he was Jealous. That's why he got angry when she was with Aarav that day. He was Jealous…. Saanvi wanted to jump at the thought.

" Oh my god.... Ohmygod.... He has feelings for me… I am so happy. I am going to tell him how much he means to me" Saanvi said getting excited like a child for a fair.

Aarav smiled at her excitement and said. “ No… You are not going to say anything to him. You should play a little. Make him Jealous” he suggested.

“ Is it necessary” Saanvi asked with a frown.

" It is... Moreover we can be 100 percent sure if he gets Jealous and for that, the one and only Aarav will help you” Aarav said raising his fake collar dramatically.

Saanvi smiled gladly at him. She thanked him for helping her. " Not a big deal" Aarav said smiling.

" By the way... I am waiting for the day when he says..." Aarav stopped with a smirk, making Saanvi raise her brow.

“Say” Saanvi said

" I like you " Aarav completed with a loop side smirk, making heat rush to Saanvi's cheeks. She pictured her Aan saying I like you to Saanvi and blushed.

" What the hell is happening here" An angry voice boomed in the room making Saanvi startle and the rest flinch.


" This is the information I got from the investigators. " Rayyan said handing a file towards Ishaan. He took the file with raging eyes and read that.

" Fucking bastards" Ishaan seethed

" I will inform the police bhai ( brother) they will take care of the rest" Rayyan said placing his hand on Ishaan's shoulder who was glaring at the file.

" Police won't be involved in this matter, at least until I want them to" Ishaan gritted

“What” Rayyan asked confused. Ishaan turned towards with rage shining in his hazel orbs.

" Police or law won't be involved here. They will get punished, and I will be the one punishing them. Assholes. Those motherfuckers tried to touch what's mine. They tried to hurt my doll. I will be their judge and I swear if I didn't make them regret the day they were born, I will cut my name” Ishaan gritted out, rage was clear in his voice. The intensity in his eyes had scared Rayyan.

Unknown to them, Raghubir breathed heavily, hearing his elder son. The look in his son's eyes made him scared. His son was looking obsessed with his princess.

Ishaan stormed away with the file, leaving a stunned and Confused Raghubir and Rayyan.

“Say” Ishaan was going towards her room when he heard her.

“ I like you” He heard Aarav's voice, and he froze…. The fuck is he saying. Rage stirred within him. He clenched his fist and shot a murderous glare to Aarav who was oblivious to it.

He kept his rage in check, but when he saw her blushing he lost it. She was blushing for Aarav? The thought burned him to the core. He trembled with rage and insecurity.

“ What the hell is happening here” He lost it and roared in rage.

He took urgent strides towards them and gripped Aarav's collar. “ What did you say? Tell me, how dare you? You fucking piece of shit. How dare you to propose her? Propose MY SAANVI " Aarav struggled and almost had a mini heart attack seeing Ishaan's anger. Saanvi was yelling his name, which he didn't hear in his anger

He sweated and stuttered," you… I… Actually…" Aarav couldn't form a sentence without stuttering.

“ Aan leave him please" Saanvi said which he ignored and punched Aarav on his face making him groan.

"Aaahhh" Aarav groaned and Saanvi's eyes widened at his behavior.

“ She Is Mine. Damn it" Ishaan muttered and Aarav's smiled a little hearing his confession. Saanvi couldn't hear anything, so she shouted, " Aan, leave him"

Ishaan ignored her yelling. " Ishaan Malhotra leave him right now" Saanvi said sternly and Ishaan obliged.

" I am so sorry, Aarav." Saanvi apologized and glared at Ishaan who was murdering Aarav with his glare.

Tushar came in and saw his friend holding his face while Ishaan was glaring Aarav and Saanvi was apologizing.

" Take him away" Ishaan ordered Tushar who gulped and obliged without any questions, sensing the serious environment. Aarav sent a wink to Saanvi before going.

" You should apologize to Aarav” Saanvi said glaring at Ishaan.

" I won't, that moron deserved it. How dare he" Ishaan gritted.

Before Saanvi could say anything, Raghubir and Rayyan entered and Ishaan went away without saying any word. Saanvi stared at his figure.

Even if he was jealous, he shouldn't have punched Aarav like that. " If you are stubborn, then I am more stubborn than you… I won't talk to you until you apologize to Aarav”

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