Chapter 3

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Saanvi was in Ishaan's Room laying on his bed. She kept giggling to whatever Ishaan says. Ishaan was telling about everything to Saanvi. His favorites, his friends, his mischiefs, his secrets and everything he had experienced. Rayaan was sitting on a couch and playing with Ishaan's favourite toys as Ishaan didn't let him play with Saanvi. 

"These are the trophies I got for racing. You know racing. Its... Um yeah running. You know running. Dont know? ... Ohioo... Its okay I will teach you. Doll don't you want to grow up? Why are you so small. Grow up a little. So that we can run together and then we can go to school together." He said innocently. He frowned and said with a sad pout"I don't want you to go. Please stay here with me. Don't you miss me your Ishaan?" 

Saanvi let out a yawn. Noticing it Ishaan said "ohh so my doll is feeling sleepy" He then put some pillows around Saanvi and sat beside her and caressed her forehead and kissed her cheeks softly. Rayaan frowned when he saw his brother caressing Saanvi's forehead. He felt jealous. Ishaan had never caressed his forehead. He pouted and called Mrs Malhotra in high pitched voice. Rayaan's voice made Ishaan look at him with wide eyes. Saanvi was almost sleeping but the sudden voice disturbed her. Being cranky she started crying making Ishaan tensed. 

"Shhh... Doll its okay. Its Rayaan. He was calling mumma" Ishaan said the last part glaring at Rayaan who started crying in a loud  voice. Mrs Malhotra came immediately after hearing the kids crying. She looked at Saanvi and saw her crying. She saw Ishaan trying to make Saanvi stop cry. Ishaan was whispering sweet nothing to her. Ishaan saw his mother coming to Saanvi with a crying Rayaan. Before Mrs Malhotra could ask or do anything Ishaan said "take him away, i will make her sleep." 

"Ishaan, I will make Saanvi sleep. You go out with Rayaan "Mrs Malhotra said and tried to pick up Saanvi.

"I said na I will make her sleep, mum you go out with him" Ishaan said frustrated. His doll was crying and here his mom is asking him to leave her when she is crying. 

"Its okay... Doll. Your ishaan is here. Please baby don't cry. If you cry Ishaan will also cry. " Ishaan said with his tear filled eyes. Rayaan cried loudly making everyone's attention towards him. "Mom take him out," Ishaan screamed. Mrs Malhotra picked Raayan up and was going out when she heard Ishaan singing a lullaby for Saanvi. Saanvi stopped crying listening to the lullaby. Mrs Malhotra noticed how he cleaned her tears so carefully.

"Shh... Its okay Rayu... Tell me why my baby is crying." Mrs Malhotra cooed at Rayaan who was sniffing. Mrs Malhotra was sure that her son can make Saanvi quite.

"Bhai... Dot do that wit me" he said. (Bhai don't do that with me.)

Mrs Malhotra furrowed her brows. What Ishaan didn't do with Rayaan. "What rayu"

"He nevel cares my head like Saavi's. He nevel sing fol me. He even luk me like mojojo " Rayaan accused his brother in his baby voice.

(He never caress my forehead like Saanvi's. He never sing for me. He even looked at me like Mojo Jojo {a cartoon character})

Mrs Malhotra understood that Rayaan was feeling jealous of the attention Saanvi was getting from his brother. " Rayu... Saanvi is so small na. My Rayu is bigger than Saanvi na. She needs cares and attention that's why Ishaan is taking care of her. And Ishaan loves Rayaan a lot. "Mrs Malhotra said trying to make him understand.

Rayaan looked at his mother and nodded his head in positive "yesh... Saavi is smally and I am biggy " Mrs Malhotra smiled at her son. But she was concerned about Ishaan. Ishaan is changing. His behaviour is changing. Being a mother she couldn't help but to pray for everything to be okay. 

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