iv. an orgy?

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ASHTRAY HAD WATCHED AS CHERRY DRIFTED TO SLEEP, looking completely careless as her brows evened out from the frown she seemed to wear 24/7.

He didn't want to admit it, but he worried for her.

But how could he not? She was fifteen, pregnant, kicked out of her mothers house and currently living with people she barely knew.

Not to mention she had to process all of that within the time span of a month without having somewhere to actually process it or relax for half of that time.

Ashtray didn't know much about the mental side of things, more focused on the now rather than worrying about the future, but he was sure that all of that would take a toll on her mind.

And now- watching as she fell asleep without a care in the world, right beside an addict who was singing underneath her breath and trying to get her to dance- he was certain that his assumption was correct.

He just hoped she would listen for the sake of not only herself but her unborn child as well.


When Cherry's eyes opened again the car was pulling up in the parking lot of surrounding buildings, she guessed they were either hotels or apartment buildings by the balcony's that some of the rooms had.

"Sleeping beauty finally awakes?"

Blinking slowly she allowed her vision to adjust before looking forward and spotting Ash staring at her, the same bored look he always held but Cherry was sure that she had seen amusement dancing around in the deep of his eyes.

"Who the fuck is this bitch?" Fezco's voice sounded, it was full of impatience and confusion.

When Cherry looked past Ash there were two people standing in front of the car, both tall and lanky, one female and the other male.

A click was heard as Ashtray turned the safety of his gun off, he wanted to be prepared for if something were to happen.

Fezco was quick to stop him by putting a hand on the gun and shaking his head ever so lightly, Ashtray gave him a look as Fezco got out of the car and approached the two strangers.

"Who the fuck is this man?"

Fezco's voice was muffled but Cherry didn't bother trying to understand what he was saying as her brain was still fuzzy with sleep.

All eyes in the car followed as Fezco and the man walked behind the car to talk.

A name was called, one that Cherry didn't recognise before the backseat door was being opened and another person occupied the final seat in the back.

"ten, twenty minutes tops alright? Just please stay in the car." Fezco said, directing his last words at Cherry, understanding from past experiences that she gets too curious at times.

"No fucking funny business. Let's go" Were the last things Fezco said before the three men were walking away and leaving the three females in the car.


The two females in the car with Cherry were making conversation, it was awkward but it was working.

Cherry's mind was too exhausted to deal with small talk at the moment so she did what she always does when she needs an escape, she went back to sleep.

Or atleast she tried to, it was a sudden pair of hands on her neck that had her snapping her eyes awake, desperately searching for the cause of her awakening. From the deep voice and large hands, she assumed it was a man.

The same hands stayed where they were placed on her neck as he and two other men dragged her and the other two females along.

When the hands turned her around and slammed her into the wall behind her she bit her lip to hide the wobble it made as her spine made contact with the hard surface.

"Hey man chill out with her!" Fezco exclaimed, the force of impact and sound her body made when it connected with the wall worried him.

Ashtray watched the scene with narrowed eyes, his gaze flickering between the men in the room as he came up with a plan in his head.

The man let go of her neck and stood by the doorway, keeping a close eye on all the people in the room.

A bald headed man walked past each person, looking them up and down.

The bald man grabs a hold of Faye's boyfriend's face, pressing it into the wall behind him as he speaks.

"You come to my mother fuckin' house, with two twelve year olds, two junky whores and a mother fucker I don't know? You outta your fuckin' mind?" The man speaks, before finally letting the guy go as he walks around again, saying a big speech about illegal activities and some person named Laurie.

Cherry would've heard every word loud and clear if it weren't for the fact that she was trying to keep her breathing steady, her back was aching and the tears that had gathered in her eyes were threatening to leak any second.

Cherry hated these new hormones, it seemed with any situation, good or bad, she'd either cry or laugh as a way to express herself and she hated it.

What brought her out of her thoughts were words that made her eyes widen, in fear of what these people were planning.

"Let's get naked, right fuckin' now"

Everyone in the room seemed to be questioning the same thing— was this man serious?

When no one moved the man repeated himself, this time louder and sterner than before. The sudden shout had Cherry hesitantly reaching for the zipper of her hoodie, unsure if she should obey what she was being told or not.

When the bald man spotted Cherry sliding her hoodie off her shoulders he stopped her, looking between both her and Ash before he spoke.

"Except you two. Keep your shit on, ain't nobody wanna see you naked, man" Bald guy turned to another guy in the room before ordering him, "BJ take their asses down the hall and stuff them in the fuckin' closet".

The man—BJ— didn't hesitate, grabbing both Cherry and Ash and shoving them infront of him as he put a gun to the backs of their heads as motivation to keep moving.

"Yo come on man, chill!" Fezco's voice was heard from down the hallway.

BJ shoved the both of them into the closet, making sure to slam the door shut and lock it so they couldn't get out.

Two sighs were heard, both in sync before a groan sounded from inside the closet.

"I need to pee!"

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