vi. cravings

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FRUITY RINGS SEEMED TO BE THE ONLY THING CHERRY WAS CRAVING. That morning when she woke up the first thing she'd done was head to the pantry and pour herself a hefty bowl of fruity rings.

What she wasn't expecting was Faye passed out in the living room with her legs sprawled along the armrest of the couch.

She had paused in her steps, staring at the blonde for a minute before shrugging and continued on her way to the small table.

The second she brought the spoon to her mouth seemed to be the exact time everyone decided to wake up.

Fezco was the first to announce his presence by walking to the bathroom in his m&m pyjamas and a hand scratching his beard. Next was Ashtray just seconds after his brother as he typed on his phone, already dressed in his usual expensive looking tracksuit.

And finally Faye woke up, being greeted by a glare from Ashtray as he got himself a bowl of cereal and took a seat beside Cherry.

Ashtray had been awake watching some random reality show on the television when Fezco brought Faye back to their place, and he wasn't impressed. In fact, he hadn't spoken to his brother since.

"G'morning" Ash greeted, bringing his spoon to his mouth and crunching down on the contents inside his mouth.

Cherry hummed, flashing him a smile before responding. "Morning, you sleep alright?"

It wasn't unusual for Cherry to ask those sorts of questions, ever since she kind of moved in she has greeted both the brothers the same every morning.

Ash shrugged, lowering his voice when Fezco walked out of the bathroom. "Not really"

Cherry decided not to push for further information, she didn't want to come off as nosy and it was already early in the morning.

"Any morning sickness today?" Ashtray asked, taking another scoop of cereal into his mouth after he asked the question.

Cherry swallowed down her mouthful before responding, "Not today, thankfully"

Cherry's pregnancy symptoms seem to switch on and off like a light switch, one day she'd be feeling as though she wanted to destroy the entire universe and the other she wanted to have a picnic and help out around the store.

"That's good. Don't you have an appointment soon?" He asked, placing his spoon down after he took the last of his cereal into his mouth.

She nodded and hummed to confirm his question, a smile gracing her lips as she remembered that she'd get to see her baby again in a weeks time.

Ashtray's lips tugged up at the corners, a smile threatening to break through before he pressed his lips together and gave the girl next to him a short nod.

"Goodmorning you guys" Fezco greeted, speaking to everyone in the room and no one in particular.

Faye grumbled out a response, something about pushing a manager off a balcony and missing her boyfriend.

Sometimes Cherry wondered if Faye was okay in the head.


Cherry had figured out the hard way that customers could be extremely rude, she had learnt that when she was watching the register for Fez while he went to the bathroom.

Apparently Fez and Ash didn't sell the right kind of apples?

Who knew you could even get apples at a gas station, but apparently you can.

When Fez returned from his two minute bathroom break Cherry was yelling at a man with greying hair, shouting something about going to a grocery store if you wanted juicy apples.

Fezco had looked between the customer and Cherry before deciding to cut in when the man pointed a finger directly in her face.

He trusted that Cherry was shouting at the customer for the right reason, that and the fact that she might have been having a bad day and he didn't want to get on her bad side.

And so since then, Fezco had assigned Cherry with the job of chilling with Ashtray behind the freezers.

Or in other words, to be babysat.

"Are your tattoos real?" Cherry asked, the question had been on her mind a lot lately and she didn't think she could keep herself from asking any longer.

Ashtray stopped what he was doing and turned to face Cherry who was sat on the couch with an orange juice in her hands and a family sized bag of crisps beside her.

"How old do you think I am?" He asked, It was a rhetorical question and before he gave her the chance to respond he spoke again. "It's only marker, but I wanna get it done when I can"

Cherry nodded, thinking for a minute before speaking. "I wanna get a tattoo too"

Ashtray raised an eyebrow, both out of shock and surprise. He didn't expect for Cherry to say that, nevertheless want it.

"Oh yeah? Of what?" He didn't mean to sound rude, but the way he scoffed before speaking made it out as though he was judging her.

"Of my babies name maybe. Ooh— or maybe like, a picture or something." She said excitedly, completely ignoring Ashtrays tone as she spoke.

"A picture?" He asked.

He received a nod from her but no other words, the information he had just gotten was confusing him but yet he didn't know why.

once again their will be multiple
parts due to the fact that I don't
want the chapters too long.
this was mostly a filler and them
interacting but i totally forgot
Cherry was pregnant so i had
to add in some extra info

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