Chapter 10

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Ishaan POV 

It's a Sunday. The weather was cloudy. The gloomy clouds overcast the sky, covering the sky like a veil. It's been one week of 'that' incident and Saanvi's college was going well. I get the information about everything happening around her in the college from my guards. Yes, I had appointed some guards for her safety. She doesn't know about the guards. If she got to know, she will surely bury me. I chuckled at my thoughts.

I am getting ready in black T-shirt and gray pants with black and white Snickers, which was selected by my doll. Today we are going for a picnic as my doll wanted. I smiled when someone barged inside my room. No one, literally no one barges inside Ishaan Malhotra's room without permission except for this Girl. My Doll.

I snapped my head towards her, who was adorably frowning. I took my time to capture her appearance. My doll wore a strappy top and blue ripped jeans, paired up with a long black Georgette shrug with frill sleeves. Her beautiful and soft locks fluttering freely. My eyes went towards her pink soft luscious lips which I so badly wanted to kiss. I couldn't help but to think how soft they feel against mine.

The thought itself made me hard. ' Don't.... No. Don't go there, ' I screamed in my mind and shook my head to get off my thoughts. I don't want to take a cold shower right now. My thoughts were broken by my doll, who snapped her finger and poked my nose.

"What are you daydreaming. ?" She narrowed her brows and asked. How cute.

" I am not daydreaming. I was just thinking about a deal. " I regained my confidence and answered her, to which she rolled her eyes. Girl, stop doing these adorable things and spare my poor heart.

"Sure.... Aan why were you taking this time much to get ready. I swear, you took more time than mom to get ready. And why you need this much time to wear a simple t shirt and pants. You guys always says that girls to more time to get ready. Are you trying to impress someone by looking this much handsome, " She blabbered and glared at me. I didn't feel irritated, as I loved hearing her. But why did you glare me, girl. I didn't do anything, or did I?

'This girl… why will I try to impress someone when I madly in love with you'? I asked in my mind.

“Excuse me… I didn't take too much of time to get ready. I was reading a file.....” I bite my tongue. Shit. I shouldn't have said about the file. She had clearly said.... No clearly ordered me to not do any office work today. God Save me from my doll's anger.

"File... Did you just say you were reading a file? Why were you working when I made it crystal clear that you are not working today? You didn't listen to me. You and Dad were stressed from last two-three days, so I planned this outing for us. But no… Why will you ever listen to me? That day also you didn't listen to me and fought with those boys and got hurt badly. Why are you working this much, Aan ? Nothing will happen if you won't work until evening. But No why will the Great Ishaan Malhotra listen. You are so much indulged in work that you even forget about yourself. You don't eat in time . I swear Aan I will surely burn your damn laptop " "Here she goes .... She scolded me and threw her hands in the air. I could not control the smile that formed on my lips.

"Okay. Okay, I am sorry” Before she could again start her scolding I apologized holding my ears. She glared at me and I felt like she just threw an arrow which directly hit my heart.

"No works today?" She asked me innocently.

"No work today." I assured her with a smile.

"Good for you. Because if i saw you working today I will throw your laptop in the pool and burn your office" She again glared at me.  I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly. And just like that, her glare had converted into a beautiful smile.

“Let's go Aan" She shouted excitedly pulling away and held my hand and literally ran downstairs. I had a hard time controlling her as She jumped and ran around holding me. By the grace of God And Me we reached downstairs safely. Beware Of Excited Saanvi.

Mom dad and Rayaan were waiting for us. "Thank you so much for coming early, " Rayaan said sarcastically.

" Well thanks to Aan that he took his precious time for reading a file " My doll said rolling her eyes and poking my biceps.

"What the..." Dad was saying something but I interrupted" Dad can we just leave?"

"Yessss" Saanvi and Rayaan Shouted. " Ohk... So we (pointing Me, Rayaan and herself) are going to together and You two (mom and dad) are going together. " She declared, and mom and dad nodded.

As we were getting inside the car, Saanvi said in a loud voice to mom and dad" Enjoy, we are sparing you some alone time" She winked at them and mom and dad shook their head. Rayaan too joined Saanvi and teased mom-dad.

It was a fun day. We really enjoyed. We visited Lonavla, had lunch together and clicked many pictures. It was evening and we are at the sunset point, Gorai. The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. We were sitting on the sand and Saanvi was making a castle. Rayaan sat beside her commenting and irritating her.

She made the castle and asked me "Aan how's it is looking” I stared at her. Her beautiful eyes, which were twinkling with happiness and innocence. A beautiful smile adored her face and her hairs were fluttering.

“Breath taking” I Whispered, but they heard me looked at me like I have grown two heads. “What it's beautiful” I covered up.

Some creeps were eyeing my doll, commenting on her and I don't know how, but I controlled myself for the sake of Saanvi. But I clicked their pictures and send them to my private investigator to get their information. I won't spare them. They dared to eye my doll.I was fuming in anger when Saanvi came and held my arm looking at me batting her long lashes.

I know this look. She wanted something. I looked around and tried to find anything that can gather her attention. Finally, I found it. There was an ice cream stall, and she wanted ice cream.

“No” I said shaking my head. “You can't have ice cream. You will fall sick." I said sternly. " Please please just one ice-creaammm" She pleaded like a kid batting her lashes and pouting. Girl, stop doing this. I won't be able to control myself.

"Fine" I said. This girl knows how to get me agreed to her demands. "Just one, only one" In said with a finality in my voice, and she nodded like an obedient kid.

I clicked Saanvi pictures in which she was either smiling or making funny faces. Today was one of the best days of my life. On our way back to Home we (me and doll) were alone as Rayaan went with mom-dad. On the way back she was blabbering and sometimes  singing. I can't help, but I am falling for her more and more. I don't know how things will end, but I want her. In fact I need her. She is mine, and I will destroy each and everything that will come between us.

You have to be mine. You are born to be mine. We are soulmates. I mentally said looking at her who was singing.

Ishaan is falling for her more and more but what about Saanvi. Guys what do you think. Is Saanvi in love with her Aan?

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