viii. aches

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CHERRY WAS CERTAIN THAT THIS CHILD WAS GOING TO END HER. She didn't want to be dramatic about it but that was the only way to explain it.

Her back had been aching all day, she brushed it off as sleeping in an awkward position earlier that morning but after multiple hours of the ache she'd had enough.

She was sure it had intensified throughout the day.

"You good?" Fezco's voice was heard and when Cherry turned to face him he was standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a plate in his hand, having just eaten dinner.

Cherry hummed and gave him a tight smile which she was sure showed as a grimace instead.

She didn't want to worry him, considering everything he's already done for her, a hospital bill should be the last thing on his mind and she didn't want to burden him.

"Ion know if that was a yes or a no but'chu don't look too good" Fez stated, his voice slow but his eyes held one of concern.

"I'm okay" Cherry insisted, a soft smile on her face as she tried to reassure him.

"Really? Cause you been limpin round all day and holdin your back" Fezco said and gestured to her body which was leaned onto the sink behind her.

"It's nothing serious, just a back ache" She responded, breathing through her nose when the same ache travelled through her body again.

Fezco gave her a long look, his doe eyes staring her down and Cherry could've sworn she felt a bead of sweat roll down her temple.

He didn't take his eyes off her when he shouted, "Yo, Ash!" and seconds later Ashtray appeared, face bare and marker in hand.

Ashtray nodded in acknowledgment and looked between the two in the kitchen.

"Does she look okay to you" Fez asked, his eyes still remaining on the young girl as he spoke to his brother.

Ashtray frowned at his brothers question before focusing his attention on the girl infront of him.

Cherry wouldn't admit it, but she definitely looked and felt suspicious in that moment.

Her back was slightly hunched, her left foot tapping alarmingly fast—something she had been doing all day and it annoyed Ashtray greatly—,her chest was rising and falling fast too, and her fingers were twitching, wanting to pull at the skin around her nails but refraining from doing so.

Ashtray's eyes narrowed slightly, he crossed his arms as he leant against the doorframe.

A hum fell from him lips before he spoke, "Nah".

Fezco threw his arms in the air, "That's what i'm trynna tell her but she don't wanna listen"

"Because nothings wrong!" Cherry exclaimed, her body becoming tense as another ache racked through her back.

"Cher you gotta think about the baby, if somethings wrong we gotta know" Ashtray spoke, giving her a pointed look that made her break eye contact to stare at the floorboards.

Although his words were true she didn't think it was anything too serious, she most likely just pulled a muscle when re-stocking the shelves yesterday.

After thinking over Ashtray's words she sighed, it was better to be safe than sorry.

"My backs just been hurting all day" She mumbled, still staring at the floor as she kicks it.

A sigh was heard along with some hushed mumbles between the two infront of her.

"Alright, you go lay down for a while. If your back still hurts in a couple of hours we'll take you to the hospital" Fezco suggested, nodding in the direction of her room.


It seemed that Fezco and Asthray were right, not that Cherry would ever actually admit.

After a two hour nap her back seemed to be getting a lot better, granted there was still a dull ache at the centre of her spine but that appeared to be going away aswell.

A knock sounded from the outside of Cherry's room to which she called out for the person to come in.

She'd woken up a little over ten minutes ago and was reading through her social's.

The door creaked open slightly and the light from the hallway flowed into the dark room.

"How long have you been up?" Ashtray's voice was heard, with Cherry's eyes adjusting to the new light it was hard to recognise who had stepped into her room but after a few seconds she was able to see.

Ashtray stood in the doorway with his pyjamas on, they were simple and plain.

"Like twenty minutes? Around that" Cherry responded and adjusted herself to sit up and face him.

Ashtray gave a short nod before speaking again, "And how's your back? Still hurt?"

"A lot better" She nodded, giving him a gentle smile of reassurance.

He released a breath he didn't know he was holding, over the course of the two hours she'd been asleep he'd came and checked on her three times— all of which he'd found her sound asleep.

"That's good" He nodded before hesitating with his next words, "Uh— We're all watching a movie out here if you wanna join? If you're up to it of cour—"

"Sure" Cherry cut off with a laugh before getting up from the bed and stretching.

Ashtray waited for Cherry outside her door, letting her get whatever she needed as he waited patiently.

After a minute or two she stepped out with a throw blanket in her arms.

The both of them walked to the living room where both Fez and Faye greeted her, asking her how she felt and giving her a smile when she answered them.

Both Ashtray and Cherry sat on the couch across from Faye and Fezco, sitting under the throw blanket Cherry brought from her room as they all laughed at the comedy movie playing on the small television.

this is just a filler chapter
until i can write the episode
scenes. but omg this book just
hit 200 reads, thank you to everyone
taking the time to read it! i appreciate
it so much <3

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