Chapter 34

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Saanvi sat there frozen, hearing him. What is he saying?  His heart? . She was his heart? She couldn't believe it. What is he even saying. Did she heard him correct? ? Her heartbeats picked a pace and her heart was pounding fast. Her ocean blue eyes brimmed with tears.

He slammed his hands on the table beside, making her flinch and sprint away without thinking anything, leaving a stunned and shocked Saanvi behind. 

Her eyes blurred with tears, hearing him. Every damn pain, hurt, insecurities flew out of her mind and she smiled with tears. His Heart, her heart, was in peace hearing his unexpected words. It gave her a weird satisfaction.

She belongs to Ishaan, She is Ishaan's heart. Isn't what Ishaan said? . Her Aan's words have created a havoc in her. Her mind wasn't working properly. Did he really mean it? ?

She sat there with her beautiful blue eyes filled with unshed tears. She doesn't know what to do or think, after a lot struggle with her inner self she concluded to confess about her feelings and to talk to him. 

Maybe Aarav was right, Her Aan might have some feelings for her. It's not late. They can talk and sort out everything. She felt stupid for ignoring him without any specific reason.

He maybe be Jealous or insecure, that's why he behaved like that with Aarav. She also got angry and Jealous whenever she heard about Mishka. 

Ishaan in the heat of the moment blurted out the truth. The truth of his feelings. He cussed himself. What will be she thinking now. 

“ Can't you control your fucking mouth. What the fuck will she think about me” He scolded himself. 

" I should probably give her some time and space, so she could get over from the shock I gave her” He mumbled with a sigh. He decided to spend the night in his office, unaware of the fact that someone is desperately waiting for him in their home. 

Saanvi waited for his arrival. She can't wait more to express her feelings. She called him many times, but all went in vain as she doesn't get any response from Ishaan. 

She didn't know when she slept, waiting for him. It was early morning when She felt a soft touch on her head, like someone was caressing her head. 

" Aan" she mumbled softly, opening her eyes.

Instead of Ishaan Ishita was sitting beside Saanvi. "Looks like my princess was expecting someone else. And for your information, that idiot haven't come home at all. He called an hour ago asking Rayyan to bring his clothes to the office. This guy won't let me live in peace, for sure. How careless he is. Such a workaholic man” Ishita complained about Ishaan. 

" I pity his future wife" Ishita mumbled which was heard by Saanvi, and she blush furiously as she pictured herself as Ishaan's wife. 

" Why are you blushing" Ishita asked Saanvi. 

" I am not. Mom where are others and why are you here in my room in the early morning" Saanvi said, changing the topic.

“ Why? Can't I come to my daughter's room, and it's 9 in the morning"Ishita said slapping Saanvi's head lightly. 

" Owwwe... Mom stop abusing your already injured daughter . Don't you feel pity for this poor soul? " Saanvi whined with a pout. " And yeah, you can come into your daughter's room anytime" She grinned.

“Drama Queen” Ishita said smiling, patting her head. After their small talk, Ishita helped Saanvi in getting ready and feed her. 

" Mom, I don't want these bitter tablets, please. “ Saanvi whined, throwing tantrums.

" Princess, don't be stubborn, eat it. If you eat it, I will give you your favorite chocolates.  “ Ishita tried to convince her like a mother convince a four-year-old kid. 

Though the deal was tempting, but Saanvi kept showing tantrums. " Take it, doll. It's your Aan's order," Ishita said, mimicking Ishaan. 

That caught her attention. She looked towards Ishita. "Aan?" she asked. 

" Yeah, your Aan had called me and asked me to give you the medicine even if you throw tantrums and especially told not to fall for your puppy face” Ishita said pinching her nose lightly. 

Her heart fluttered, hearing Ishita. Would he ever stop caring for her? She smiled, and her eyes shone brightly.

Saanvi without a word took the medicine and gulped it down, making Ishita stunned. 

“ Ishaan ka naam lia aur kaam ho gai" Ishita teased her making her gulp down. The shine in her eyes, the blush on her cheeks and the smile on her lips at the mention of his Name made Ishita suspect. Does she have feelings for Ishaan? ( You obliged me just by taking Ishaan's name)

If yes, then she will be the happiest. She always wished Saanvi and Ishaan to end up together, but these always says they are best friends and Saanvi persuading Ishaan for meeting Mishka had made her think that maybe they don't have feelings for each other apart from friendship. 

After a while Ishita went downstairs leaving Saanvi who was missing her Aan. She doesn't want anything besides him. 

After sometimes, Ishita came inside, but with Mishka. " Princess, look who is here to meet you. Mishka was insisting on meeting you, so I took her here. “ Ishita said, making Saanvi's mood bad. 

She huffed mentally. Now she has to handle Mishka. She faked a smile, mumbling " its okay" 

" You guys talk, I will make a coffee for you and princess do you want anything?" Ishita asked to which Saanvi nodded in no. 

Ishita left the room and Saanvi felt awkward. She so wanted to run out of the room but couldn't as she was advised to bed rest and even if she took a step out of her room, Ishaan will surely lecture her. 

“ Hii... How are you?" Saanvi asked to erase the awkwardness. 

" Bad, terrible" Mishka mumbled with a small smile making Saanvi confused. Her brows furrowed, noticing Mishka's dull face, swollen eyes and a sad smile.

" I have thought that there is no one who can reject me. I thought i can buy anything with money and fame. I was stubborn, and my mom says dad spoiled me, it was true. He gave me everything I have ever wanted. But I didn't know, we can't buy love with money and power. Stubbornness can be fulfilled by force, but love can't be" Mishka said and Saanvi gaped at her confused. 

' Ohk, is she okay? Did anyone hit her head, or did she hit her head somewhere? Why is she saying all this and that too, me? ' Saanvi questioned herself mentally. 

" You must be thinking, why am I speaking about all this and that too, you?" Mishka asked to which Saanvi nodded her head. 

" I thought I can make Ishaan mine" Mishka bluntly said making Saanvi gasp. Saanvi felt her blood boiling, hearing Mishka's words. She glared at Mishka in her mind.

' What the heck is she saying? Making Ishaan her's. No way. I won't let you. He is mine ' Saanvi said, mentally getting angry at Mishka. How can she even think like that. 

" I thought I can lure him with my beauty" Mishka again said, making Saanvi see red in anger.

' Somebody stop her before I kill her and bury her under my bed' Saanvi huffed mentally. 

" But I didn't know he had no heart" What does she mean.? Ishaan have no heart. 

" I think you are mistaken. Aan have a heart. I swear i always hear his heartbeats. So stop assuming him to be a ghost or some vampire, " Saanvi said defending her Aan. She didn't like it when Mishka said Her Aan doesn't have a heart. He have a heart and that too of gold.

Mishka smiled at Saanvi's innocence. This girl is unaware of the power she holds in Ishaan's life. 

" He do have a heart but he doesn't own it" Mishka continued, making Saanvi frown 

' Now it's confirmed that this girl had hit her head somewhere. She should visit a doctor very soon' Saanvi mentally said. 

" You are lucky to own Ishaan Malhotra's heart" Now that took her off-guard. Did she own his heart??? what ?

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