iii. no more couch

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FEZ AND ASH WERE EXPECTING VISITORS TODAY. They had kept it short and simple when explaining who was coming and why they were coming.

Cherry didn't know how to feel, on one hand she was excited because she was going to witness a drug deal first hand, on the other hand she was scared.

Not just for herself, but for her baby aswell. There were millions of questions that ran through her head all morning, all filled with anxiety as she worried.

She figured it was normal to worry, it was a natural instinct when something unfamiliar was being presented to you.

Fez had told her not to sweat it and that it was something that happened regularly but how could she not, what if something bad were to happen?

It was a knock that brought her out of her thoughts, when she looked up towards the door Ashtray was standing in the doorway with a bored look on his face.

"The guys will be here in a minute, Fez said not to come out until he says so" Ashtray says, giving her a look before leaving and closing the door behind him.


Cherry was impatient.

It had already been a whole five years since Ash had left.

Okay— maybe she was exaggerating a little bit. But in truth, she was getting bored. That, and she needed to pee.

Turns out that being pregnant isn't all that fun when you're stuck in your room while your roommates/new friends are performing a drug deal in the living room.

She considered texting Fez to see if he was done but decided against it, if they weren't she could be interrupting something important.

Besides, if she was quiet enough she could reach the bathroom at the end of the hall no worries.

Picking herself up from off the bed she did a lap around the small room, going over her plan on her head.

After giving herself a quick pep talk and staring at the door for thirty seconds straight she finally opens it, deciding to leave it open so it's easier to get into if she's in a hurry.

Cherry creeped down the hallway, hearing nothing but silence coming from the living room. She wondered if they were already finished and the guys just forgot to tell her- but it had only been five or so minutes and surely that wasn't enough time for a drug deal, right?

A clanging was heard which was soon followed by whines of pain, a frown came across Cherry's face and once again, she cursed herself for being so nosy.

The sight of two injured men on the floor infront of her- one unconscious and the other holding his face, with blood pooling at the ground beneath each body - had her forgetting all about her need to use the bathroom.

"Dude... what the fuck?" Fez asked in his usual slow tone, bringing his hands down from his face and looking directly at Ashtray who Cherry only just noticed was standing between each body with a hammer in his hands.

A squeak left Cherry's mouth, unintentionally of course, and both Fez and Ash snapped their heads in her direction.

"Shit" Ashtray cursed, looking between the mess on the floor and Cherry who was still standing at the end of the hallway, a look of horror on her face as her eyes linger on the man sprawled across the couch.

"Oh man. That was my favourite seat" She frowned, her foot stomping slightly as she crossed her arms.


There was a girl in the backseat with her, it was obvious she was on something and Cherry wondered who exactly this was and how they knew Fezco and Ashtray.

The girl with the red hoodie poked her head between the two front seats and continued singing along to the song on the radio, Cherry was impressed with how well the strange girl was singing along.

The girl bent her head down towards a magazine Ashtray had left in the backseat, one Cherry specifically remembers telling him to throw out after using it to soak up coffee that had been spilt.

Cherry considered telling the girl about the coffee soaked magazine but decided against it when she dipped her head down and snorted whatever she had put on the magazine.

After putting the magazine at her feet, she continued singing along before she realised someone else was in the backseat and tried to get Cherry to dance in her seat with her.

The girl wrapped an arm around Cherry as leverage, seeming to need something or someone to keep her stable as whatever she has snorted began to kick in.

Through the rear-view mirror she met Ashtray's eyes which were already focused in her direction.

He looked fed up with whatever was happening in the backseat and when Cherry shot him a desperate look, clearly asking for help when the girl lifted Cherry's arms and tried to get her to dance, he had snapped.

"Yo, can you tell her to shut the fuck up?" The question was directed to Fezco, who was driving them to the unknown destination.

"Yeah Rue— you gotta chill out back there, for real" Fez kept his eyes on the road as he spoke, "Me and Ash gotta handle some serious business right now so".

The girl— Rue, leaned back and brought her arms behind her head. "Yeah no— I can do that. Stay back here, with her... It's real comfy".

Cherry wasn't sure if Rue was being sarcastic or not, considering she had only just met her she knew she wouldn't be able to tell anytime soon.

When Rue began mumbling to herself, something about a Jules and train station, Cherry tuned her out and brought her legs to her chest.

She leant her head on the window and closed her eyes- hoping for some rest while Fez and Ash do whatever it is that's so important.

The first episode is going to be split
into parts, considering half of
this chapter was just a filler.

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