Chapter 20

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Author's POV

Saanvi was feeling ecstatic. The feeling was itself a warmth. She wished for her classes to end soon. She wanted to see him as soon as possible. She was feeling so good. In fact, great.

In the breezy winds, the chirping of birds were like music to her. The leaves were dancing whenever the wind hits them. The air was cool, but the sun was out, shining brightly.

Saanvi was grinning and dreaming about her Aan, but suddenly realization dawned upon her. Her Aan likes A girl. That thought itself was enough to ruin her mood, her happiness. Her eyes started to burn, and she lowered her eyes.

' Why this happened. Why I realized lately that I like him. Why, I realized now, when he likes someone else. Such a fool I am, he can never reciprocate my feelings. He considers me to be his best friend and nothing else, and here I am dreaming of him liking me back. ' She felt like crying. Her heart clenched and she silently wept.

There he was, The Great Ishaan Malhotra, grinning like an Idiot. Reason? His doll feels Something for him. He was ninety-nine percent sure now.

He was doing what he can't do anymore but has to do… Wait. Waiting for his doll to come back so that he can talk to her. She might be angry because he laughed at her when she asked that if he will leave her for Mishka.

Saanvi and Mishka, there is no comparison between his doll and a somebody. Nobody can take the place of his doll. Not then, not Now and not anymore. Saanvi has made a permanent place in his life. His Heart.

Just then he heard a notification sound, he checked his phone and the smile on his face disappeared. Now he is angry, Naah He is furious. He clenched his jaws and gritted, “how dare you. How dare you. You will have to pay for this. “

He just got the pictures of Saanvi and Aarav from Saanvi's Bodyguards. He was boiling in rage. How can this bastard hug his Saanvi, his doll. He is going to pay for it.

It was not Jealousy or possessiveness, it was fear. He was afraid of losing her. He loves her so much that the slightest contact of her with others, especially boys, scares him so damn much. The excessive fear in him is what makes him angry. He Will have a talk with her for sure.

He opened one of the pictures and zoomed on her. She was smiling. She was happy? Did she feel anything for this prick? He was becoming restless and started breathing heavily.

Suddenly, he heard a horn and instantly know Saanvi had reached home. He stormed out and saw her walking,  lost in her thoughts. Rage built in him. Is she thinking of that motherfucker?

Saanvi was lost in her thoughts. Is her feelings for Ishaan right? Should she tell him that she likes him? How will he react? Will he reject her? The thought itself made her shudder in fear.

Suddenly, Something hard hit her head. She was about to fall down, but something wrapped around her waist and saved her from falling. She snapped her eyes and met with a pair of familiar beautiful honey orbs. For a moment, she was lost in his honey orbs.

Ishaan forgot his rage and stared at His Doll who is in his arms lovingly. He wished the time to freeze. After a moment, Saanvi came out from her dreamland and stood straight.

She averted her eyes, feeling embarrassed. But Ishaan stared at her intensely. He took her off-guard by hugging her tightly. Saanvi froze for a second. Her heart was beating fast, and she could feel butterflies in her tummy.

Ishaan just wanted to calm himself. He wanted to make sure that Saanvi is with him and no one can snatch her, so he just hugged her. Both stood there feeling home in each other's arms.

Ishaan broke the hug and held her hand, which made her tingle. She wasn't looking at his eyes, which he found very unusual. They both headed towards her room. He made her seat in the bed and asked "naraz ho mujhse" (are you angry with me)

' Nhi Aan, main khud se naraz hu. Apni kismat se naraz hu. Apne iss ehsas se naraz hu. Par tumse nhi... Tumse naraz hoke jiyugi kaise main" She said in her mind.

( No Aan. I am angry with myself. I am angry with my fate. I am angry with this feeling. But not with you, how can I live by getting angry on you)

" Sorry doll. Look here" He made her look at his eyes. “Doll, There is no comparison between you and Mishka.  For me; You are important not her, You are my priority not her, your happiness matters not hers. No one can separate Aan and his doll. How can I leave you for someone whom I met yesterday. Its impossible doll. And you know why I smiled, that's because my doll looked so cute, just like a child asking doubts" He said with a smile, which involuntarily made her smile.

She hugged him and asked almost childishly " You won't leave me na?”

“ I won't” He said determined. He won't let her go. Heck, he will burn the whole world before letting her go away from him.

“ I will be there for you always. Dukh ho, sukh ho, khushi ho ya gham Ishaan aur Saanvi saat me hoge " ( Be it sorrow, comfort, happiness or sadness, Ishaan and Saanvi will be together.)

His words were soothing and comforting for her. "You know, you are the best, "Saanvi said softly.

"Is it?... But you know I have the best thing" Ishaan said with a soft smile, “and that's you” Saanvi smiled more. Her heart started jumping happily hearing him.

" How was your day" Ishaan asked casually . But his heart was beating fast.

" It was usual, the boring lectures yeah... That's it” She said hesitantly. She wanted to tell him that she realized that she likes him, but the fear gripped her heart, the fear of rejection.

Ishaan became dejected. She didn't say a word about that boy. Although why will she hide about him? Did she like that boy? Various thoughts crossed in his mind.

Both were fighting their fights with their heart and mind. Both were silent and that's when Ishita barged inside Saanvi's room making both of them startle.

" Saanvi, You are home, honey. “ She hugged Saanvi who softly smiled.

" How was your day.  And come downstairs, I will get you something to eat. We are having a guest at the evening. So get ready and Ishaan help me in kitchen. " She said the last line looking at Ishaan who rolled his eyes.


"Who is it?" Saanvi and Ishaan asked

" It's Raghubir's partner" she said simply and asked Saanvi to freshen up and come downstairs.

"Who is this guest Aan. I mean mom is excited and dad's business partner " Saanvi asked Ishaan seeing Ishita so excited.

So a guest is coming, who will be it. Any guesses. Tell me in comments. The story is soon going to take a 360° change. Excited for it? 

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