Chapter 15

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Ishaan's POV.

I got ready and went downstairs with Saanvi. Now I have to tell mom and dad that I am ready to meet that girl. I am annoyed, but this little creature beside me is making me feel giddy. Her arms were wrapped around mine, and we looked perfect together.

“ Aan yesterday you said that you will meet her. So I want you to tell mom and dad your decision. They will be so happy" She said excitedly, but her excitement was only visible in her voice not in the eyes. Am I hallucinating?

I hummed and wasn't interested about meeting some random girl. The things you do to keep your love happy and stress-free.

“Good morning, princess. Good morning Ishaan "Mom and dad wished us.

“Good morning mom and dad” We wished back and Saanvi went towards them and hugged them and asked " where is bhai (  elder brother). "

I noticed that Rayaan wasn't present in the dining hall. "Oh... He had some morning classes" mom answered.

We sat in our seats and started eating the breakfast. While having breakfast, I felt her poking my biceps and I looked towards and raised my brow asking what's the matter.

She looked me and then at my opposite side. What's she trying to say. I couldn't understand. I looked to my opposite side and saw pancakes. “ Do you want pancakes ?” I asked her.

“No Aan." She said sweetly and glared me. Duh what did I do. I blinked at her and again looked at my opposite direction. Only some pancakes, fruits and orange juice is present. Oh yeah mom dad too.

Did she signed towards mom, dad? I looked to her and then mom, dad. She saw me looking mom dad and smiled at me, blinking her eyes. Okay, I get she wants me to talk now.

I cleared my throat to gain their attention. “Uhmm... I... Doll... Said.... I... I am ready to meet that girl" I said with great difficulty. It's difficult. Really difficult to say something you aren't interested in.

I heard mom's gasp and dad's shocked face. I rolled my eyes. It was expected. They looked at me like I am from some another planet. After coming from their shocked state, mom asked” Are you sure"

'not at all. I want to avoid meeting that bitch. ' I screamed in my mind.

"Yes mom" I said and mom's lips curved upwards giving a full-blown smile.

“ Did you hit your head somewhere?” Dad asked, feigning shock. Trust me, my parents can be dramatic at times.  I mentally rolled my eyes.

Saanvi giggled beside me and her melodious giggles kept me sane....

"Trust me dad, he hasn't hurt his head. He just came into his senses” Saanvi teased me. I shot her a glare, but my glares don't affect this little creature.

“ Only my princess can put some senses into this dump head's brain” Dad Said with a smile.

He has a point. Not only brain, she is the only one who can put some sense into my heart and life.

“Because of this dump head only, our company stands at top position” I said sarcastically.

“ Because of me, only this dump head was born” Dad said arrogantly which earned him a slap from mom. I became flabbergasted hearing him.

“Shut up Raghubir… Don't you have any shame? How can you talk like this in front of kids” Mom scolded dad?

“You mean kid Ishita" dad said, ignoring her other words. Mom glared at dad hardly.

“I meant Saanvi is the only kid here, he is a big bull" Dad openly insulted me.

"What the hell, dad. " I asked unbelievably. "If I am a bull, then you are the father of the bull, so indirectly you called yourself a bull” I said arrogantly.

“ Shut up, Ishaan. Don't call me a bull, " Dad said sternly.

" Shut up, both of you… Raghubir I was the one who carried him for 9 months and gave birth, not you. And Ishaan your dad isn't a bull” Dad grinned like a cherished cat. “ Because he is a monkey” Dad's grin was wiped off, and he scowled at mom.

I saw Doll Biting her lips to control her laugh. Proud of you mom. That was a good one. The atmosphere in the dining turned silent as dad sat there silent with a frown. He looked like a kid who was scolded for having chocolates.

At last My doll failed to control her laugh and she burst into laughter, followed by mom. Dad narrowed his brows at the laughing mom and doll.

“It's not fair. Princess, at least you should have taken my side” Dad said to Saanvi.

" cute monkey daddy" Saanvi teased dad and hugged him, making him smile a little. Mom too hugged him from the other side and I smiled at them.

“So Ishaan is finally ready to meet the girl. “ Mom said excitedly. “ When are you planning to meet her” dad asked. Saanvi was silently sitting there and that was so unusual about her.

" Umm 6..." Before I could complete my words mom cut me off and said in an excited voice " 6 hours"

I nodded my head negatively and was about to say "6.." but this time dad interrupted me and said with a frown “6 days” I shook my head negatively. What's with them? Why aren't they allowing me to complete my words.

“6 months” I heard Saanvi's voice, and instantly I nodded my head positively. I heard gasp from mom and Dad looked me like I have grown some tails.

“Are you in your senses?” Mom asked this. I am mom. If I wasn't in my senses, I would have said 6 years.

“No Ishaan. You are meeting the girl this evening. “ Dad said with a finality in his voice. I was about to argue, but doll put her hand on my arm and clutched it a little. I turned towards her and saw her pleading me to agree.

I sighed and said "fine" Mom and dad smiled. But Saanvi didn't smile. She just passed me a fake smile.

Why isn't she smiling? For her only, I agreed to meet that girl. Is it means that she started to feel for me? I smiled at my thoughts.

"What's her name?" Saanvi asked. Mom smiled and said " Mishka, She is the daughter of a businessman" I continued to eat without paying any attention.

I am getting ready in a navy blue t shirt and blue jeans with black Snickers. I am going to meet that girl, only for doll.

"You look handsome Aan" I heard Doll's voice and turned to her. She was standing there with a smile. She didn't seem much excited.

“Do you really want me to meet that girl" I asked her one more time. Say No, please. I pleaded in my mind.

“Yeah” she took a deep breath and said crushing my hopes.

"Aan behave well with her. Talk to her and get to know each other. Make yourself comfortable around her" She advised.

'Sorry doll, I have other plans' I said in my mind and nodded at her. I hugged her and bid goodbye.

I was waiting for that Mishal in the restaurant, but seems like that bitch is not punctual. Not only that, but I felt rage building inside me. Ishaan Malhotra doesn't like to wait, but this bitch is making me wait.

Suddenly, I heard a voice” Hey Ishaan," I turned to see a girl wearing a red knee-length dress which hugged her figure perfectly. She is pretty..........but not more than My Doll.

So Mishka entered into the picture. Now what will happen? 

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