xii. missing socks

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CHERRY WAS QUICK TO REALISE THAT IT IS INFACT POSSIBLE FOR SOCKS TO GO MISSING, her mother had always complained about it but she never really believed it.

Now however, is a different story.

Over the course of two weeks a hefty four socks have gone missing— four random socks now without their matching other.

Unless someone was taking them— at that thought she stood up straight and marched out of the laundry room, her hands on her hips and a frown covering her face.

Faye, Ashtray and Fezco were all lounging around in the living room— a movie playing on the small TV.

"Faye!" Cherry called, her frown deepening at the smoke escaping said girls mouth.

Faye gave a hum of agreement, not looking away from the TV as some guy shouts on the screen shouts.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to smoke inside?" Her voice was stern, a heavy breath leaving her lips after speaking.

Faye paused as the words processed in her mind, "Uhh... four?" she was blinking slowly and her eyes were red.

Cherry huffed in annoyance at the fact that Faye was high right now.

"This movie is so real" Faye spoke, completely ignoring what Cherry said as she took another hit from the blunt in her hand.

"Word" Fezco agreed, his head leaning on the couch as his eyes took in the movie.

"Is nobody listening to me?!" Cherry exclaimed— throwing her arms up in the air in defeat.

Sensing her annoyance, Ashtray patted the spot next to him.

Cherry stomped over and slumped into the seat when she was close enough.

"Yo, Fez put that shit out— you too" He demanded, giving the two adults a pointed look.

"Huh? Why?" Fezco asked, looking confused as he did what was asked and put the blunt out.

"Cause' it's not good for the baby" Ashtray said in a 'duh' tone, giving him a look.

Fezco let out a curse as he stood up and waved his arms around, rushing over to open the window to clear the now foggy room out.

"You good?" Ashtray asked, nodding to Cherry as she crossed her arms and dug herself further into the back of the couch.

"No. Someone is stealing my—"

Before she could finish a knock had cut her off, everyone looking in the direction of the front door.

They weren't expecting anyone, atleast that's what they all thought.

Fezco tilted his head, "Yo, who the fuck is that?" he questioned.

Not even a second later the knocks got louder, now pounding on the door and creating loud bangs that echoed through the walls of the apartment.

Fezco stood up slowly and made his way to the door, all eyes following him in confusion.

"Yo!" Fezco called, and whoever that was on the other side of the door repeated the greeting— speaking in hushed mumbles.

At the familiar voice, Faye's head popped up.


Cherry decided quickly that she didn't like Bananas— atleast not while being pregnant.

Faye had seen a recipe on instagram for banana splits and decided to try it after they all had dinner.

It didn't seem to go as planned, because as soon as the banana hit her taste buds her entire previous meal was making its way back up her throat.

She had rushed to the bathroom to shove her head into the toilet, throwing up all the pizza they'd had for dinner.

The second she emerged from the bathroom— along with Ashtray who'd followed her in and held her hair back— Faye was apologising, repeating the same words for the next hour or so.

It was just after midnight when Ashtray crept into Cherry's room, his hands clammy and heart pounding so fast he thought he'd go into cardiac arrest within the next few seconds.

"Cher?" He mumbled his breathing heavy in anxiety.

A hum was heard before Cherry turned her eyes away from the screen in her hand— the video she watched re-playing like a loop in her mind.

"Do you wanna maybe— are you okay?"

Upon seeing her tear stricken face he completely forgot about what he was previously going to ask— mind going into a protective-like mode over the young girl.

"I'm fine" She smiled, though her tears pooling at her chin and her red face said otherwise.

"You're not fine. You-you're crying... why are you crying?" He stuttered out, nerves going haywire at the thought of accidentally saying something wrong.

Cherry let out a short laugh, then a sniffle before she unlocked her phone to show Ashtray what she'd been watching before he walked in.

"... little Einsteins?" he asked, moving his eyes from the screen to her face that was breaking into another sob as she continued to watch the video on her phone.

this is very very short—but
i do plan on trying to get atleast two
other chapters out today, they'll
mostly just be filler chapters for now.
also emotional cherry is so fun
to write

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