Chapter 45

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" Why was she hugging you?" Saanvi asked, folding her hands near her chest. She was wearing a pink floral printed gown. Her hair was open, and some strands kissed her cheeks.

Ishaan was standing beside her checking a file when she asked the question. He for a while blinked his eyes and looked at her only to find her shooting daggers at him.

He gulped and looked here and there. He knew she was possessive just like him. She didn't like the presence of any girl around him except one, which was his mother.

“ Umm… She is my client doll” Ishaan said looking at her angry form. She scrunched her nose, glaring at him fiercely.

“ That doesn't give her the right to hug you. Be it a client or your employees, no one can hug my Aan. " She said, annoyingly. Saanvi came into his office to have lunch with him but the scene of a beautiful girl hugging her Aan, her husband made her blood boil. She started to see red and wanted to kill the girl immediately.

" Doll... It's just a professional hug, nothing more. Moreover, you know, you are the only one for me. " Ishaan said calmly with a smile.

" Professional hug? What do you mean by professional? What she did wasn't professional even a bit. She was clearly having a dreamy look on her face while hugging you. I have seen her face clearly. She squeezed you in the name of hugging. She was eye raping you all the while, and you are taking her side. And you are saying it was a professional hug. Really Aan ? " She said angrily ,  killing him with her angry eyes.

Ishaan gulped visibly, seeing her this much angry. But his heart warmed at her possessiveness. He liked it that she was possessive for him, just like he is for her.

“ What am I? A tube of toothpaste to squeeze? “ Ishaan joked trying to lighten the atmosphere but hearing him Saanvi's glare got intense.

“ Do you think it's a joke? But it isn't” She said in her angry voice.

" Doll... She didn't squeeze me like that, it… It was a simple hug” He tried to calm his angry doll. He was taken off-guard when the woman hugged him suddenly. He felt very uncomfortable, and he knew that she literally attempted to seduce him, but he was being professional and ignored her like a plague.

“ Seems like, you so wanted to hug her. You know what? . Go.  AND. HUG. HER. And don't come to me" Saanvi said emphasizing each word and stormed her foot on the floor like a angry kid.

She was actually jealous, seeing a gorgeous woman with figure of a model hugging him. It's been six months of their marriage and Saanvi wanted to consummate their marriage, but Ishaan always ignore that topic whenever she talks to him about it.

Ishaan never went further than some kisses, not because he didn't want her. But because, he was afraid that he won't be able to control anymore if he had her once.

Their marriage life was a bliss, nothing had changed between them. They still fight with each other, tease each other and are Possessive very much about each other.

Ishaan gaped at her. Did she really say it? She seemed pretty pissed. He smiled mischievously.

" Ok fine then, i am going. What can I do if my own wife asks me to go to another woman" Ishaan said, stressing the word another woman.

Ishaan acted like he was going and took a step forward only to pull back by someone. He hid his smile when her fragile hands wrapped around his waist.

" You aren't going anywhere. I will kill you first and then her if you go or hug that witch... No.. no.. I won't kill her, what if her ghost also try to hug your ghost. Not happening. " Saanvi said shaking her head and Ishaan chuckled at her imagination.

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