Bonus Chapter 1

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"Aaahhh " Saanvi's painful groan echoed in the OT. Her eyes were teary and sweat had formed in her forehead. She was breathing heavily through her open mouth.

" Aan " She cried, holding his hands. Ishaan winced at her pain stricken voice. Her painful cries made his heart constrict in his chest. If he could, he would have taken her pain away.

" Shh... It's okay doll... Just a little more push and our life will change. We will have two little bundle of joys," Ishaan tried to comfort her.

" Aaannn... Tell them their mom loved them if something happens to me " She said, breathing heavily.

Ishaan glared at her. " Nothing will happen to you. "

" Aan... It's paining. " She cried holding his hand.

" I know my heart... You are strong na doll... Common you can't be weak doll " He kissed her forehead and tried to encourage her.

" It's time, Mrs. Malhotra... A hard push " Saanvi heard the doctor's voice, and she squeezed his hand tightly as she started to push.


Saanvi sighed in exhaustion as she delivered her twins. Now they are the parents of two little bunnies. Their family had completed by the entry of their kids.

She looked at Ishaan who was having an adorable smile seeing their children. He kissed her forehead mumbling" our kids" Saanvi smiled at him before loosing her consciousness due to weakness.

Right now, Ishaan was staring at his babies who were laying on the hospital crib. He was staring at them with his wide eyes.

His kids.

One boy and one girl. The boy was older by two minutes. They both looked so adorable that Ishaan wasn't able to remove his eyes from them.

" Why are you looking at them like this ?" Saanvi asked, seeing him weirdly looking at their babies.

" Why are they so red, like they are blushing? Do all babies blush like this ?" Ishaan asked with genuine confusion. Saanvi didn't look red when she was a baby . He remembers that she was so chubby and her skin was whitish.

Saanvi shook her head at him. " Aan. Don't worry. And don't you know that, all babies look like this on their first day"

Ishaan made an understanding face and said, " naah... I haven't been around babies except you and Rayyan "

Saanvi smiled at him and looked at their babies. " They look adorable "

" Yeah... Look like little bunnies. Our adorable bunnies " Ishaan said and moved towards her.

He hugged her tightly and pecked her forehead. " Thank you for giving me these two little bunnies. Thank you for completing our family. Thank you for giving birth to our kids. Thank you for accepting me and my love , doll "

" And thanks to you for loving me like a crazy person. Thank you, standing beside me, holding my hands when I was in pain. Thank you, tolerating my worst mood swings. You were always there to cheer me up when I was feeling low. Thank you, Aan. Thank you for making me so damn special. Thank you for being my heart beat. "
She softly kissed his cheeks.

" I have to be your heartbeat when you became my heart, " Ishaan said cheekily.

" Do you have any names in your mind," Ishaan asked Saanvi.

" Ummm... No... Okay let's think now. You think our son's name, while I think of our daughter. " Saanvi suggested.

Both began to think while the two little bunnies looked around with their small beautiful eyes.

" Got it " Saanvi and Ishaan exclaimed happily looking at their children.

" Ladies first " Ishaan said and asked her the name for their daughter.

" Anvi " Saanvi said with a soft smile while looking at her daughter. Ishaan smiled, hearing her.

" A beautiful name for a beautiful princess, " Ishaan exclaimed happily.

" I know right " Saanvi winked at Ishaan.

" How about Ansh for our champ ?" Ishaan suggested.

" Perfect. Ansh and Anvi " Saanvi grinned.

Suddenly, the door opened and Ishita, Raghubir and Rayyan entered with a smile. They had gone to attend a family wedding. They had tried to cancel it, but Ishaan and Saanvi made them understand.

" Princess, how are you ?" They asked Saanvi worriedly.

" I am fine guys and see the two new members of our family " Saanvi said pointing her fingers towards the crib.

" Aww... My grandchildren " Ishita cooed seeing the kids. " My babies " Raghubir followed with adoration shining in his eyes.

" God... These two munchkins are so cute... I am going to spoil them a lot," Rayyan said grinning like a cherished cat.

" Don't you dare to spoil my innocent children you ghost " Saanvi glared at Rayyan playfully.

" As if I am going to listen to a witch," Rayyan retorted with a smug smile.

" Did you just call me a witch ?" Saanvi asked with her wide eyes.

" Took you long enough to understand " Saanvi so wanted to punch Rayyan but she didn't want him to look like a joker at his wedding which is going to happen within a week.

" Guys... Stop it okay. You are weak, dolls. So be a good girl and take rest" Ishaan finally intervenes, making Saanvi pout at him.

" And you, don't even think of spoiling my kids. Cuz if you tried to spoil them, I am going to share all your embarrassing stories with them. " Ishaan said with a smirk, making Rayyan wide his eyes.

" Noo... I won't spoil them, okay. Please let me have respect in their eyes. " He pleaded showing his puppy eyes.

" Drama king " the family sighed at him.

" Do you guys decided any name ?" Raghubir asked them.

" Yes dad " Ishaan answered.

" Why?" Rayyan whined, gaining the attention.

" I wanted to take a part when you guys name them. You know I have searched a lot of names for them but you guys just couldn't wait until we came" Rayyan whined making them shook their heads.

" Okay drama queen, the names will help you in future " Ishaan winked at Rayyan making him whine.

" Leave this whining baby and tell me what's the name ?" Ishita asked excitedly.

" Ansh for the boy and Anvi for the girl " Ishaan said with a smile.

" Woah... That's good. Welcome to the world, Ansh Malhotra and Anvi Malhotra. " Rayyan said with a cheeky smile looking at the babies.

The Malhotra's continued to adore the two little munchkins, as the kids continued to gawk at the new environment.

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