Chapter 37

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" And You Are My Heartbeat"

Ishaan frozen on his spot and stared at Saanvi. Heartbeat? He could hear the loud thumping of his heart. He was breathing heavily, and her closeness was intoxicating for him.

“ I am your Heart Aan And you are my heartbeat" Saanvi again said with so many emotions in her voice making Ishaan's heart flutter in his chest. She stared at his face and slowly cupped his face in her delicate hands.

She inched towards his forehead and kissed him softly. He breathed heavily at the sensation of her soft lips against his forehead.

He stared at her amused. Saanvi inched towards his ears and whispered" I LOVE YOU"

Ishaan's eyes widened and heart thumped loudly. She loves him. He held her face stared into her eyes only to find love in them, for him.

Ishaan's happiness knew no bounds, hearing her. The words his ears craved to hear. He was feeling ecstatic after finding love in her eyes for him.  

Saanvi was suddenly feeling shy, her chubby cheeks adorned with pink color, and she averted her eyes from his.

Ishaan held her face and made her look at him," what did you said? " He asked huskily.

" I love you Aan" She said. Was he dreaming?

“Again” he said impatiently

" I love you Aan" She said, a smile was tugged on her lips.

“Again doll” he ordered.

" I love you Ishaan Malhotra" She said cupping his face..

" I love you too Saanvi Khurrana" Ishaan said with a full-blown smile.

They hugged each other. Their faces were shining with happiness and content to have each other. Their souls were whispering I love you and heartbeats were mingling.

Ishaan was on ninth cloud. His doll loves him. His prayers were finally answered. What more could he ask. ? His world is in him arms now, and he will make sure that she remains in his arms until his last breath.

He needed her and only her. Money, power, control didn't matter to himin fact, nothing mattered much as compared to his doll, his heart,Saanvi.

As for Saanvi, she understood the reason of her life, her every breath, that's him, her Heartbeat, her Aan, Ishaan.

Both slowly pulled away from the hug and Ishaan said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear " You don't know, how much happy I am today. You have made me the happiest person Alive. I can't believe it."

Saanvi smiled shyly at him. " Don't be shy, I am your Aan" Ishaan said caressing her cheek while Saanvi took a deep breath.

Her cheeks flushed, and he couldn't help but to admire her. “ I love it when you blush, and that too because of me” He said while she blushed more and hid her face in his chest.

His chest vibrated as he chuckled at her antics.

"Don't laugh" She whined, snuggling into him more.

" Then stop being cute" He said, pulling her closer. They felt heaven in each other's arms.

" Ohk, fine then" She pulled away from him with a straight face. " Go freshen up and have your dinner and don't you dare to say that you had dinner CUZ I know you haven't, so go and eat” She ordered him trying to intimidate him, but she looked like a cute  bunny trying to intimidate a lion.

He tried hard not to laugh at the little bunny, so he made a normal face, nodding at her.

He went away after hugging her. Saanvi sat there with a big smile on her face. This feels so magical. To be in love and to be loved feels magical and heaven. They have found their home in each other.

Saanvi wanted to bang her head somewhere for not understanding him and his feelings. But she was glad that she realized it before it gets too late.

She felt so happy that the smile and shine of her face wasn't fading away. She wants him. She needs him like a heart needs Heartbeat. That's because she is His Heart, and he is Her Heartbeat.

She was lost in his thoughts when she was startled by his voice," thinking about me?”

“ What if I am?” She asked, wiggling her brows, and Ishaan was taken aback by her reply. So, she is back to herself.

“ I will be honored" Ishaan said, sitting beside her and giving her a chocolate.

She took the chocolate happily and looked at him. " I don't want to eat alone, " He said, shrugging and ate his dinner.

" You are the best" She said, giving him a flying kiss.

He smiled at her, continued to eat his food, all the while staring at her and hearing her talks.

“ How do you know, you love me?” he asked her.

“ Well thanks to Aarav” Ishaan stiffened beside her and Saanvi noticed it " And Mishka" She continued.

“What” Ishaan looked at her confused. Mishka helped her to realize her feelings? But how?

“ Yeah, You remember, the day when dad dropped me off as you were grounded”  Ishaan nodded positively. " That day, I met Aarav, he was continuously bragging and made me realize that I have feelings for you. At that time I thought I have a crush on you, I like you, but my mood immediately fell after remembering you saying that you like Mishka" Saanvi said frowning at the last part.

" I was making you Jealous" He said, cursing himself in his mind.

“ But I didn't know that, so I thought to ignore you, I thought the feeling will go away if I ignore you, but it didn't. I always felt incomplete without you, and ignoring you had affected me a lot. " She said remembering those days.

" You beat Aarav without any reason. " She glared at him. " He was actually helping me, helping us. That day, at hospital, he was saying that you have feelings for me. And he is waiting for the day when you will say' i like you' to me, but you misunderstood everything and punched him. " Ishaan was thankful to Aarav.

He sighed, looks like he really has to apologize to Aarav. “ And then Mishka, I was always jealous of her. Can you believe it? I was Jealous of a person, whom I have never seen, and that was only because of you. I always felt uncomfortable when mom and dad talk about her. And when she visited our house, I got insecure. She is gorgeous and can make anyone fall for her, I was scared to lose you, I thought you will ignore me” Saanvi said slapping her forehead.

" And then, today, she came here and said That I own your heart and left..." She said looking at him.

What she came here and told her everything? He couldn't believe it. Why will she do that? He was so confused

“ What?" He asked.

" Yeah, she came and talked about you. She said that you have no heart, and I was like are you gone insane. Then she said you don't own your heart as I am your heart” She said holding his heart.

Ishaan took a breath. Looks like he has to apologize to another person too.

" Actually Mishka had visited office today and said she loves me, but I made her understand that she is just attracted with me and in the heat of moment I blurted out that I love you” He said looking at her.

“ She isn't bad like I thought” Saanvi said leaning towards him.

" Neither Aarav is" He said, pulling her close.

Both looked at each other and busted into laughter. Ishaan's eyes fell on her pink soft luscious lips and an urge to kiss them awoke in him.

Saanvi stopped laughing, sensing his intense stare. Her breath hitched when he looked at her eyes and then again at her lips.

No Ishaan, it will be fast. Get out of here before you lose your control and kiss her. Ishaan said in his mind and was about to open his mouth but was interrupted by Saanvi who surprised him by saying. “Kiss me” 

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