xxii. mario kart & maddy

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CHERRY ABRAMS HAD ANGER ISSUES, not all the time, only when she was being competitive— but honestly, who doesn't?

Grunts and groans were heard from the living room, aswell as some faint stomps and whines from a certain boy named after a certain smoking accessory.

"Ash!" Cherry called loudly, her face pulled together in concentration as her eyes focus on the TV infront of her, "Slow down!"

"We're playing mario kart, Cher!" Ash shouted back, his body moving with his character on a specific sharp turn.

"So? You need to wait for me!" Cherry insisted, her hands twisting the controller left and right as she tried to dodge a banana peel.

"No I don't!" Ashtray said, yelping when he was hit with three shells in a row, successfully knocking him back into seventh place— leaving Cherry in third.

Cherry gave an evil chuckle, one that sounded like a cartoon villain— a grin stayed on her face the entire time, until the game finished and the results were shown.

"That was so not fair!" Ash whined, flopping back onto the couch and crossing his arms.

"I wanna play again!" Cherry insisted, sitting beside Ashtray as she took a gummy snake and dropped it into her mouth.


Cherry learnt her lesson on difficult customers at Fez and Ash's store, but still, they somehow always found a way to arriving when Cherry was on her shift.

Like right now, the young girl was arguing with some middle aged trucker because they currently didn't have any jelly filled doughnuts, and that they won't have any until tomorrow.

"You don't understand— I need a jelly filled doughnut!" He insisted, his hands grasping the counter infront of him as he leans forward.

"No you don't understand sir, we don't have any" Cherry stated, leaning back with every second the man leans towards her.

"I don't care if you don't have any, this is a cafe— make some!" He said, pointing his hands in the direction of the kitchen area.

Cherry but her tongue, pressing her teeth into it as she glared at the man infront of her.

"Kid— listen to me!" The man shouted, leaning forward even more, at this point he was near half over the counter.

The bell rang in the distance, signalling that someone had entered the building— Cherry almost sighed in relief.

She didn't want to deal with this today, she'd woken up to puking— even though it was supposed to go away in her second trimester— and her feet and back were killing her.

"Hey! Did you hear me? I said—" Before the man could continue harassing Cherry, a new voice cut in, it was fierce and persistent.

"Could you learn some fucking respect"

When Cherry looked behind the man she saw a girl around two or more years older than her, with almost black hair and eye makeup that could make a makeup artist jealous.

"Was I talking to—" Once again, the black haired woman cut him off, a stern look on her face as she took a step closer.

"I don't give a fuck who you were talking to— they don't have any, move the fuck along and stop harassing them"

By the woman's tone, Cherry could tell that she also didn't want to deal with this— perhaps she had a backache too, or maybe she had a drastic life change.

The man let out a grunt and stormed out of the cafe, trying to slam the door shut but failing when it slowly closed.

A sigh was heard, and Cherry recognised that it came from the woman infront of her.

"How much longer are you open for?" She asked, rubbing a hand down her face as she pulled out her wallet. "And can I please have a choc-chip muffin"

Cherry got the woman her order, putting it into a paper bag before answering her. "We're open for another hour atleast"

The woman nodded slowly, looking behind her before asking her question. "You're here alone?"

Her tone was curious, as well as her eyes as they took in her surroundings.

"Uh— yeah, they all got let off early" She said distractedly, placing the muffin on the counter and telling her the cost.

"Your name's Cherry?" She asked, passing the cash over and taking the bag with the muffin in it.

"Yeah— how'd you know?" She said, surprised this stranger knew who she was.

The woman gave a chuckle, pointing to her chest as she explained. "Your name tag"

Something caught her eye, a gentle smile graced her face. "And congratulations"

Cherry's eyes widened, placing a hand on her bump before speaking. "Thank you!"

"How far along are you?" the woman asked, putting her change in her back pocket.

"Eighteen weeks on tuesday" Cherry grinned.

The stranger nodded, "Well I wish you a safe pregnancy— I'm Maddy by the way"

The stranger— Maddy, gave her one last smile before turning around and walking out of the store, leaving Cherry feeling ten times better then when she first stepped in.

this chapter was very rushed,
but i feel the need to clear a few
things up. in episode eight, lexi
says something similar to 'they
spoke for months' regarding her
and fezco — i may be wrong—
but because of that, there will be
mostly filler chapters until the next

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