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The sunlight shamelessly peeped into the room, where two people were sleeping in each other's arms, unaware of the time. The girl's fragile arms were loosely dangled around the man's torso and her head was placed on his naked chest. The man had his strong arms around her fragile body and his face buried in the crook of her neck, their legs were tangled with each other like vines.

Ishaan inhaled her fruity fragrance and tightened his grip on his doll. Saanvi groaned, but nonetheless didn't wake up. Ishaan opened his eyes and blinked to adjust the light.

He looked at his doll and a smile came into his lips. One can clearly see how happy he was by the shine in his eyes. He can feel the world in his arms. Perks of being with your love.

Three years have passed yet nothing changed except for the growing love between them. They are leading a beautiful and peaceful life. Just like a fairy tale.

But do fairy tales really exist? Or is it just an imagination? Ishaan used to wonder, but right now, having her beside him in every step of life made him believe that fairy tales do exist.

Love is really a weird feeling. It can be sweet just like the first drop of honey, it can also be bitter just like the bitter gourd. It can be both your salvation and destruction, both your death and life. Isn't it just so weird like how your entire life starts to revolve around a single person? Without your knowing that person starts to control your emotions and feelings, in love you will be like the planet revolving around the sun.

With a smile, he kissed her forehead softly, making her smile in her sleep. Even in sleep, she can feel her Aan's touch. Ishaan slowly yet gently released her from his grip, making her frown in sleep missing the warmth she was getting a while ago. Ishaan chuckled mentally at his wife's adorableness.

He stared at her for a while before kissing her tummy. His lips lingered there for a moment, making Saanvi moan.

Her blue eyes stared at him for a while and the next second, Ishaan was rewarded with a smack on his face by the pillow.

" Uhhh" Ishaan groaned, getting hit by the pillow for the crime he just committed by waking up his wife.

" Idiot... Why did you wake me up?" She glared at him with her blue fierce eyes, making him pout.

" Bhalai ka toh zamana hi nhi hai.. Its 8 am. You told me to wake you up, and I was only doing that. " Ishaan whined like a kid and sided his face away, showing his fake anger. ( There is no time for goodness.)

Saanvi closed her eyes, remembering how she told him to wake her up at 8. She smiled, seeing him fold his hands near his chest. Who can say that, this is the same Ruthless businessman who is known as devil in the business world.

If any of his clients see him being childish, they surely would have a heart attack.

Saanvi sat on the bed with a smile . " My heartbeat " she called him, making him sigh. She always used this endearment to make it up to him.

" Sorry heart beat. Won't you forgive your heart for unnecessarily throwing that pillow on your handsome face?" She asked, hugging him from behind.

Her hands caressed his naked chest as she kissed his back. " No, I won't forgive you" Ishaan thought to play a little with her. Ishaan smirked a little, unaware of the raging lion behind him.

" What The Hell You Meant By No? Why won't you forgive me? I haven't done any damage by throwing that pillow on your handsome face. And more over, you have to forgive me. No matter what " Saanvi said in a loud voice making him flinch as she was speaking near his ears.

Looks like he has to end his playing right now otherwise he is gonna get kicked out by his wife from their bedroom.

Ishaan closed his ears and turned to her, who was glaring at him. Before Ishaan could open his mouth, he was thrown off guard by his wife's push, which made him lay on the bed.

" What do you mean by not forgiving me? You have to forgive me. " Her face hovered over his dangerously.

" Because of you, I have to wake up this early" She said, making him frown. " What did I do? " He asked innocently.

Her glaring eyes suddenly changed and tears started to form, making his eyes widened. What did he do that she started to cry.

" How... Could... Y.. you ... Forget... It. You impregnated me... Na " she started to cry like a child.

" Hey... Don't cry okay. I am at fault, okay? I am the one who impregnated you, even though it was you who asked to go harder. " He said consoling her and then teasing her, making her mouth wide.

" Shameless man" she said, hiding her face in his chest.

" Okay I am shameless but didn't you love this shameless man last night when he was making love to you, and you were moaning crazily. Didn't you loved it when I span...... "Before Ishaan could continue his shamelessness, Saanvi placed her hands on his mouth. Her cheeks flushed red and she bit on her lips to hide her embarrassment. .

" Stop it Aan " she whined like a kid hugging him, making him chuckle. Saanvi was 5 months pregnant, and her mood swings can be the worst. She shows every emotion once in a day, be it anger, jealousy, love, hurt , possessiveness or embarrassment.

" I love you Aan " She said looking at him shyly.

Ishaan smiled at her shyness and made her lay down on the bed carefully . He kissed her forehead and then her small baby bump. He lifted the shirt she was wearing a lil and placed a hand on her stomach.

" Our baby " he placed a soft kiss and looked at her still holding her stomach " I love you doll "

He then looked at her tummy and whispered " I love you too, my babies. "

Babies, yes. There are having twins. Malhotra's were on ninth sky, receiving the news of her pregnancy. They didn't even let her lift a glass, which sometime made her angry. But she was glad to get all the love from them too.

Saanvi smiled, seeing his smile and clutched his arms when he started to remove the shirt from her body.

" We will get late" She whispered in a small voice. His touch still managed to make her feel butterflies in her tummy.

" Sometimes doesn't hurt" He said, inching towards her lips and a small smile adored his face.

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