Chapter 16

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Author's POV

A girl wearing a red knee-length dress with deep neckline sat opposite to him. She had black eyes, plump lips and a perfect figure. She carried an aura of confidence around her. She gave Ishaan a sweet smile.

"Hey Ishaan. Mishka here" She said confidently with a smile. She was so happy that finally she met the boy she has grown uncontrollable liking towards.

But her mood immediately drops when Ishaan just nod at her and looked his left side… She thought maybe he is awkward. But little did she know that he was like this for everyone except for him family and his doll.

“ Won't you introduce yourself” She asked to make him comfortable and feel less awkward.

Ishaan became irritated. Doesn't she know his name? Then why the formality.

"Don't you know my name?" He snapped at her. She became embarrassed. So, it's true. Just like, Newton is well-known for his discoveries in Physics and Mathematics. Ishaan Malhotra is famous for his rude behavior, and now she got the proof.

Anyone in her place should've shouted at him and left, but she didn't. Because she is Mishka Singh, a model by profession and Possessive by behavior. His rudeness attracted her more.

“ Obviously, who doesn't know the  ' The Ishaan Malhotra'? She said in a flirty tone.

"Then why should you ask” he again asked rudely.

“ I just wanted to hear your voice” She again flirted with him. She winked at him and he clenched his fist.

"Look... I am not interested in you. " He said straightforward. He kept his words short and clear.

Mishka was amused. No man had ever said no to her. Ishaan was the first one, and she wanted to know more of him, want more of him.

“ I like you” She said looking at him. Ishaan snapped his head towards her. Is she normal? How can she like someone like him? He behaved rudely with her.

Oh yeah, she must be some gold digger. She just wants so money. He smirked and asked " How much"?

“What… I didn't understand” She said, genuinely confused.

“Oh..common. Don't act innocent and say that shit that I don't want anything.” He said cockily. " I am a billionaire, and you just want to use me. Am I right”

Mishka sat there silently as she understood what he meant. She was a little angry and didn't like the way he addressed her as a gold digger. “ You are right. I want something from you” Ishaan smirked, hearing her. “I want you to date me and marry me” She emphasized 'Me'. His smirk was wiped off, and he clenched his teeth.

How the heck can this shit even think about him dating or marrying her. Fucking hell. He cursed in his mind.

" I.AM. NOT.INTERESTED.IN. YOU" He said every word clearly.

"And I said I like you. Let me tell you something, Mishka Singh gets whatever she wants, and now she wants you" Mishka said like a crazy person.

" Are you fucking crazy? Can't you understand a simple sentence that I am not interested in you? Who the hell do you think you are? If you are Mishka, then I am Ishaan Malhotra. My name is not unnecessarily Devil” He yelled at her, and she flinched at his voice. His voice held dominance.

Mishka looked at the man before her who is not less than a raging bull. But what she said was true. She liked him. She liked him from the moment she saw him at a party looking like a Greek god. She was stalking on him from the last month. She knew he had anger issues and is rude and arrogant, but that doesn't stop her from liking him more.

" Tell your family that you didn't like me" After saying this, he stormed out without glancing at the girl who was staring at him with a smirk. “ Now I like your dominance"

Saanvi was staying in her room. She was lost in her thoughts. What will be Ishaan doing with her? Is she beautiful? Will he talk to her softly, just like he speaks to her? Is he comfortable?

Various questions crossed her mind. She was becoming restless more and more with passing time. She is confused, sad and frustrated.

She huffed and looked at the wall where her and Ishaan's photo was hanging. It was taken 3 months ago where Ishaan was smiling looking at her and Saanvi was pouting.

He is rude while she is sweet, He is arrogant while she is innocent. He is serious and mature, while she is childish and a little lazy. His one glare can make anyone shut up, while her one smile can lit up anyone's mood. He is the Devil while she is his sweet Angel. He is Ishaan and she is Saanvi. Both were imperfectly perfect together.

'We look like a couple' she mumbled absent-minded. She frowned when she realized what she had just said. Why is she thinking like this? Why is she feeling restless? Why is she feeling like this. She groaned and hugged her white fluffy teddy bear which Ishaan had brought for her a month ago.

"Bunny... Why am I feeling like this. Mujhe acha kyu nhi lag rahi hai jabki maine hi Aan ko us ladki se milne keliye bheja hai" ( Why am I not liking it when I was the one who sent my Aan to meet that girl?) She asked her teddy.

"Mere wajah se tum pareshan mat hona. Okay. So jao tum " She said to her teddy and made it lay down on her bed. ( Don't be confused because of me. Okay. You sleep)

She stood near the window and stared at the pale crescent moon and the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. " Mumma, papa..." She whispered, looking at the stars. Her eyes filled with tears as she stared at the stars. " I miss you. How are you, my lovebirds? You know sometimes I feel sad that you guys love each other more than me, that's why you two left together. But Aan always make me forget my sadness. You know today Aan had gone to meet Misha... Umm noo.. Mishka. Yeah, he had gone to meet Mishka and I was the one who pestered  him but now I am not feeling good. " She shared her thoughts.

She heard a honk and understood her Aan was back. She became happy and ran downwards. She saw him walking with a frown and she jumped infront making him startle. She hugged him and Ishaan's ruined mood became much better. He was craving for her warmth and comfort and she provided him with that. He hugged her back and his smile was replaced by a small smile.

He inhaled her fragrance and patted her head lovingly. " Missed me?" He asked her.

"Nhi toh... Why will I miss you" she said playfully. (no) " but I missed you so damn much" she said and tightened her hold on him. His heart jumped in happiness.

"I missed you more" He whispered.

" How was the meet?" She asked hesitantly. She wasn't excited. Does that means she isn't happy with him meeting Mishka .

What will Ishaan tell Saanvi. Upcoming : Saanvi's jealousy, Ishaan's plan and a new entry. Are you excited to read

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