Chapter 44

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Author's POV 

At Night, Saanvi was sitting in the middle of his bed, now their bed. She is still in her lehenga. The room was decorated with flowers and candles. The fragrance of flowers lingered in the room, making a romantic atmosphere.

She was clutching her lehenga in nervousness. It's their first night. The thought itself made her restless. Is she ready for it? She questioned herself.

What will she tell him? As she is his wife, it's his right to have his way with her. He has needs, right? She should fulfill it, but was she ready? . She was confused as hell…

Suddenly, the room opened and Ishaan entered. His gaze struck on the breathtaking beauty sitting in their bed. He took a heavy breath and took strides towards her. His each strides made her heart beats fast and loud.

She breathed heavily when he sat beside her. She clenched her lehenga in a tight grip. Ishaan slowly removed the veil from her face, making her shiver.

Ishaan was awestruck by the beauty. He could stare her forever, and he won't get tired. Like a starved man, he drank her features.

Her mesmerizing blue orbs… Cute little nose, red chapped lips, chubby cheeks…. She looked alluring.

He slowly inched towards her, making her breath heavily. He kissed her forehead…. And just like that, her nervousness flew out of the window. She slowly made her unclench her hands, all the while his lips were on her forehead.

His one touch and she was comfortable. Sometimes we don't need the comfort of words, just a simple protective kiss or an assuring touch was the only needed.

He pulled away a little and stared into her eyes, making her heart flip. His hands inched towards her neck, and she shivered at the contact of his hand with her neck.

She closed her eyes, feeling his touch. He slowly removed her necklaces and bangles. He removed the pins from her hair and Other jewelries.

Ishaan inched towards her ear and whispered huskily. “ Go and change”

Saanvi looked at him and gulped. She slowly nodded and get away from the bed. Ishaan smiled and cleared the bed.

He then changed his sherwani and wore white tracks and Saanvi came inside the room. Saanvi was wearing a cute nightdress which consisted of a strawberry printed T-shirt and pj.

Ishaan smiled in adoration, while Saanvi's eyes went towards his well toned muscles and abs. He was looking so hot with those abs and muscular chest. She felt hot suddenly.

Ishaan noticed her ogling at him with an open mouth. He smirked and said," stop drooling".

Saanvi on hearing him immediately checked the sides of her mouth and frowned when she realized he was teasing her. She shyly looked down, making him chuckle.

“ Are you planning to stand there like a statue” Ishaan asked amused when he found her staying there silently like a shy bride who met her husband for the first time

Saanvi nodded negatively. " Come on, let's sleep… You must be tired” He said striding towards her and picking her up, making her squeal.

She looked at him with open mouth. He placed her on the bed and stood up and wore his T-shirt all the while Saanvi was ogling at him, to be precise his abs and muscular back.

He went towards the bed and laid beside her making her heart thump fast. The lub-dub of her heart could be heard. Ishaan wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

She gulped, not knowing what to do. “Sleep” Ishaan whispered, closing his eyes. Saanvi stared at him for a minute and smiled before closing her eyes, drifting into sleep.

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