Chapter 11

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Saanvi's POV 

Doll…” I heard Aan's voice. I hummed and snuggled into something soft. " Doll wake up na ", I again heard his soft voice which is only reserved for me. Yeah, that's what mom says.

I heard him sigh, and the next moment I felt a presence beside me. The next thing I knew was I was wide awake and was sitting on the bed with a frown.  I glared at Aan who looked like an innocent kid. A naughty kid, to be precise.

Confused. How did I wake up right. This big baby sitting in front of me feigning innocence tickled me. He knows I am ticklish, and he used it to wake me up from my heaven. My sleep.

"Aaannn..... I want to sleep. " I whined, looking at him.

“ Ohk fine, sleep. Sleep as much you want. But then don't come to me complaining I didn't wake you up in correct time, and you got late for your classes. " He said standing up.

Suddenly, I became conscious of the time. My eyes widened when I saw it's 8'o clock. I gave Aan apologetic smile ran towards Aan's room, while I saw him shaking his head and entering my closet. I entered into his closet to choose his dress for today.

When I entered my room, I saw Aan placing my dress on the bed and handed me a towel. He was looking at me intensely with some emotions in his eyes and I couldn't pinpoint what's it. I hugged him, and he hugged me back tightly and wished me"Good morning my doll"

"Good morning Aan."I wished him and broke the hug. Aan was still in his night dress. He looked super cute with his messy hairs. My hands on its own travelled towards his soft smooth hairs and ruffled them. Aan looked at me and narrowed his brows.

“ You know you are soooo cute" Pinching his cheeks i ran towards the washroom. I heard him chuckle.

I wore a white buttoned up shirt with black pants which Aan had selected for me. I took my bag and barged inside Aan's room.

I forgot to breathe for a moment when I saw him ready in his black buttoned up shirt which clung to him, emphasizing his broad shoulders and taut muscles. The navy-blue blazer was hanging across his left elbow, while he was talking to someone in his phone. The frown on his face said that it was a serious discussion. He signalled me to wait without looking at me.

I couldn't help but to stare at him. His eyes were expressionless, but something in them made it difficult for me to look away. Aan disconnected the call and looked at me. His eyes immediately sparkled, seeing me. He smiled at me.

" Have you always been so handsome ?" I unconsciously asked and he chuckled hearing me. His chuckles are so mesmerizing, just like him.

Snap out of it, Saanvi. I scolded myself in my mind

"Well, that was an unexpected question. But i am glad to know that you find me handsome. " He said in a professional tone and I chuckled hearing him.

"Well,  I find you as the most handsome man . Your mesmerizing chocolate-colored eyes are like the amber shining in the first dawn. You have such a drool worthy physique and that smile with your dimples. It's so cute. In fact, it's cuter than the small babies.

It's the truth. My Aan is the most Handsome man I have ever seen. But I don't like it when some girls stare at him like they will eat him raw. I have killed them all ; in my mind, in 100 ways.

"Ohhhemmmmggggg.....Are you blushing Aan" I squealed and asked him when I saw his ears slightly pink.

"No, I am not. We are getting late. Let's go” He said, walking away. I chuckled at him. I wondered how someone can address my Aan as a Devil. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met. I know he has anger issues, but just for that reason, they can't call him as a devil.

We were having the yummy Aloo paratha made by mom except Aan who was having a healthy breakfast, Avocado Toast with egg. He is a health conscious, and you can see it in his physical appearance.

After biding bye to mom-dad, Aan dropped me but not before giving me a long lecture of how I should take care of myself, drink water and call him if I don't feel good or someone tried to misbehave with me. I feel giddy whenever he becomes protective.

'Is it just protectiveness?' A question arises in my mind and I did the best thing that is to ignore the question.

I sighed in relief when the bell rang, indicating that the boring lecture had ended. I swear this lecture had drawn every ounce of energy in me. I walked slowly and tiredly out of the college only to meet a familiar person who was standing beside the car in his glory. His eyes that were focused on the phone, and he seemed unaware and unaffected of the surrounding. Some girls were giving him a dreamy look, trust me it angered me.

Maybe sensing my eyes on him, Aan looked towards my direction and smiled.

And It Happened. My heart fluttered.

I went towards him and hugged him and some girls looked me with jealous, some with amusement and some were like i snatched their favorite chocolates. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"You seem tired?" He asked, breaking the hug.

“Because I am." I answered and leaned into him. He softly patted my hairs.

"Let's go doll. We don't want you standing out of the college when you are tired, do we? “ He said softly. I nodded negatively, and he opened the door of the car like a gentleman. I smiled at him and got inside.

On our way, he stopped near a café and brought my favorite drinks and some snacks which I happily munched and feed some to him even though he refused.

Later he dropped me at home and I slept like a log, unaware of my surroundings. I woke up in the evening when mom woke me up.

Author's POV

They were having dinner. The dining room was unusually silent. Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra passed some weird glances at each other, which were noticed by Saanvi.

'Why are they passing glances like they are talking through each other's eyes. Something is fishy...' Saanvi wondered.

Ishaan and Rayaan looked each other with a confused face when they realized that the dining room was unusually silent. The found their parents having an eye-to-eye-talk, which confused.

"What's the matter?" Saanvi asked, forcing Ishita and Raghubir to put a stop to their eye-to-eye talks.

“Ummm….” Ishita looked at Ishaan and then at Raghubir who assured her through his eyes.

" Is something wrong, mom?” Ishaan asked with concern and worry filled voice.

“Is everything ok” Rayaan asked. His mom sighed and said in a one go " wegotaproposalforishaan"

The three of them looked dumbfound and looked each other. Ishaan asked his mother” what?

Ishita took a long breath before saying something which made them drop their fork in shock.

“We got a proposal for Ishaan. And we want you to settle down in your life” 


So Ishaan got a proposal. What will he do now? Do you want me to add any special moments of ishaan and Saanvi?

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