xvi. puke

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CHERRY LOVED MANY THINGS, just like anyone else.

She loved the morning sun— one of the many reasons why she always woke up so early — she loved dark chocolate, as well as art class and getting out of school an hour early, she loved watching movies with the people she cared about and seeing them laugh at the cheesy comedy movie playing on the small television.

She loved all of those things.

But she also hated many things.

It was normal and everyone hated something, even if they denied it repeatedly— deep down everyone hates something.

One thing was for sure, Cherry hated throwing up.

She'd always feared it, but now being pregnant and having to deal with morning sickness she hated it ten times more.

She hated the feeling of the acidic liquid rising in her throat right before it bursted from her mouth, staining anything it touched.

But she especially hated people feeling sorry for her— giving her that sympathetic look that makes you want to roll your eyes.

And right now, she was receiving both of those things. 

With her head in the toilet bowl—throwing up everything she'd eaten that previous night— and Ashtray holding her hair and giving her that same look people give you when they find out your pet just died.

"Don't look at me like that" Cherry croaked out, spitting out any excess puke that was in her mouth before lifting her head.

Ash sighed and helped to steady her when she tried to stand.

He didn't want her to have to deal with all this— he also felt for the young girl, as he himself doesn't like puke either.

"Like what?" Ash questioned, he knew what she was going to say before she said it but he didn't want her to think he was ignoring her.

"Like my parents just died and i'm some cliche wattpad character" Cherry exclaimed, putting the toothbrush into her mouth and beginning to scrub her teeth.

Ash gave a soft chuckle before wrapping his arms around her waist and resting her chin on her head— admiring her as she grimaces at the mixed tastes inside her mouth.

"Is it so wrong for me to feel bad for you?" He asked, letting his hand rest on her baby bump that was on display.

"Yes! It is" Cherry said, although it was muffled from her mouthful of toothpaste.


Cherry was gathering a bag of accessories, the bag containing multiple different board games and different card stacks before she set off on her walk.

Cherry loved boardgames, it brought nostalgia from when her father would beg her mother for the two to stay up an extra five minutes to finish their games.

"You tell her i'm sorry— yeah?" Fezco said, leaning against the stool as he watched the young girl.

The brunette gave him a nod and smile before speed walking to Ashtray's room to say goodbye.

After spotting the boy watching over the security cameras that were set up beside his bathroom, she rushed over and gave him a long hug.

Startled by the sudden force his body was hit with, he stumbled back a couple steps before wrapping his arms around the girl once he realised who it was.

"You good?" Ash asked, though he didn't pull away from the embrace as the girl held him tighter.

"Mhm... thank you" Cherry said as she breathed out.

"What for?" Ash mumbled, his hand coming up to twirl a piece of her hair.

"Everything" Cherry sighed, finally pulling away and tucking her hair behind her ears to clear her vision.

Ashtray didn't say anything back, figuring she just needed to say what was said.

"I'm heading over to Rue's to check in on her— you wanna come?" Cherry asked, she knew things would be pretty rough between Rue and the two males after Fezco explained what happened.

Ashtray let out a sigh before shaking his head slightly, he wanted to go check in on something he thought of as an older sister but he didn't know how she'd react, and he didn't want to make her feel even worse— considering she's still going through withdrawal.

After receiving Ash's answer Cherry stood onto her toes and gave him a quick peck before rushing out of the room, her hair whipping Ash in the face during the process.


Cherry knocked on the tall door as she re-adjusted the bag on her shoulder, her feet were beginning to ache from the wall over— a new pregnancy symptom— and the heat seemed to be aiming all of its rays onto her.

Just a couple seconds later the door was opened, and Gia gave her a soft smile and let her in.

Cherry had met the Bennet family just a day ago, she'd come over to check on Rue just as she is today, and was introduced to her mother and sister.

Though she already knew of Gia from her third period maths class and visual arts— it was better to actually know who she was.

"She doing any better today?" Cherry asked hopefully, knowing Gia was losing faith in her sister after the multiple incidents that had happened over the past year or so.

Gia's lips quirked up just slightly, a genuine smile of excitement begging to peek through.

"I think she's doing better today" Gia stated, her eyes watering a little in happiness.

Cherry smiled and brought the taller girl into a hug, rubbing her back in comfort.

i meant to get this chapter out
yesterday but i was travelling. also
Cherry literally doesn't hate anyone
i swear, apart from the Jacobs family
but who doesn't.

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