ix. Cal Jacobs? In the living room?

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CHERRY AND FAYE'S RELATIONSHIP DUG DEEPER THAN BEST FRIENDS, over the short time Faye had been staying with them their relationship grew.

But it wasn't just their relationship that grew, Cherry's trust for Faye grew aswell.

Despite the older woman being addicted to heroin and injecting it into her vaginal area, Cherry trusted her wholeheartedly.

"–I came up with an amazing fucking plan" Rue said, she was leaning against the fridge door as Faye searched through it, scrunching her nose up at some of the items inside.

"Can you get the milk please?" Cherry called out from the small table, Faye shouting back a 'sure' after a few seconds.

"And what would that be Rue?" Fezco asked, adjusting himself on the kitchen bench.

"So..." Rue let out a huff and moved as the fridge door closed, "All you would have to do is front me like— five thousand dollars worth of drugs, okay? And then—"

Cherry and Faye both snap their heads in Rue's direction, matching looks of absurdity on their faces.

"Hell the fuck no" Fezco cut off, letting out a chuckle as he gives her a humorous smile.

"Okay but— before you say no you kinda have to let me finish, alright?" Rue tries to justify, gesturing around with her hands.

"Hell the fuck no" Fezco insisted, the smile no longer on his face.

"Okay why do you keep saying that?" Rue asked, a frustrated look on her face as she stares Fezco down.

"I did not like the way that the plan started" He answered and Cherry mentally agreed with him.

Cherry and Rue didn't know eachother very well but she was still going to worry about the older females well-being.

"Okay— well you have to let me finish the fucking plan!" Rue exclaimed, her arms going up and down as her voice cracked slightly.

"No" Fezco responded.

"Yes you—"

"Hell the fuck no Rue" Fezco repeated, wanting to get his disagreement across loud and clear.

There was a look of hurt on Rue's face and Cherry almost felt bad for her. Almost because it was the fact that she was an addict asking for the very thing she was addicted to.

A clap was heard before Rue mumbled a "Fuck it" and footsteps began to retreat.

"I give up—whatever. I'll just take my fucking business elsewhere... It's your fucking loss man"

More footsteps were heard before they stopped.

Faye passed Cherry a spoon when she saw her pouring a bowl of fruity rings.

"Hell the fuck no" Fezco stated, giving her a pointed look that made her turn around and walk out.


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