xix. white roses

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SOMETHING WAS UP WITH ASHTRAY, Cherry could sense it in the way he didn't cook pancakes with her or when he didn't invite her to play GTA with him anymore, it confused her but she figured if she gave him some time— he'd step up and talk about it with her.

Today was no different, when Cherry returned home from the cafe, wanting a tall glass of ice water to quench her thirst.

Her feet were swollen— another fantastic symptom to pregnancy— and she was sweating puddles.

"You're back early" Faye said, frowning at the pregnant teen who dropped her bag on the tiled floor and sat herself on a kitchen stool.

"Yeah— they had extra staff in today for the valentines baking so they let me off an hour early" Cherry huffed out, pushing her hair off her sweaty forehead.

Faye gave a hum and got a cup of water, adding ice when Cherry requested it.

After thanking the blonde and gulping majority of the cold liquid down she glanced around the apartment, taking notice of how quiet it was.

"Fez and Ash working today?" Cherry questioned, lifting the cup to take a cube of ice to chew on.

"Yeah— they said they'd be a little later today" Faye replied, bending down to pull a tray out of the oven.

A heavenly smell floated around the room, smelling deeply of cinnamon and apple to which Cherry gave an impressed glance.

"I'm making some treats for tomorrow— even though we probably won't do anything, I thought it'd be nice" Faye explained, placing the tray on the stove to cool down.

"Well it smells amazing" Cherry grinned, patting Faye's hand and jumping off the stool, grabbing her bag and skipping to her room.


It was three hours later that Ashtray and Fezco returned home, exhausted looks on their faces as they both slumped onto the couch.

"Yo Ash, I'm thinkin' we keep the shop closed tomorrow" Fez said, a hand scratching at his beard as he laid his head back against the couch.

Ashtray gave a hum before turning his phone off and groaning dramatically, to which Fezco raised his eyebrows at.

"What's up with you?" Fez asked, his arms raising and resting against the back of the couch while he waited for his brother to answer.

Ashtray hesitated, his eyes looking around for any sign that either Faye or Cherry would spring out at any moment.

"Google won't tell me what love feels like— just some bullshit about friendship and empathy" He huffed, sliding further into the couch when Fezco grinned his way.

"You love Cher?" Fezco asked, an elbow extending to nudge his little brothers in the ribs.

Ashtray mumbled incoherent words, his cheeks being painted by a crimson red as he looks at the floor.

"What'd you say?" Fez taunted, his eyes glinting with amusement as he let out a few hearty chuckles.

Ashtray gave Fezco a pointed look, warning him to stop talking— not that Fezco actually did.

"Should I cal her in here?" Fezco grinned, lifting a hand to his mouth and getting ready to shout Cherry's name when a hand made contact with the back of his head, successfully startling him.

At Fezco's bewildered look Ashtray let out bubbles of laughter, clutching his stomach as his older brother soon joined in.


"Ash! Dude let me out!" Cherry shouted, her hands banging on the closet door, where Ashtray had randomly shoved her into and locked the outside— though he probably just moved a dresser infront of it, considering the closet door didn't have a lock.

"Just a minute!" He called back, seemingly still in his bedroom as she could hear shuffling about, aswell as some muttered curses and the crumpling of plastic.

A second later the closet door was opened and Cherry was met with the sight of Ashtray standing with a bouquet of white roses, and a gift bag in his spare hand.

"What's all this for?" Cherry asked, her eyebrows pulling into a frown as she surveyed the sight infront of her.

"Look I don't know how this shit works, you're the first girl I've ever asked— Be my valentine?" His voice got quieter towards the end of his question, his blinking increasing— a sign that he was growing nervous.

Cherry's eyebrows went up, almost touching her hairline as her mouth opened and closed— a stunned look on her face.

She'd completely forgotten about valentine's day, even though the cafe was baking limited edition treats and decorating, it slipped her mind.

"Cher? Say something" Ashtray said, a deep frown on his face as he tilted his head in confusion.

Cherry stuttered out a response, "Of course but-but I didn't get you anything—"

Before she could respond he was cutting her off again, a dimpled smile gracing his face as his shoulders relaxed.

"I don't care about that shit— I only wanted to ask you so I could spend the day with you" He admitted, his cheeks becoming rosey when Cherry's lips pulled into a teasing smile.

She gave a chuckle before reaching out to hug him, swaying sideways.

"Did she say yes?!" A voice called from outside, one which Cherry recognised as Fezco's.

Ashtray gave a scoff and she could feel his head move, most likely shaking it in embarrassment.

"She said yes!" Ashtray said a moment later, a never ending grin on his face.

Cheers of excitement were heard from outside the room, as wel Faye scolding Fezco for standing on the couch.

i don't know how to feel about
this chapter— it was pretty rushed
and i didn't have an exact idea for it
but i guess it turned out alright

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