Chapter 23

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Saanvi looked at the clock and saw the time 7 am. She knew Ishaan must be on his way to wake her up. But little did he know that he is going to get a surprise, more like a shock today.

Her door opened and Ishaan frowned, seeing her ready in a black jean and white shirt. Did she wake up early today? Did she choose her dress without him?

“ You woke up early? You okay doll" Ishaan asked concerned. Her eyes were gloomy and swollen.

" Yeah. I did. I have early classes today. So A classmate called me to inform, so I got ready now I have just revised something. There will be a test today so” She lied looking at her books.

She didn't sleep much yesterday and woke up by her own. She made up this story of early classes wanting to go away from him for some time, to clear her mind.

" Okay, but you could have called me. You know, I wake up at 5. You could have called me” He said, feeling a little hurt.

" Sorry, I just wanted you to complete all your daily routines" she said, still looking at her books.

" But you broke one. You are ready now, but I am not, go choose my dress" He felt sad that she didn't call him.

“ Ishaan, see, I am studying. Please select yourself and let me see if you have good choices” She said pretending to read her book, unaware of the fact that she just hurt her Aan.

She called him Ishaan. It was his name, but he felt so unusual, so strange hearing it from her. He was Ishaan, but Her Aan.

" Why are you calling me my name and Not Aan" He asked sadly. Heck, he loved how his name rolled out from her, but it made him feel like a stranger.

“ Well, your name is Ishaan. And I felt like a kid calling you Aan as if I can't pronounce your name . I am a big girl, right. So, I just called you by your name” She said, shrugging.

But only she knew, how difficult it was for her. She couldn't even show him her face. She was sure, she will up crying if she sees him. She used every ounce in her to just not look at her Aan.

Ishaan  stood stunned. It was unexpected. His doll's behavior is unusual. Is she trying to ignore him?

A question crossed in his mind and anger was building inside him.

" Why sudden change? Even yesterday you called me Aan and not Ishaan" He asked with a slight raise in his voice.

" It's better late than never.” He heard Saanvi's whisper.

Its late. She knows. She has feelings for Ishaan. She has to let him go, for his happiness. She will get hurt for sure, but she wanted to make it a habit for her to live without Ishaan. It's better for both of them.

" I.WANT. YOU. TO. CALL. ME. AAN. " He gritted out before leaving her room, slamming the door. Saanvi flinched at the sound and made no effort to wipe the tears that rolled out from her eyes.

Ishaan felt angry. For a second, He thought that the boy she met yesterday might be the reason for her change. He smirked, remembering the boy.

He got what he deserved, and it was given by The Ishaan Malhotra. A broken hand and beaten up body.

Yeah, from his investigator he got to know that the Aarav guy usually goes to gym at 6 am. And Ishaan met him, of course, by covering his face. He has beaten him and broke his one hand. Naah he didn't felt pity. He just felt a little relief that the boy will be out of his and his doll's life.

Ishaan went to his closet to choose a dress. He sighed, it was always Saanvi choosing for him and him for her, but today choosing his dress made him feel really weird.

He selected a black suit and got ready in it and went towards her room only to find it empty. He frowned. When she had gone. He checked the washroom too, but it was empty. He called her out, "doll... Where are you?" He went downstairs and found her sitting in her place, munching on her pancakes.

Ishaan felt rage building inside him. Is she ignoring him. It made him feel crazy yet so strange. This is happening for the first time, both selecting their dresses without each other's help and now she's going downstairs without him. She used to wait for him or barge into his room and drag him out.

“ Why did you come here without me” He asked, sitting beside her.

"I was hungry and I had early classes. " She said, shrugging. But her insides were crying. It was so difficult for her. It's so difficult to pretend that each word she uttered to him is killing her.

“ You should have called me” He said with a hurtful expression.

" I am sorry" she felt bad, heck she felt guilty seeing him hurt.

" It's okay" He said munching on his sandwich.

Raghubir noticed the unusual behavior of Ishaan and Saanvi. He was sure that something was off between them

After having breakfast, Ishaan dropped Saanvi. On their way both were silent, unaware of the fact that they were hurting each other.

Saanvi sat in her seat with a gloomy face. Her heart was paining so badly. She just wanted to hug Ishaan and say she likes him and can't live without him, but she can't. Her feelings are unrequited. It's better to keep it for herself only.

On the other side, Ishaan was confused. She was silent throughout the way, and it didn't set well on him. Why is she ignoring him? Did he has done something wrong? He tried to remember, but the only thing he remembered was cursing in front of her.

He sighed. “ Maybe she isn't ignoring me. She might have early classes”

" He is injured badly" one of Saanvi's classmate, Tushar said to a girl, Kriti.

" Oh, god. How did this happen? I can't believe that he got into an accident. I mean he is so careful while driving” Kriti exclaimed with a sigh.

" Are you sure it's an accident, I heard that someone had beaten him up?" Kriti asked curiously. They are talking about their classmate.

" Nothing like that, they are just rumors. Moreover, we Know Aarav right. He isn't that type of guy who gets into a fight with random people” Tushar said shrugging. He actually didn't want anyone to know that his friend was beaten up by some strange. He lied because Aarav didn't want anyone to know, so he asked tushar to say that he got into an accident.

The name caught Saanvi's attention. Aarav, isn't the name of that guy who talked to her. Yeah. It is. She looked at them and asked them " Are you talking about Aarav, who studies in our class?"

They looked at her for a second and replied, " yeah Saanvi, he got into an accident and is currently hospitalized. "

" Is he fine? He didn't have many injuries, right? In which hospital is admitted?” Saanvi asked concerned. Aarav made her realize her feelings for her Aan and it's means so much to her.

"Woah, calm down, girl . He is fine and yeah, he is in city hospital” Tushar said with a amused face. Saanvi is concerned for Aarav?

" Ohk, I will meet him today" she said and before tushar could reply the bell rang. She wants to meet Aarav and thank him for making her realize her feelings. Till yesterday, she was restless, but now she is helpless. She wanted to tell her Aan that she likes him, at same time she can't because of fear.

Hows this chapter. I hope you are loving the story. Do let me know.

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