Chapter 30

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Aarav wanted to meet Saanvi, so he insisted Tushar, his best friend, to take him to Saanvi room. Tushar declined first, but Aarav being Aarav forced him with his emotional blackmail.

He wanted to speak with Saanvi. He wanted to tell her something that will make her happy. He grinned like a cherished cat at the thought.

Tushar knocked on the door while Aarav was sitting in his wheelchair. Aarav offered a smile to Ishaan, who opened the door.

Ishaan stilled in his spot, clenching his perfect jaws and gritting his teeth. ' What this moron is doing here? Can't he understand that she is fucking mine. It looks like the devil have to pay a visit again'!

Ishaan was murdering Aarav in his mind when Tushar gulped getting intimidated by the man in front of him and said" actually, sorry… Umm, this idiot here wants to meet Saanvi that's... That's why we are here in this morning. “

Ishaan took a deep breath calming himself, 'no Ishaan, no fighting or threatening in front of my doll. I have already hurt her much. '

Ishaan was about to say she was sleeping, but a voice from his behind had ruined his entire plan, making him scowl” Who is there Aan?" Saanvi's melodious voice reached his ears.

" Your classmates, weirdo" Aarav yelled back, making Saanvi choke on her saliva. Ishaan ran towards her and held her hand asking" What happened doll? Are you fine"

Tushar and Aarav came inside the room and saw Ishaan holding Saanvi's hand gently.

" Are you okay” Aarav asked while Saanvi nodded after drinking some water.

Saanvi looked at Ishaan's face and saw his eyes filled with concern. She inched towards him and whispered, " he is not my friend. I swear"

She didn't want him to get angry again. She didn't want to fight with him.

Ishaan saw her face and looked her eyes, and he knew she wasn't lying. He sighed and smiled a little.

“ Excuse me, I am here” Aarav waved at them with a teasing smile.

“ Do I look like I care” Saanvi said smirking a little at Aarav's dumbfound face.

Ishaan smiled at her reply.

" Princess... Thank god you are up, how are you. Is it paining? Should I call the doctor? Do you need anything?" Rayyan barged inside And when he saw Saanvi he rambled and hugged her.

" Awww... My monkey was worried about me" Saanvi teased, hugging him back while the rest smiled at their bond.

“ Of course, if you didn't wake up then with whom I am going to fight” Rayyan said pulling away from the hug.

" How are you"Rayyan asked.

" Well except for the bandage on my head, which is making me feel like I have a mountain on my head. I am fine” Saanvi said, rolling her eyes.

Rayyan smiled at her and looked at Ishaan. They had an eye talk and Ishaan nodded his head.

" Bhai... Stop romancing with my Aan's eyes" Saanvi said slapping Rayyan's hands. Tushar and Aarav laughed like hyenas hearing her, while Rayyan stared at Saanvi like she was an alien.

Ishaan shook his head with a she-is-never-gonna-change look. But he liked how she called him as hers.

“ Why will I romance with my brother when I have a girlfriend" Rayyan rolled his eyes at the overdramatic Saanvi who is unfortunately his sister.

" Whatever… What were you doing looking into each other's eyes like  couples do, ”Saanvi asked frowning.

" Nothing much... Doll. You take rest, I will be back soon.” Ishaan said kissing her forehead which made butterflies erupt in her stomach. A simple protective kiss and she was lost. Lost in a world where there is Ishaan and Saanvi , ISHAANVI.

She pictured herself and Her Aan holding each other's hands, kissing each other, and She blushed at her thoughts.

" Princess, I will be back within 5 minutes. Until then, talk to your friends” Rayyan said and left only after asking her friends to take care of her.

Aarav wiggled his brows and Saanvi raised her brow asking what.

" You know what, your friend is crazy" Aarav muttered and Saanvi frowned and glared at him for calling her Aan crazy.

" Did you hit your head somewhere" Saanvi asked rolling her eyes. She wanted to smack his head for calling her, Aan, crazy.

" I swear if you roll your eyes then... Agh...then I am not going to tell you about your best friend” Saanvi was about to roll her eyes again, but the word best friend caught her attention.

Is he talking about Aan. Her Aan ?

She looked at him Confused... " What"

" Ishaan is crazy for you " Saanvi smiled when she heard him.

" I know, my Aan is the best. Yeah, he has anger issues, but he can even die for the ones he loves. He can fight the world for them. He is like a dream, so unreal to believe that somebody like him exist. I know he too have flaws but for me, he perfect, imperfectly perfect. You know when he gets angry, his veins in neck protrude, his beautiful eyes get darker and his biceps flexes due to clenching his fists. I am sounding like a pervert. Don't I? “ Saanvi asked with a chuckle.

" He is my everything' Saanvi said with plenty of emotions in her voice and eyes. Whenever she said he was her everything, she meant it. She meant every single word.

“ Just like you are his” Aarav said softly.

Saanvi's head snapped towards him and asked with a throbbing heart “What”

“ Your Best Friend has feelings for you" And just like earth crashed upon her, she froze.

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