i. "like the vegetable?"

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CHERRY DIDN'T KNOW WHERE TO GO. She'd already spent three weeks hopping from hotel to hotel in town, and there were only so many local hotels before someone recognised her and said something.

The stack of money she'd saved up from her summer break job at the local pool was beginning to thin by the day, she realised very quickly that being an adult and having to manage the finances must be hard.

Cherry kept one foot in front of the other, making sure to watch her feet as to not trip over as she walked through the door, the bell ringing when it opened.

She sighed, looking back through the money in her hand.


$20 for a roof over her head for a night, another twenty for meals; as long as she kept it small.

That leaves $66 left, and she still needed to buy the prenatal vitamins her doctor had told her she needed to take.

The medical bills, all the bills- it was too much for her young brain to handle. There was an ache beginning to form in the back of her skull and she tried her hardest to keep her tears at bay.

"Yo, you good?"

Cherry was snapped out of her thoughts, immediately looking up to the man that had asked her the question, he was tall with a ginger beard and kind looking eyes.

"Yo... kid?" The man asks again, waving his hand infront of Cherry's face before his eyebrows drew together in concern.

Cherry hummed, taken aback at the large hand that covered her sight of vision for a few seconds before she was looking at the man infront of her again.

"What?" Cherry asks, frowning as the man continued to stand in her way, she didn't know why he was even talking to her.

"I asked if you were good? You've been standin' in the doorway for five minutes now" The man was talking really slow, Cherry wondered if he had some type of mental illness that slowed his brain down or something.

"Five minutes? I've been here that long?" She asked, her frown deepening as panic bubbled in her chest. She didn't want to come off as suspicious or weird, she just wanted to get what she came for and be on her way.

"Yeah, kinda just starin at your hands. Do you need help finding something or?" The ginger man shrugged and Cherry realised that this must be the owner of the gas station, or an employee atleast.

Cherry opened her mouth to respond, before taking a cautious look around her to check if anyone was listening.

"This is a really odd question— but do you sell prenatal vitamins here?"

The man raised his eyebrows before lifting a hand to the back of his neck and rubbing it slightly. The girl infront of him looked really young, and with the way she whispered her words with such hesitance and caution, he knew that the items she was asking for weren't for someone else.

"Uh no. But you can get them at a pharmacy" He answered, eyeing the duffel bag that was tucked underneath her arm, it looked filled to the brim, about ready to burst.

A quiet curse was heard, aswell as a sharp intake of breath before Cherry nodded.

"Okay— thank you anyway" She pressed her lips together, turning on her heel and reaching for the door handle when the man spoke again.

"You got somewhere to go?" He nodded towards her bag, his eyes filled with an emotion that Cherry didn't quite understand.

She gave a hesitant shake of her head, confirming what he already knew before she answered.

"No-No I don't" Her face was directed towards the ground, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment upon the fact that she really didn't have anywhere to go.

"Look I know this sounds hella creepy and shit but- I have a spare room at my place if you wanna crash there for a while?"

Cherry looked up at his words, shock filling her veins at the fact that someone had offered her a place to stay. The man's face was full of sympathy, something Cherry usually hated but at this moment she didn't really care.

"I wouldn't want to intrude" She shook her head, crossing her arms around her torso and rocking herself on the balls of her feet.

"Nah you wouldn't be. I got a brother 'round your age, that kid needs some friends. He look lonely as hell so it'd benefit everyone I guess"

Cherry let her top teeth sink into her bottom lip, nodding lightly to answer the man's suggestion.

"I'm Fez by the way— Fezco but everyone calls me Fez" The ginger man, Fezco said.

"Uh— Cherry, my mom used to call me Cher but-" She cut herself off, pressing her lips together to stop herself from rambling and saying too much.

Fezco chuckled, "Your name's Cherry? Like the vegetable?"

Cherry frowned, "A cherry is a fruit"

"My bad- I dropped out of school" Fezco responds, reaching out to pat Cherry's shoulder.

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