v. new years

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CHERRY HATED PARTIES WITH HER ENTIRE BEING, and after the night she'd had— from being grabbed by the neck, to being stuffed into a closet with Ashtray— she was sure her hate for parties grew.

All Cherry wanted to do was go back to the apartment and crash on her bed, both her mind and body were exhausted and she needed a good twelve or so hours of sleep.

"We not gon' be here for too long okay?" Fez said, he had noticed her slow blinking and the way she was slumped against the couch the two were sitting on.

Her head rolls to meet Fezco's gaze, his eyes filled with reassurance as he nods to his left.

"Why don't you go check what Ash is doin? See if he wants some help?" He suggested, wanting the two's bond to improve from their not acknowledging eachother at all bond.

In truth, he wanted Ashtray to trust someone other than himself. However he also thought Cherry could use someone to talk to, a friend perhaps.

In the short time that Cherry had stayed with them, Fezco had developed a sibling-like bond with her, caring for her the way he cared for Ashtray— though not exactly the same, something similar— and wanting to look out for her.

A slow nod was received from the young girl before she lifted herself up and began walking in the direction Ashtray had gone in when they first got here.

After searching through small crowds of people she spotted him by the pool, sitting with three or so other people as they talked.

Cherry hesitated on walking over, Ashtray seemed interested in whatever was being said and she didn't want to interrupt just because she didn't know where else to go.

"Cherry!" Ashtray called once noticing her outside, he had been watching her out of the corner of his eye the second she stepped out the door but didn't want to come off as creepy, but she had been standing in the same spot for a while with a frown on her face and it was beginning to worry him.

When her gaze met his he waved a hand over, directing her towards him and welcoming her an eyebrow raise.

"You guys this is Cherry" He introduced her, scooting over in his seat and offering her the space beside him.

"Yo, aren't you Andrea's daughter?" The guy sitting beside Ashtray asked.

Cherry, taken back by how this stranger automatically knew who she was opened her mouth to respond before closing it once Ashtray spoke for her.

"Nah man, you got the wrong person" He was frowning, his face looked stern and Cherry wondered why he had a sudden change of heart.

Just a few days ago he acted like she never existed and now, he was sticking up for her and letting her sit beside him?

Cherry was beyond confused.

Nevertheless she was thankful he had denied the strangers question, for she knew if she opened her mouth to answer she'd most likely end up spilling everything.

When the three strangers began to speak together Ashtray turned to Cherry, the frown still in place but this time he held a softness in his eyes.

"You good? You need anything?" He asked, his eyes searching her face as he tried to figure her out.

Cherry shook her head before twisting her fingers together and picking at her cuticles, something Ash took notice of and made a mental note to scold her about later.

no. Fez told me to come see what you were up to" She responded and nodded along with herself.

Just as Ashtray was about to answer his phone rung, he slipped it out of his pocket and gave Cherry a look before answering it.

"Yo, whats good?" He greeted, the person on the other end of the screen said something before Ash nodded and replied, "Right, sure thing".

After ending the call he stood up and glanced down at Cherry who was leaning back in the seat rubbing her eyes.

"C'mon Cher its time to go" He spoke, reaching for her wrists to help her up. If Cherry wasn't so tired she may have taken notice to the nickname he used, but alas her mind was foggy and about ready to shut down.

Cherry let Ashtray place an arm around her shoulder, saying goodbye to the people he was sitting with as he leads them away from the pool area.

"Where are we going?" Cherry mumbled, frowning when she realised they weren't sitting down anymore.

Picking up the speed of his walking he hurried Cherry along, telling her they were getting Rue and leaving.

They approached a campfire area where a bunch of people were sitting on camping chairs before Ashtray stopped walking, bringing Cherry to a stop as he bent down to speak to Rue.

"Yo, Fez said if you want a ride— nows the time" He spoke quietly to her, hiking his backpack that Cherry only just noticed further onto his shoulder before dragging her away as they walked in the direction of the cars.

When they found the car Ashtray directed Cherry to sit in the back by opening the door for her, after making sure she was strapped in properly he got into the drivers seat and started the car— looking anxiously over the steering wheel.

The next thing they knew, people were shouting and gathering around the house, all trying to get a glimpse at whatever was going on inside.

Ashtray frowned, his anxiety sky rocketing with every second he waited for his brother.

"Why're they shouting?" Cherry questioned, sticking her head between the two front seats to get a look at people rushing past the car.

However it wasn't Ashtray who answered her question, instead it was a stranger running away from the house with a group of friends.

"Fezco is beating Nate's ass in!"

Cherry's eyebrows flew up, almost touching her hairline as she spoke.

"Well shit. Go Fez"

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