xvii. touches

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ASHTRAY'S LOVE LANGUAGE SEEMED TO BE PHYSICAL TOUCH, that was proven when he would non-stop keep his hands to himself around Cherry.

Wherever they were, whether they were watching movies, in the store or cooking dinner. Whether it was just hand holding, resting his hands on her baby bump or having a hand on her leg— Ashtray was always touching her.

They were innocent touches of course— though something about it made the young girl feel so loved she almost believed Ash had loved her.

"Can you pass me the mix?" Cherry asked, looking over her shoulder at Ash who hovered behind her.

After Ashtray taught Cherry how to play Minecraft— with them then building an entire city over the course of five hours— they'd missed dinner and were hungry.

It was just coincidental that Cherry was craving some cheese toasties and pancakes.

It was an odd mixture but Ash didn't speak up about his thoughts— especially after witnessing the young girl rage on Faye when the blonde asked why they were making said foods at 11pm on a wednesday night.

After giving the pancake mix a quick stir he passed it onto Cherry who was stood over the stove with a chefs hat and spotty pink apron.

He stood behind her, with one hand resting on her lower stomach and the other directing her hand to lift the pancake with the spatula she was holding.

It took them fourty five minutes to cook everything, not including the extra ten after they'd finished eating.

After making sure there were no dirty dishes left lying around they retreated back to Ashtray's room— finding it better for the both of them to stay in rather than Cherry's small and cramped room.

Cherry huffed and dawdled to Ashtray's bathroom, her stomach feeling five times heavier due to the bloating.

While Cherry did her business, Ashtray went and collected a pair of pyjamas from the girls room, grabbing a pair of fuzzy socks when his eyes saw them.

He faintly remembers Cherry speaking about how she liked to wear fuzzy socks to bed.

When he returned to his room he found said girl sprawled out on his bed, arms and legs spread out like a starfish and her baby bump peeking through the shirt she was wearing.

"I got your hello kitty ones tonight" Ashtray stated, gesturing to the pyjamas he held in his hand while he closed the door.

He'd message Fez later to let him know that Cherry was with him, and to not panic if he couldn't find the girl in the morning.

Cherry lifted her head and gave him a grin, catching the clothing items when Ash threw them.

What she wasn't expecting was something fluffy hitting her square in the forehead just a second later and Ash letting out a loud laugh.


Cherry felt like a zombie as she closed the door to Fezco's car and said goodbye to the older man.

She did not want to be at school today.

She'd much rather be at Rue's helping her piece together a puzzle, or playing battleships. Or even helping Fezco and Faye out in the store.

But atleast Ash was here, she thought.

People at school had begun to notice Cherry Abram's protruding stomach, her weird food combinations and the times she'd be excused from class and be found throwing up in the bathroom.

She wasn't ever a fan of the attention, not when she was little and playing sick to stay home from school plays, and certainly not now.

The girl felt a hand on her lower back, almost immediately knowing it was Ashtray's hand and relaxing just slightly at the touch of a comforting touch.

"Just ignore them" He whispered into her hear as he began to direct the both of them to their lockers.

Cherry gave a short nod and when she saw her locker she rushed over and got everything she needed before walking with Ash to his own locker.

After they'd gotten everything and the bell had rung they went to their first classes of the day, both were disappointed when they realised their classes were on opposite sides of the school.

The school day went by slowly—it appeared that with the more people silently stared at the Abrams girl, the longer she walked down the seemingly never ending hallways.

She could feel her chest tightening, feeling the gazes of eyes on her stomach that was covered by one of Fezco's old t-shirts.

In Cherry's eyes it wasn't even that noticeable, but maybe they could notice it so well because they were looking at her as a whole, and not only her stomach.

When her ears began to muffle the noises that sounded around her, she felt a hand latching onto hers.

Startled by the contact she looked down before looking up at the owner of the hand.

It was Ashtray.

He was there, holding her hand, in the hallway, infront of everyone.

It was almost like he knew she was getting anxious, that her breathing was quickening and her mind was becoming foggy.

He gave her a soft smile—one she didn't ever see anywhere but the apartment— and he tugged her in the direction of the entrance, eager to escape the fellow students.

That evening they walked home, their hands still connected and sharing smiles everytime they caught the other staring.

"I think i'm gonna get a job" Cherry declared, a determined look on her face as she looked at their surroundings.

Ashtray frowned at her words, he'd thought she already unofficially worked at the gas station, but maybe she just wanted to be independent and have some time away.

"I can ask around for the best suggestions if you'd like?" He suggested, swinging their arms a little as they turned a corner.

Cherry gave him a grin as she nodded, her mind filling with thoughts of how much she liked the boy beside her.

i am flabbergasted at how quick
the reads on this story went up,
you guys are amazing— thank you
so much!

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