xv. rue's outburst

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THINGS WITH ASHTRAY WERE DIFFERENT NOW, not a bad different— but a good different.

They kept their boundaries and limits, with Ashtray respecting her decisions and Cherry figuring herself out— it all seemed to be working out.

Fezco and Faye both suspected something was up, but how could they not— with the two spending every waking moment together it was hard to not notice their sudden closeness.

But both Ashtray and Cherry weren't too worried about hiding it— so when Fezco finally got the courage to confront them about it, they both gave a short shrug before focusing back on the cake mix they were stirring.

That was three days ago.

A lot can happen in three days, and the two's unlabelled relationship appeared to be proof of that.

"Yo! Why's the door locked!" Fezco shouted, banging on the door that early saturday morning.

It was 10am and Fezco was concerned when he woke up but didn't see Cherry anywhere around the apartment, his last resort had been to check Ashtray's room— considering he wasn't up and about either.

"Ash open the fuckin' door, man" Fezco shouted, his banging getting louder as he cursed the young boy out in his head.

At the loud noises both Ashtray and Cherry awoke, groaning in sync as they're both hit with an ache in their skull.

"Shut up!" Ash yelled back, turning onto his side and shovelling his head further into Cherry's brunette locks— immediately catching the smell of her grapefruit shampoo.

"Get the fuck up Ash! We got shit to do and we need to find Cher" Fezco shouted again and at the loud noise Cherry groaned, shoving her head into Ashtray's pillow.

"I don't want to play 'who can shout the loudest' right now Fez" She raged, curling her legs up and pulling the blanket over her head.

At the loss of touch Ashtray groaned even louder before getting up and stomping straight towards the door.

When the door keeping the three apart was opened it revealed a bewildered Fezco who was looking back and forth between the two teens.

"What the fuck is she doin' in there Ash?" His words were mixed with his ragged breathing, his previous banging taking the breath out of him.

"We fell asleep watchin a movie" Ashtray mumbles through a yawn as he lifts his arms to stretch.

"How late did you stay up?" Fezco asked, his frown deepening when he noticed that Cherry still hadn't moved from her spot underneath the young boys covers.

It was unusual for her to not be up and dancing around the room.

"Until like five I think— we were trying to finish watching the marvel series" Ashtray said, his morning voice raspy as he leant against the wall and slowly blinked.

"Five? You gotta be fuckin kidding me, man." Fezco's words were spoken slowly, as usual. "Alright I'm heading to the store to open up— you guys stay here"

Ashtray didn't question Fezco's words, heading straight back into his room and throwing himself down on the bed right beside Cherry.


"I need to pee— i'll be back in a second" Cherry stated, jumping up from her spot beside Ashtray and running down the hallway to the bathroom.

From the bathroom Cherry could hear loud bangs, she assumed it might've been someone at the door but she wasn't able to check and confirm her suspicions.

A door opens and closes before voices start speaking, through the many walls it's hard for Cherry to determine who exactly it is.

Just as she's opening the door someone stumbles past her, knocking her into the door frame by accident and successfully taking the breath out of her.

"Shit... I'm sorry" The person spoke, when Cherry looked up she realised it was Rue— someone she hadn't seen for atleast two weeks.

Cherry gave her a soft smile and shook her head, wordlessly telling her it was fine before moving out of her way.

After the door closes Cherry can hear Fezco speaking to himself as he stands at the end of the hallway, rubbing his face with his hands.

Cherry gave a look to the bathroom door before beginning her walk back to the couch.

"Was that Rue?" Ash asked, a frown on his face as he watched Cherry slip down beside him.

She gave him a hum of agreement, looking over her shoulder every few seconds.

"Yeah— she looked like shit" Cherry said nervously, biting down on her bottom lip.

Out of habit her fingers went to pulling at the skin around her nails, anxiously picking at the hard flesh.

Seeing her fingers fidget Ashtray picked up one of her hands and interlocked their fingers.

A second later Fezco joined them on the couch, sitting down and letting out a deep breath as he kept his eyes on the hallway Rue was in.

"When does Rue not look like shit" Ashtray joked, hoping to see the beauty beside him grace the room with a smile.

"No but—" Before she can finish her sentence Fezco stands up abruptly, startling the two as he curses and speed walks in the direction of the hallway.

It's silent as the two watch nervously, both holding onto each others hands as they wait to see why Fezco had gotten up so quickly.

Just a few moments later there's a loud bang, along with some curses and shouting.

"— Get the fuck off me you piece of shit!"  Cherry can make out, and by the tone of voice she can tell it's Rue's. 

"Hell nah!" Fezco exclaims, stomping is heard before both appear in eyesight.

"Nah we not doin' this shit tonight!" Fezco shouts, dragging Rue out by her torso while she yells out profanities left and right.

The yelling continues with Rue now apologising as Fez drags her to the door, both Ash and Cherry watching from the couch.

Cherry can feel a squeeze of her hand and when she looks down Ashtray's hand is clutching her own so tight she almost loses feeling in it.

i wrote this chapter while
cooking macaroni and drinking
lemonade from a wine glass.

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