Chapter 36

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“ l love you " Ishaan admitted staring into her eyes. Saanvi felt the world had stopped revolving around them as she heard those three magical words.

LOVE, a word with four letters, but the feeling that word evokes in one's heart is indescribable. The feeling of being loved by someone feels heavenly. When you are in love, your world starts to revolve around the person you love.

Saanvi was feeling like she was hallucinating ... But to make sure, she asked him with a thumping heart. " As a friend?”

“No” He replied. As a friend, no way, she is more than a friend. He wanted her to be his wife, the mother of his children and not just his best friend.

Saanvi froze…. Ishaan loves her. Her Aan loves her. Loves her the way A man should love his woman. She doesn't know whether to jump in happiness or cry in sadness as she didn't know about his feelings for her.

“ How Long Aan?"  Ishaan was expecting the question. He knew there is no going back now. So he confessed.

“ Eight…" Before Ishaan could complete, Saanvi interrupted him by asking " days?"

Ishaan nodded negatively and opened his mouth but was again interrupted by Saanvi " weeks?"

Ishaan again nodded negatively and again opened his mouth but as expected, Saanvi again interrupted him by asking " months?... Oh my god, eight months Aan. Really" Her eyes widened in surprise.

“ Aan eight months.... Why didn't you…" Saanvi started to speak, but Ishaan closed her mouth by putting his palms over her mouth.

" It's Eight Years, two months and Twenty two days” He said making her froze. Her heart fluttered like a newborn butterfly.

Eight years? He loves her for eight years, and she didn't have any idea about it. How stupid she was for not understanding his feelings?

How did he keep his feelings to himself? He had no Friends besides Her, then with whom did he share his feelings. How did he cope up with everything? How? 

Her heart pained. He had loved her for years and how difficult it was for him to meet another girl. But he did that too because of her request. How can he love her this much?

Tears gathered in her icy blue eyes, and she sobbed silently. Ishaan's cupped her face and stared into her eyes. Her tears hurt him more than her.

Icy blue against Chocolatey brown…. The world around them froze. The only thing they were aware was of each other's presence.

“ It kills me…. Kills me every time I see tears in your eyes. I never liked your tears, doll. Never" He said, wiping her tears with his thumb.

" Eight years Aan... How could you hide it from me? How did you make yourself understand” She asked holding his collars. How can he hide his feelings, and she had no idea about it?

“ It was necessary… You were a child that time… barely eleven years... How could you expect me to talk about love to a child... It's not that easy, Saanvi... You didn't know, but your innocent hugs and kisses had a big impact on me and still has… " He said directly looking into her beautiful eyes.

" You love me?" She again asked innocently. She couldn't believe that he is in love with her for the past eight years.

" More than anything" Her heart fluttered hearing him. Her Aan loves her.

" Why... Me?" She whispered. How can he love her for that long... What's so special in her that he fell for her?

“ I. Don't. Know. I just don't… The only thing I know is I need you as much as a heart needs heartbeats. I love you, may be because your smile is the key to unlock my happiness. Tumse hi mera wajood hai, tum hi mera shiddat hai aur mera mohabbat bhi ( You are my existence. You are my only passion and love)" Ishaan poured his heart out for her. The love he felt for her was unconditional. But he was selfish, selfish for her. Selfish in her love.

Saanvi's Breath hitched, hearing him. How can he? How can he love her this much? How can he hide his feelings for eight years. She couldn't understand.

She knew how difficult it was to hide your feelings from someone you love. Yes, love. What's she feels for Ishaan isn't any crush. Its love. She loves him.

" I know doll, its difficult for you... But this is the truth. I love you and I can't see you with anyone else. I may be selfish, but it's the truth. My love for you was the reason I couldn't see with Anyone. My fear of losing you was the reason I fought with you. My insecurities and Jealousy was the reason I ignored you. I know you are young and may find someone who is younger and better than me. But my heart seems not to understand it. Fight with me doll, scold me, hit me but… Please just don't hate me for this” He said pouring his all emotions and tears formed in his eyes.

Saanvi sat there frozen, hearing him. She felt like an idiot to not understand his feelings. She never tried to understand him. Did she?

Hate him? How can she hate him? He was the reason of her heartbeats. He was the reason she wants to wake up every day. He was the reason for her survival.

He lovingly pecked her forehead. He kept his lips on her forehead for sometimes. She felt the love in his kiss. She always felt love in his kisses, but today… Today she understood his love.

" Now, don't pressurize your pea size brain. Sleep tight princess.” He said backing away, but he was pulled to her. He is ready to give her the space she needs after the shock he just gave her. He will wait for her, but that doesn't mean that he will allow her to be frank with Aarav.

She held his collar firmly, pulling him more towards her and thus shocking him. Her innocent action had caused havoc in him. They were breathing heavily. They were breathing in the same air. Their breaths were mingling, so were their heartbeats.

They could hear each other's heartbeats loud and clear. Their eyes met and something skipped… Their heartbeats.

His chocolaty brown eyes were full of emotions, for her. His doll. Her electrifying blue eyes had adoration and love for the man in front of her.

“ My heart is beating fast…." Saanvi whispered, staring at his gorgeous hazel orbs. “ Just like yours” She again whispered.

He was breathing heavily because of her closeness, and he felt intoxicated with her eyes staring at his.

“ You are breathing heavily" She said inching closer to him and put her head on his chest hearing his heartbeats.

" So are you "  He breathed out.

" I am your heart…" She said hearing his heartbeats. She placed her hand on his chest where his heart is present and took his hand, guiding it towards her chest.

She placed his hand over her chest region where her heart is present and stared directly into his eyes, piercing his soul. Ishaan breathed heavily, feeling her heartbeats.

“ And You Are My Heartbeat”

His Heart ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now